
Part 0 Today’s Goal
Let’s look at the today’s goal.

1. Read about the importance of beavers in the ecosystem
2. Consider the relationship between wild animals and humans

Part A_1 Self Introduction
Let’s introduce ourselves to each other.

My name is ________. What is your name?
Part A_2 Self Introduction
I am ________. Nice to meet you.
Part A_3 Self Introduction
Nice to meet you too, ________.
What did you do yesterday? What did you eat?
Part A_4 Self introduction
Part A_5 Self introduction
Thank you for answering. Let’s begin our lesson!
Part B_1 Word and Phrase Practice
We’ll read aloud the words below. Please repeat after me. I will check your pronunciation.

(Please send the mispronounced words and expressions to your student.)
Part B_2 Word and Phrase Practice



restore A to B

Part B_3 Word and Phrase Practice
Now, let’s review some words from part B_2.

(Please review the mispronounced words and expressions from part B_2.)
Part B_4 Word and Phrase Practice
Part C_1 Word and Phrase Quiz
Please look at the pictures below. Now, fill in the blanks with the words you learned and read aloud the complete sentences.

(Please give the student time to answer.)
Part C_2 Word and Phrase Quiz

1. Lack of rain causes ___________.

2. _____________ is the variety of life on Earth, including different species and ecosystems.

3. The government is working to _______ the damaged bridge to its original state.

4. _____________ are animals that hunt and kill other animals for food.
Part C_3 Word and Phrase Quiz
Now, let’s review your answers.

Part C_4 Word and Phrase Quiz
Part D_1 Picture Description
Look at the picture below. Please explain who they are, where they are, and what the people are doing in the picture. You have one minute to explain. I will check to see if your sentences are complete and if your grammar is correct.

Part D_2 Picture Description
Part D_3 Picture Description
You described the pictures wonderfully! Now, let’s review your answers.

(Please review your student’s answers by sending the correct answers in complete sentences. After that, ask your student to read aloud his or her corrected answers.)
Part E_1 Reading Passage
We’ll read aloud the passage below. I will check your pronunciation and intonation.

(Please send the mispronounced words and expressions that need improvements to your student.)
Part E_2 Reading Passage
The Importance of Beavers in England’s Ecosystem
Pink Tag and her family, a group of Eurasian beavers, are some of the first wild beavers to live in England in around 400 years.

Beavers were historically hunted for their pelts, but people didn’t realize the vital role they play in regulating water flow, increasing biodiversity, and reducing pollution. Beavers build dams and canals that help them escape from predators and also slow water flow, reducing floods downstream in wet seasons and droughts during dry seasons.

Experts warn that areas like Devon are expected to see more flooding as the climate crisis worsens. However, a recent study in England showed that beaver dams can reduce average floodwaters by up to 60%. The Devon Wildlife Trust is behind reintroducing beavers to Devon, and their effect on the River Otter basin has been dramatic, with a huge increase in biodiversity.

While beavers can cause trouble by waterlogging farmland and eating orchard trees, they are a significant benefit overall, and nations across Europe are working to restore them to their original range.

Part E_3 Reading Passage
Now, let’s review some words and expressions from part E_2.

(Please review the mispronounced words and expressions from part E_2.)
Part E_4 Reading Passage
Part E_5 Comprehension Check
Now, please answer the following questions related to the passage. I will check if your sentences are complete and if the grammar is correct.
Part E_6 Comprehension Check
1. What was it that people didn’t understand about beavers in the past?
Part E_7 Comprehension Check
Part E_8 Comprehension Check
2. What is the purpose of beavers building dams?
Part E_9 Comprehension Check
Part E_10 Comprehension Check
3. What is the trouble that beavers sometimes cause?
Part E_11 Comprehension Check
Part E_12 Comprehension Check
Now, let’s review your answers.

Part E_13 Comprehension Check
Part F_1 Agree/Disagree
Let’s study the example below. I will read the sample question, and you will read the sample answer.

(Please send the sentences that need grammar corrections to your student.)

Part F_2 Answer Questions
Sample question: Some people say that walking is good for one’s health.
Do you agree with that idea?
Sample answer (agree): I agree that walking is good for one’s health. I have several reasons for this.
First, it reduces the risk of diseases. Some examples are heart attack, stroke, and high blood pressure.
Second, some studies say that physical exercise can reduce stress. This helps us sleep better and be in a good mood.
So, I agree that walking is good for our health.
PART F_3 Agree/Disagree
Express your opinions on the following topics. You must respond to both “agree” and “disagree.”
Give at least one reason to support your opinion. You have one minute to prepare and one minute to answer.
Part F_4 Agree/Disagree
Topic: Do you agree that Japan should utilize beavers for flood control?
Answer: I agree/disagree
Part F_5 Agree/Disagree
Great! Now, I will ask you one question about your answer.

(Please ask students about the answer.
ex. Why do you think so?
If you were in this situation, what would you do? etc.)
Part F_6 Agree/Disagree
Part F_7 Agree/Disagree
Thank you for answering my question. Next, please state the disagreement. You have one minute to prepare and one minute to answer.
Part F_8 Agree/Disagree
Topic: Do you agree with hunting animals for their pelts?
Answer: I agree/disagree
Part F_9 Agree/Disagree
Great! Now, I will ask you one question about your answer.

(Please ask students about the answer.
ex. Why do you think so?
If you were in this situation, what would you do? etc.)
Part F_10 Agree/Disagree
Part F_11 Agree/Disagree
Great! Now, let’s review your answers.
Part F_12 Agree/Disagree
Part G_1 Free talk
Let’s do a free talk about the following topics.

(Please do a free talk if you have time left.)
Part G_2 Free talk
– How can we create a balance between human development and wildlife habitat?
– What role do you think humans play in the ecosystem?
– Other than beavers, what other wild animals benefit humans?
Part G_3 Free talk