Expert Business Conversation: Retirement


Let’s read the dialogue. I will be Mr. Evans and you will be Mr. Newton. After reading it once, we’ll switch roles.


Mr. Evans talks to Mr. Newton about his upcoming retirement.

Time really flies. I didn’t notice that I have been working in PharmaCare for 30 years!
Wow! Time is really fast when you enjoy what you are doing. I heard the news about your retirement, Mr. Evans. What are your plans?

I am planning to retire in the countryside. I have had enough of the city life so I’ll get some fresh air and spend time with my family when I retire.
That’s great! I hope I could also prepare well for my retirement. I’m happy that you’ll be able to spend time with your family, but we will miss working with you here in PharmaCare. You are really a great part of our success.

I will miss working with all of you, too. Working became easier with all of you being around. Thanks for keeping me in high spirits while working in PharmaCare.

I am glad you enjoyed working with us, Mr. Evans. You’ve been an inspiration to us all. Enjoy your retirement days and visit us anytime.

Let’s read the meaning and examples of each word aloud. Please repeat after me.
1. Word:
time flies (idiom)
a certain period has passed surprisingly quickly
Time flies when you are busy.
2. Word:
high spirits (noun)
extremely happy and having a good time

They are always in high spirits when they see each other.

3. Word:
be an inspiration to (phrase)
to be so good that someone else admires you and is encouraged by your behavior

The way he handled his expenses is an inspiration to us all.


Let’s talk. Please answer my questions. You may ask me questions, too.

1. Would you like to retire abroad or in your own country?
Answer: ________________
2. What is the retirement age in your country?
Answer: ________________
3. What would you like to do a week after you retired?
Answer: ________________
4. Who would you like to spend youre reitrement with? Why?
Answer: ________________
5. How would you prepare for your retirement?
Answer: ________________
6. What can you say about people who retire early?
Answer: ________________
7. At what age would you like to retire?
Answer: ________________
8. What are the things you’d like to accomplish before you retire? Why?
Answer: ________________
9. Would you like to retire in the city or in the countryside?
Answer: ________________
10. Would you miss working once you retire? Why or why not?
Answer: ________________