The SDGs Advanced – Quality Education

Today’s GOALS
Let’s have a look at the goals for today.
“Quality Education” is the topic of this unit.

Today’s Goals
■Learn the vocabulary and expressions related to education.
■Get to know and share your thoughts on the countries facing education issues.
■Give a presentation about education, in your opinion.
Part A_1 Self-introduction
Let’s introduce ourselves to each other.
My name is ________. What is your name?
Part A_2 Self introduction
I am ________. Nice to meet you.
Part A_3 Self-introduction
Nice to meet you too, ________. Let’s begin.
Part B_1 Reading
Please read aloud the passage below.
Part B_2 Reading
Health and sanitation
 In 2020, across the world, almost 5 million children under the age of five died. Nearly half of that number are newborns. These large mortality numbers are mostly due to illnesses that can be prevented or treated. Malaria and AIDS (HIV infection), for example, can be prevented if you know how to avoid them.
Part B_3 Reading
I will ask the following questions. Please answer based on the passage.
Part B_4 Reading
1. According to the passage, what diseases could be prevented if we knew how to avoid them?
Part B_5 Reading
Part B_6 Reading
2. Did you do your research on the sub-textbook? Did you find an activity to solve the health issue? Please tell me what the organization/association does and how you feel about it.
Part B_7 Review

Part B_8 Reading
Now, let’s review your answers.
Part B_9 Reading
Part B_10 Reading
So far, we reviewed the previous lesson topic, “Good Health and Well-Being.” Do you have any questions? In the next part, we are going to learn about “quality education.”

Part C_1 Description

Find out where Pakistan is located.

1. Where is Pakistan? A, B or C?
Part C_2 Description

The answer is _________.

Part C_3 Description

Please look at and study the pictures below. These are pictures from Japan and Pakistan. I will ask you a question.
(Give the student at least 20 seconds to study both pictures.)
Part C_4 Description

2. What can you see in the pictures? Please describe as many as you can from each picture.


Part C_5 Description


Part C_6 Description

Now, let’s review your answers.

Part C_7 Description

Part C_8 Description
Did you get any images of education issues? If you have anything you don’t know well, please keep researching after the lesson.
Part D_1 Vocabulary
We’ll read aloud the words and sample sentences below. Please repeat after me. I will check your pronunciation.
Part D_2 Vocabulary
enroll 就学する

Local governments aim to enroll all children in schools that are within walking distance of their homes.
foundational 基礎的な

Children must learn foundational reading and writing skills.
consistency 一貫性のある

There is a lack of consistency in the rules. They must be changed.
assessment 評価

Assessment tests must be consistent and effective.
Part D_3 Vocabulary
Now, let’s review some words from Part D_2.
(Please review the mispronounced words and expressions from Part D_2.)
Part D_4 Vocabulary
Part D_5 Vocabulary
Please look at the pictures below. Now, fill in the blanks with the words you learned and read aloud the complete sentences.
(Please give the student time to answer.)
Part D_6 Vocabulary

1. Children are highly encouraged to _______________ in primary education.

2. _______________ skills such as reading and writing help children develop their thinking abilities.


3. If there is no _______________ in the education system, its quality will decrease.


4. _______________ exams are important to determine a learner’s ability.
Part D_7 Vocabulary
Now, let’s review your answers.
Part D_8 Vocabulary
Part D_9 Vocabulary
Do you have any questions about the meaning of the words?
Then, let’s move on to the next part.
Part E_1 Reading
Please read aloud the passages below. After that, I will ask the following questions. Please answer based on the passages.
Part E_2 Reading
Primary education
Every child has the right to receive primary education. Primary education is typically designed for students aged 6 to 11. It contributes significantly to the reduction of extreme poverty and the promotion of social change.

The global adjusted net attendance rate in 2019 was 87 percent, with nearly four out of every five children graduating from elementary school. In addition, the number of out-of-school children has declined by over 40 percent in the last two decades. However, 58 million children in elementary school are not enrolled. The bulk of them is from underprivileged communities.

Data from the Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS) show that many children lack foundational reading and math skills. It means that providing a high-quality education to all children is a major challenge.

Part E_3 Reading
1. How many children in primary school are not enrolled?
Part E_4 Reading
Part E_5 Reading
The issue of education in Pakistan
There are several problems with the education system in Pakistan. The first is that there are multiple educational systems, and they lack consistency.

Another one is that the curriculum and assessment systems are outdated. The curriculum focuses on memorization, and the assessment system does not assess critical thinking.

However, Pakistan’s main issue is its high dropout rate. Pakistan has the highest dropout rate among developing countries. According to 2017 research, 40% of children aged 5 to 6 years old did not attend school. Poverty and child labor are all key contributors to this issue. One solution to this problem is to help poor families send their children to school instead of working.

Part E_6 Reading
2. According to the article, what are the two causes of Pakistan’s high dropout rates?
Part E_7 Reading
Part E_8 Reading

Now, let’s review your answers.

Part E_9 Reading

Part F_1 Preparing
In this part, you will give a presentation about “what students want to learn at school.”

Quality education is defined differently by each individual.
It would be nice if you could learn what you want to learn.
So, let’s think about “Quality Education” from the students’ point of view.

First, I will ask you some questions. The answers will be the key to your presentation.

Part F_2 Preparing
What do you want to learn at school?
Please give two ideas. It can be existing subjects or new subjects.
Part F_3 Preparing
(Please send the ideas in the chatbox as a record or hint for the next step.)
Part F_4 Preparing
What benefits can you get from learning them?
Part F_5 Preparing
(Please send the ideas in the chatbox as a record or hint for the next step.)
Part F_6 Preparing
Then, let’s make a presentation. I will read the sample presentation, and I will give you 2 minutes to prepare.

The things students want to learn at school
Opening Good morning, afternoon, or evening. Today, I’d like to talk about (theme).
I’ll pick up two things today.
Body ① (first idea and reason)
② (second idea and reason)
Closing As a student, these are the two things I would like to learn during my school life. Thank you for listening.
Part G_1 Presentation
Now, it’s your turn. You will give a presentation. After that, I will give feedback and ask a question. You will have 1-2 minutes to present.
Part G_2 Presentation
(Please start your presentation now.)
The things I want to learn at school
Opening Good morning, afternoon, or evening. Today, I’d like to talk about (theme).
I’ll pick up two things today.
Body ① __________________________________________
② __________________________________________
Closing _____________________________________________
※ヒント:Part F_2と4の答えを参考にしよう
Part G_3 Presentation
Thank you for your presentation. How was it? Now, I will tell you the good points of your presentation.
(Please give 2 positive feedback about the student’s presentation.)
Part G_4 Presentation
Secondly, I will ask you a question about your presentation.
(Please ask a question about the student’s presentation.)
Part G_5 Presentation
Part G_6 Presentation
Now, let’s review your answer.
Part G_7 Presentation
Part G_8 Presentation
Thank you for answering my question. Let us continue to learn and think about education issues, and then take action to solve them.
(If you still have enough time, you can share the situation of education in your country.)