The SDGs Advanced – Gender Equality

Today’s GOALS

Let’s have a look at the goals for today.
“Gender Equality” is the topic of this unit.

Today’s Goals
■Learn the vocabulary and expressions related to gender equality
■Get to know and share your thoughts on the countries facing gender inequality issues
■Give a presentation about gender equality

Part A_1 Self introduction

Let’s introduce ourselves to each other.
My name is ________. What is your name?

Part A_2 Self introduction

I am ________. Nice to meet you.

Part A_3 Self introduction

Nice to meet you too, ________. Let’s get started.

Part B_1 Review

Please read aloud the passage below.
Part B_2 Review

Every child has the right to receive primary education. It contributes significantly to the reduction of extreme poverty and the promotion of social change. However, 58 million children in elementary school are not enrolled. The bulk of them is from underprivileged communities. The Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS) data show that many children lack core reading and numerical skills.

Part B_3 Review

I will ask the following questions. Please answer based on the passage.
Part B_4 Review

1. According to the passage, what does the MICS data show?
Part B_5 Review

It shows that ____________.

Part B_6 Review

2. Did you do your research on the sub-textbook? Did you find an activity to solve the education issue? Please tell me what the organization/association does and how you feel about it.
Part B_7 Review

Part B_8 Review

Now, let’s review your answers.

Part B_9 Review

Part B_10 Review

So far, we have reviewed the previous lesson topic, “Quality Education”. Do you have any questions?
In the next part, we are going to learn about “Gender Equality”.

Part C_1 Description

Find out where Iran is located.

1. Where is Iran? A, B or C?
Part C_2 Description

The answer is _________.

Part C_3 Description

Please look at and study the pictures below. These are pictures from Japan and Iran. I will ask you a question.
(Give the student at least 20 seconds to study both pictures.)
Part C_4 Description

2. What can you see in the pictures? Please describe as many as you can from each picture.


Part C_5 Description


Part C_6 Description

Now, let’s review your answers.

Part C_7 Description

Part C_8 Description

Did you get any images of gender inequality? If you have anything you don’t know well, please keep researching after the lesson.

Part D_1 Vocabulary

We’ll read aloud the words and sample sentences below. Please repeat after me. I will check your pronunciation.

Part D_2 Vocabulary

inheritance 相続、遺産

In some countries, girls are not given the right of inheritance.
judicial 司法の

Judicial decisions are needed for the law to take effect.
permission 許可、許し

The women were not granted permission to take over the tasks.
restrict 制限する

Women in some countries are restricted from driving.

Part D_3 Vocabulary

Now, let’s review some words from part D_2.
(Please review the mispronounced words and expressions from part D_2.)
Part D_4 Vocabulary

Part D_5 Vocabulary

Please look at the pictures below. Now, fill in the blanks with the words you learned and read aloud the complete sentences.
(Please give the student time to answer.)
Part D_6 Vocabulary

1. The system involved _______________ by the second son instead of the eldest daughter.

2. The ___________ system should ensure equal access to justice for all genders.


3. She was not granted the _______________ to take a leave from work.


4. Laws that ____________ women’s rights can harm progress towards gender equality.

Part D_7 Vocabulary

Now, let’s review your answers.

Part D_8 Vocabulary

Part D_9 Vocabulary

Do you have any questions about the meaning of words?
Then, let’s move on to the next part.

Part E_1 Reading

Please read aloud the passages below. After that, I will ask the following questions. Please answer based on the passages.
Part E_2 Reading

Gender inequality
Males and females have physical and social differences. But girls and women need equal rights and opportunities without discrimination. Unfortunately, there are some gender issues around wage inequality, employment, physical violence, sexual harassment, marriage, and pregnancy.

Data shows that 49 countries still lack laws protecting women from domestic violence, whereas 39 nations prevent daughters from having an equal inheritance compared to sons. In 87 countries, 1 out of 5 women and girls under the age of 50 experienced physical and sexual violence by their partners within the last 12 months. Harmful practices like child marriage steal the childhoods of 15 million girls under the age of 18 every year.

Women do 2.6 times more unpaid care and domestic work than men, which leads to lower earnings and less time for non-work activities.

Part E_3 Reading

1. What will happen if women do more unpaid work than men?
Part E_4 Reading


Part E_5 Reading

The issue of gender equality in Iran
Women and girls are still currently treated as second-class citizens in Iran. The expert says in a report to the Human Rights Council that thousands of child marriages occur among girls aged between 10 and 19 each year.

By law, girls as young as 13 can marry. Not only that, but younger girls can also legally marry with judicial and paternal consent. Based on official government data, over 16,000 girls aged between 10 and 14 have married in half a year.

mortality rate

Although there has been some progress in education and citizenship rights, Iranian women are still discriminated against in other areas like marriage, divorce, employment, and culture. Iranian women are either restricted or need permission from their husbands or guardians.

More security measures against violence must be taken to protect women and children.

Part E_6 Reading

2. In which sectors have there been progress?
Part E_7 Reading


Part E_8 Reading

Now, let’s review your answers.

Part E_9 Reading

Part E_10 Reading

Did you understand the situation and facts of gender inequality? If you have any questions, please ask me.

Part F_1 Preparing
In this part, you will give a presentation about “gender inequality in household chores and work in my family.” First, I will ask you some questions. The answers will be the key to your presentation.
Part F_2 Preparing
In Japan, some people still have the idea that men work outside and women do housework and childcare at home.
In your family, who usually does the housework?
Part F_3 Preparing
(Please send the ideas in the chatbox as a record/hint for the next step.)
Part F_4 Preparing
Are there any roles that depend on the gender in your family? What do you think about it?
Part F_5 Preparing
(Please send the ideas in the chatbox as a record/hint for the next step.)
Part F_6 Preparing
Then, let’s make a presentation. I will read the sample presentation, and I will give you 2 minutes to prepare.

Gender Inequality in Household Chores and Work in my Family
Opening Good morning/ afternoon/ evening. Today, I’d like to talk about (theme).
I’ll pick up two things today.
Body ① (first example and additional details)
② (second example and additional details)
Closing These are some examples of gender inequality in my family. Thank you for listening.
Part G_1 Presentation
Now, it’s your turn. You will give a presentation. After that, I will give feedback and ask a question. You will have 1-2 minutes to present.
Part G_2 Presentation
(Please start your presentation now.)
Gender Inequality in Household Chores and Work in my Family
Opening Good morning/ afternoon/ evening. Today, I’d like to talk about (theme).
I’ll pick up two things today.
Body ① __________________________________________
② __________________________________________
Closing _____________________________________________
※ヒント:Part F_2と4の答えを参考にしよう
Part G_3 Presentation
Thank you for your presentation. How was it? Now, I will tell you the good points of your presentation.
(Please give 2 positive feedback about the student’s presentation.)
Part G_4 Presentation
Secondly, I will ask you a question about your presentation.
(Please ask a question about the student’s presentation.)
Part G_5 Presentation
Part G_6 Presentation
Now, let’s review your answer.
Part G_7 Presentation
Part G_8 Presentation
Thank you for answering my question. Let us continue to learn and think about gender inequality, and then take action to solve it.
(If you still have enough time, you can share the situation of gender inequality in your country.)