Intermediate Business Conversation: Giving Advice


Let’s read the dialogue. I will be Mr. Evans and you will be Ms. Watson. After reading it once, we’ll switch roles.


Mr. Evans comes in and sees Ms. Watson who looks a bit sad.

Good morning, Ms. Watson. Is there something wrong? I think you should try to talk about it.
Good morning, Mr. Evans. Nothing much. I’m just thinking about resigning next month.

Why? If I were you, I would not do that. You are one of the best employees in the company. What seems to be the problem, Ms. Watson?
It’s about Mr. Newton. I don’t know how I can improve his performance. It is getting poor everyday.

I understand, but you need to think positively. It might be a good idea to let Mr. Newton observe everyone’s jobs in the office. Don’t worry. Everything will be fine.

I think that’s a good idea. I think I will also let him do easy tasks for now. I really hope his performance will improve very soon. Thanks, Mr. Evans.

Let’s read the meaning and examples of each word aloud. Please repeat after me.
1. Word:
resign (verb)
to officially tell your employer that you are leaving your job
He is planning to resign next year.
2. Word:
positively (adverb)
in a good or hopeful way

We should react positively to any situation.

3. Word:
observe (verb)
to watch someone or something carefully

Children learn more when they observe other people.


Let’s talk. Please answer my questions. You may ask me questions, too.

1. Do you like giving advice? Why? Why not?
Answer: ________________
2. Do you often ask for advice? How often?
Answer: ________________
3. Do you always follow advice that other people give you? Why? Why not?
Answer: ________________
4. Have you ever given an advice to someone? How did it go?
Answer: ________________
5. Do you think it is important to ask for advice when starting a new job? Why?
Answer: ________________
6. What kind of advice would you give to someone who just started working?
Answer: ________________
7. How do you react when someone gives you advice that you did not ask for?
Answer: ________________
8. When was the last time you have given an advice to someone?
Answer: ________________
9. What’s the best advice that someone has given you?
Answer: ________________
10. From whom do you always ask for advice? (family/friends)
Answer: ________________