Business (Intermediate Chapter 1)|ビジネス会話(中級1章)
Lesson99: Responding to feedback in a professional way

Let’s learn new vocabulary. Listen and repeat these words with your tutor.
1. work (on something) (~何かに)に取り組む
  I need to work on my typing speed more.
2. lately 近々
  Have you seen any good job openings lately?
3. traffic jam 交通渋滞
  My apologies, but I’m currently in a traffic jam. I might be late for about 10 minutes.
4. tardiness 遅延、遅刻
  He works well, but he has issues with tardiness.
5. diligence 勤勉、不断の努力
  She shows diligence in every task she does.
I will ask the questions. Please answer them in complete sentences.
1. What work skill do you think you need to work on more?
2. Have you reported late to work lately?
3. What time do traffic jams usually occur on the road to your office?
4. What advice would you give someone with tardiness problems?
5. What is the best way to show diligence at work?
Let’s read the dialogue. I will play Ron and you will play Emma. Then, we’ll switch roles.
Good morning, Ms. Stone. You called for me?
Yes, thank you for taking the time to be here, Ron. Take a seat. We will
talk about your performance.

Thank you.
You accomplish your tasks diligently and have performed admirably.
However, we would like you to work on your attendance more. Our
records show you have been late for three consecutive days last week.

Ah, yes, I am aware that I must work for eight hours a day. I understand where you are coming from, but the traffic in my area has been heavy lately.
That is understandable and traffic jams aren’t something we can control.
But we would like you to notify us at least 30 minutes or an hour in advance.

I’m sorry, but could you give me an example of a time when I was not able to notify you of my tardiness?
Your recent late attendance, last Thursday. You were not able
to send us any notification, so I failed to redelegate your morning tasks
to someone else.

Oh, I sincerely apologize for that. It slipped my mind…
It’s fine, but we hope to get better attendance records from you
moving forward.

Yes, I understand. Do you think it would help if I work overtime to compensate for my missed working hours last week?
Yes, of course.

Let’s read the dialogue. Read aloud, and fill in the blanks as you remember the sentences you just read.
Good morning, Ms. Stone. You called for me?
Yes, thank you for taking the time to be here, Ron. Take a seat. We will
talk about your performance.

Thank you.
You accomplish your tasks diligently and have performed admirably.
However, we would like you to work on your attendance more. Our
records show you have been late for three consecutive days last week.

Ah, yes, I am aware that I must work for eight hours a day. I understand ______________, but the traffic in my area has been heavy lately.
That is understandable and traffic jams aren’t something we can control.
But we would like you to notify us at least 30 minutes or an hour in advance.

I’m sorry, but could you ______________ when I was not able to notify you of my tardiness?
Your recent late attendance, last Thursday. You were not able
to send us any notification, so I failed to redelegate your morning tasks
to someone else.

Oh, I sincerely apologize for that. It slipped my mind…
It’s fine, but we hope to get better attendance records from you
moving forward.

Yes, I understand. Do you think ______________ I work overtime to compensate for my missed working hours last week?
Yes, of course.

Let’s read the new dialogue. Read aloud, and fill in the blanks with the vocabulary and expressions you learned.
Good day, Ms. Jones.
Ah, Ron. You’re here. Let’s talk about your performance.

All right.
I’m impressed by your diligence to check our article content. However, our
records show that you’ve been submitting them late for publication the past few days.

I understand ______________, but checking article content is not an easy task to do and it takes a lot of time.
I’m aware that checking isn’t easy, so I’m expecting you to avoid having
extended breaks at work so you’ll have more time to finish your tasks.

I’m sorry, Ms. Jones, but ______________ of a time when I had long breaks?
Last Wednesday, your lunch break exceeded by 20 minutes, and your
coffee break by 10 minutes.

Ah, yes, I apologize for that. ______________ if worked overtime for this week to compensate?
Of course. We would appreciate it.

Let’s do a roleplay. Talk with me according to the situation below, using the expressions you just learned.
Your team leader invited you to discuss your low sales for the month. Respond to his/her feedback professionally. Your tutor will pretend to be your team leader.
Now, let us review the things that you learned in this lesson.
(Please give a short feedback on how your student did on your class.)
Pronunciation 発音 Vocabulary
GOOD 文法の誤りはほとんどなく、完全な文章で話すことができる ほとんどの単語をはっきりと正しく発音することができる 習った表現を適切に使うことができる 文章を理解し、質問に正しく答えることができる

文法の誤りはあるが、完全な文章で話すことができる 発音の練習が必要な言葉がいくつかある たまにミスはあるが、習った表現を適切に使うことができる 文章を完全に理解するのは難しく、質問に正しく答えられないときもある

文章で話すのは難しく、単語だけで話すことができる 発音の練習が必要である 習った単語と表現を少しだけ使うことができる 文章を理解するのは難しく、質問に答えるのは難しい
Good: Was able to speak in complete sentences with minimal grammatical errors.
Fair: Was able to speak in complete sentences with evident grammatical errors.
Poor: Was able to speak using words only.
Good: Was able to pronounce most of the words clearly and correctly.
Fair: Mispronounced a few words.
Poor: Mispronounced most of the words.
Good: Used appropriate expressions learned in class.
Fair: Used appropriate expressions learned in class and made a few errors in word choice.
Poor: Used only a few words and expressions.
Good: Was able to understand the passages and answer the questions correctly.
Fair: Had a little difficulty in understanding passages and answering questions.
Poor: Had a hard time understanding passages and answering questions.