
Part A_1 Self Introduction
Let’s introduce ourselves to each other.
My name is ________. What is your name?
Part A_2 Self Introduction
I am ________. Nice to meet you.
Part A_3 Self Introduction
Nice to meet you too, ________. What did you do last weekend? Did you go anywhere?
Part A_4 Self Introduction
Part B_1 Vocabulary

We will read aloud the words below. Please repeat after me. I will check your pronunciation.
Part B_2 Vocabulary

interact with …





Part B_3 Vocabulary

Great! Now, please choose a word to complete each sentence. Then, read aloud the sentences.
Part B_4 Vocabulary

interact with
1. We enjoyed ___________ food during our trip.
2. The company ___________ good online education service.
3. You can ________________ people from all over the world at the international event.
4. Get to know each other through cultural ___________.
5. They welcomed us wearing ___________ costumes.
Part B_5 Vocabulary

Now, let’s review your answers.

Part B_6 Vocabulary

Part C_1 Role play
You and your friend want to participate in international volunteer work. Which one seems interesting for you?

Part C_2 Role play
You and your friend are looking for international volunteer work to join. When you think of joining volunteer work, what is important to you?

According to your priorities, choose 1 (less important), 2 (important), and 3 (very important) for each item.
Part C_3 Vocabulary

Location: Priority (1) (2) (3)
The reason: ________________________________________
Work: Priority (1) (2) (3)
The reason: ________________________________________
Activities: Priority (1) (2) (3)
The reason: ________________________________________
Part C_4 Role play
Look at the information again. Choose the volunteer work you will join.

Part C_5 Role play
What are your two main priorities when choosing which volunteer activities to take part in?
Part C_6 Vocabulary

Part C_7 Role play
I see. So, based on your priorities, which volunteer work did you choose to join?
Part C_8 Role play
Part C_9 Role play
Great job! You’ve considered your priorities and decided what you’re going to do.
Part D_1 Organize your Idea
You are going to have an interview for volunteer work tomorrow. Organize your ideas before the interview.

Part D_2 Organize your Idea

1. What is your name?
2. How old are you?
3. Are you a high school student?
4. Which volunteer work do you want to participate in?
5. Why do you want to participate in that volunteer work?
Answer: I want to participate in ______________ because ___________________.
6. What activities are you looking forward to?
Part D_3 Organize your Idea
You did excellent work!
Part E_1 Presentation
Now, you will make a presentation on the international volunteer work you want to join. I will give you 3 minutes to prepare. Then, start your presentation.
(Please wait for the student for 3 minutes.)
Part E_2 Presentation

International Volunteer Work I Want to Join
Opening I’m interested in international volunteering. Let me introduce myself and tell you the reasons.
Body My name is _________________.
I’m _______ years old. I’m a high school student.
I want to join ________________.
Because ________________.
I’m looking forward to ________________.
Closing I hope I can help them. Thank you for listening.
Part E_3 Presentation
Thank you! That was awesome!
Part F_1 Picture description
Look at the pictures below. Please describe each in as much detail as you can. I will check if your sentences are complete and if your grammar is correct.
Part F_2 Picture description
Part F_3 Picture description
Part F_4 Picture description
You described the pictures wonderfully! Now, let’s review your answers.
(Please review your student’s answers by sending the correct answers in complete sentences. After that, ask your student to read aloud his or her corrected answers.)
Part F_5 Picture description
Part G_1 Q&A
Please answer the questions below. I will check if your sentences are complete and if your grammar is correct.
Part G_2 Q&A
1. Have you ever participated in volunteer work?
If yes, what did you do? How was it?
If no, would you like to participate in any volunteer work?
Part G_3 Q&A
Part G_4 Q&A
2. If you were to participate in international volunteer work with local people, what do you think you would learn?
Part G_5 Q&A
Part G_6 Q&A
3. Do you think you can prioritize what you have to do in your daily life? (what to study, other daily activities)
Part G_7 Q&A
Part G_8 Q&A

Now, let’s review your answers.

Part G_9 Q&A

Part H_1 Free talk
Let’s do a free talk about the following topics.

Part H_2 Free talk
1. Do you want to work or study with people from other countries in the future? Why or why not?
Part H_3 Free talk
Part H_4 Free talk
2. What are you going to do after school today?
Part H_5 Free talk