[HS] Food Waste


In this lesson, you will give a speech about the virtual water.
Then, I will ask questions and give feedback after your speech.


(Please start your speech now.)


Thank you for your speech. Let me ask you some questions about it.
Let’s do freetalk if you don’t have enough answer for the questions.


Now, I will give feedback on your speech.


Now, I will talk about the food waste in the Philippines. Please ask me questions about it later.


Food Waste in the Philippines

Food waste has become a national problem in the Philippines over the past years. According to research, there are about 1.3 billion tons of food lost every year. Because of this, the government encourages people to become more responsible in handling their food supply. They advise them to have a weekly meal plan that will help them purchase only the sufficient amount of food that their family needs. This will not only lessen the amount of food loss but will also decrease food cost.

However, food loss does not only happen in households. In fact, it occurs in food production as well. This is the result of a lack of modern agricultural resources such as irrigation systems and transporting of products. This has negative effects on both agricultural livelihood and national food security.


Do you have any questions about my presentation?


Thank you for your speech. Please let me ask you some questions about it.
(Let’s ask the example questions if you don’t have any questions.)

1. (example: What do you do when you have a leftovers?)
2. (example: Did your parents tell you not leave food on your plate?)
3. (example: Do you think we should eat less portion not to have leftovers?)

Now, I will talk about the food waste in the Philippines. Please ask me questions about it later.


Drinking Water

Drinking water is one of the basic human needs. In the Philippines, there are quality standards set by the National Standard for Drinking Water that water companies must follow. This is to ensure that drinking water is free from any unpleasant taste, odor, and color. Still, it does not guarantee that tap water is 100% safe to drink. According to a research, water can be contaminated especially during rainy season. Tap water can be contaminated through the leaks in water pipes. As a result, drinking tap water may cause sickness like diarrhea. Because of this, most families prefer to buy purified drinking water, while some have their own purifier at home. This is to make sure that they have safe drinking water supply and avoid putting their health at risk.


Do you have any questions about my presentation?


Thank you for your speech. Please let me ask you some questions about it.
(Let’s ask the example questions if you don’t have any questions.)

1. (example: Have you gotten sick because of tap water?)
2. (example: How much is a bottle of water?)
3. (example: Do you think water should be free?)