Intermediate Business Conversation: Workplace Communication


Let’s read the dialogue. I will be Mr. Evans and you will be Mr. Adams. After reading it once, we’ll switch roles.


Mr. Evans came to the Human Resources Department office to ask the HR manager, Mr. Adams about something.

Good morning, Mr. Adams. Are you busy now? Would you mind if I talk to you for a while?
Good morning, Mr. Evans. Sure. I am not yet busy. How are you?

I’m doing well, though I am still adjusting in my new work environment. Anyway, I would like to ask you if it is possible for me to work on the day shift instead of the night shift. I have been hearing rumors from some employees about shift changes yesterday, however, I’m not sure if it is true so I decided to ask you.
Just to clear up that rumor, all employees are not allowed to change their current work shifts. However, we might consider shift changes in the future. Don’t worry, we will make an announcement about that this afternoon.

That would be a great idea so that everyone will be aware of the policy. Thank you for the confirmation, Mr. Adams.

I also want to thank you for asking me directly about this. Keep it up, Mr. Evans.

Let’s read the meaning and examples of each word aloud. Please repeat after me.
1. Word:
clear up (verb)
to give an explanation for something, or to deal with a problem
The manager needs to clear up some rumors in the office.
2. Word:
rumor (noun)
information that a lot of people are talking about although they do not know if it is true

The woman has been spreading rumors about the new employee.

3. Word:
shift (noun)
a time/period of work in a place such as a factory

I need to sleep early because I will be on the day shift tomorrow.


Let’s talk. Please answer my questions. You may ask me questions, too.

1. What do you do when you hear rumors?
Answer: ________________
2. What do you usually talk about with your friends/coworkers?
Answer: ________________
3. How do you communicate with your friends/coworkers?
Answer: ________________
4. How do you feel when talking to someone in a higher position or older than you?
Answer: ________________
5. What topics do you like for a conversation?
Answer: ________________
6. If you could have a chance to talk with a popular person, who would you talk to?
Answer: ________________
7. Do you find it easy to communicate effectively to everyone?
Answer: ________________
8. What is the advantage of proper and good communication in the workplace?
Answer: ________________
9. Do you want a job that requires you to talk to a lot of people?
Answer: ________________
10. What makes it easy to talk to someone?
Answer: ________________