Beginner Business Conversation: Job Application


Let’s read the dialogue. I will be Ron and you will be Emma. After reading it once, we’ll switch roles.




One morning, Ron calls Emma to help him for his job application.

Thanks for coming, Emma. I’m looking for a new job. I believe it’s time for me to have a change of career.
I thought you enjoy working for Best Tuna Corporation especially that their Yummy Tuna products have become popular in our country?

I really enjoyed working as the Quality Assurance Manager for Best Tuna Corporation. However, I have to leave my job to focus more on my career growth. I’m planning to work in a pharmaceutical company this time. I’m just not sure which position to apply for.
I visited a job search web site a few days ago and there were many positions in the pharmaceutical field that you can apply for. I’m sending you their web site link right now. By the way, have you put your latest information on your resume?

Yes, I already updated my resume as well as my cover letter. I received the web site link you sent and just a few minutes ago, they posted about their job fair at Mall XYZ tomorrow. This is my chance to send my resume and cover letter to pharmaceutical companies. Thank you, Emma!

That’s great! I’m happy to help. Good luck with your job search tomorrow!


Let’s read the meaning and examples of each word aloud. Please repeat after me.


1. Word:
pharmaceutical (adjective:形容詞)
related in the making and selling of medicines

Ms. Smith is working in a pharmaceutical company.

résumé (noun:名詞)
a short document of your personal information, skills, education and work experience

Mr. Evans sent his resume to ten companies.

3. Word:
job fair (noun:名詞)
a public event for companies and employers to meet job seekers.

Anna is going to a job fair this morning to look for a job.


Let’s talk. Please answer my questions. You may ask me questions, too.



1. How do you usually find a job?
Answer: ________________
2. What is your dream job?
Answer: ________________
3. Based on question number 2, is your dream job your real job now?
If not yet, would you still like it to come true? Why or why not?
Answer: ________________
4. Are there job fairs in your country?
If yes, have you attended any of them?
Answer: ________________
5. If you could have any job in the world for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
Answer: ________________
6. What kind of job/s interest you the most? How about the least?
Answer: ________________
7. What is the most popular job in your country? Would you like to work on that job?
Answer: ________________
8. Aside from your personal information, name at least three important things to put in your resume.
Answer: ________________
9. If you would have a part-time job, what would it be?
Answer: ________________
10. Do you want to travel and work abroad at the same time? Why or why not?
Answer: ________________