Let’s learn new vocabulary. Listen and repeat these words with your tutor.
1. focus 集中する、焦点を当てる | |
The company needs to focus on its biggest clients. | |
2. expectation 期待 | |
He has little expectation of passing the interview. | |
3. cause 引き起こす、もたらす | |
Poor time management causes delays at work. | |
4. rude 失礼 | |
The customer apologized to her for being rude. | |
5. review 批評、評価、レビュー | |
The online review criticized the company’s services. |
I will ask the questions. Please answer them in complete sentences.
1. | What work-related skills do you need to focus on? |
2. | Do you think it is right to live up to your bosses’ expectations? |
3. | What are the things that cause trouble in your work? |
4. | How does it feel like to talk to a rude customer? |
5. | Could you tell me about a review of your company? |
Let’s read the dialogue. I will play Ron, and you will play Emma. Then, we’ll switch roles.
![]() Good morning! Could you tell me the problem that we need to focus on?
Good morning, Sir Ron. The problem that we need to focus on is the negative feedback on our services.
![]() Could you explain it further?
Yes! The services that we offered the last time did not meet the expectations of our customers.
![]() What has caused it?
We believe that the possible causes are our poor acknowledgment of customers’ concerns and rude staff. The reviews are unfavorable, and this has had a significant impact on sales.
![]() We need to think of resolutions as soon as possible.
I agree. We need to address this problem.
Let’s read the dialogue. Read aloud, and fill in the blanks as you remember the sentences you just read.
![]() Good morning! Could you tell me the problem that we need to focus on?
Good morning, Sir Ron. The problem that we need to __________ is the negative feedback on our services.
![]() Could you explain it further?
Yes! The services that we offered the last time did not meet the expectations of our customers.
![]() What has caused it?
We believe that the _________ are our poor acknowledgment of customers’ concerns and rude staff. The reviews are unfavorable, and this has had a significant impact on sales.
![]() We need to think of _________ as soon as possible.
I agree. We need to address this problem.
Let’s read the new dialogue. Read aloud, and fill in the blanks with the vocabulary and expressions you learned.
![]() Hello and good morning! Could you explain to me the problem that we need to focus on?
Good morning, Sir Ron. The problem that we need to __________ is unmotivated employees.
![]() Could you elaborate on this?
Sure! Demotivated employees may also take more personal time off during working hours, and that affects productivity.
![]() What has caused it?
We believe that the __________ is a lack of employee recognition. Employee recognition can go a long way toward increasing motivation.
![]() We need to think of __________ as soon as possible.
I totally agree. We need to address this problem as much as we can.
Let’s do a roleplay. Talk with me according to the situation below, using the expressions you just learned.
You are an HR staff, and you have to discuss a problem that your department needs to focus on. Think of the problem and its cause. Use the expressions that you learned today. Your tutor will be your colleague.
Now, let us review the things that you learned in this lesson.
(Please give a short feedback on how your student did in your class.)
Grammar 文法 |
Pronunciation 発音 | Vocabulary 単語 |
Comprehension 理解 |
![]() |
文法の誤りはほとんどなく、完全な文章で話すことができる | ほとんどの単語をはっきりと正しく発音することができる | 習った表現を適切に使うことができる | 文章を理解し、質問に正しく答えることができる |
![]() FAIR |
文法の誤りはあるが、完全な文章で話すことができる | 発音の練習が必要な言葉がいくつかある | たまにミスはあるが、習った表現を適切に使うことができる | 文章を完全に理解するのは難しく、質問に正しく答えられないときもある |
![]() POOR |
文章で話すのは難しく、単語だけで話すことができる | 発音の練習が必要である | 習った単語と表現を少しだけ使うことができる | 文章を理解するのは難しく、質問に答えるのは難しい |