Column Discussion (Expert)|コラムディスカッション(上級)
Lesson100 : Camping Is Good for Your Brain

Let’s learn vocabulary. Listen and repeat the words and the sentences with your tutor.
1. pressure /PRESH-er/
  -the force you produce when you press something
  She applied the right amount of pressure in opening the door.
2. refresh /re-FRESH/
  -to make you feel less hot or tired
  When feeling blue, she always takes a walk in the park to refresh her mind.
3. engage /in-GEYJ/
  -to take part in something
  After discovering her talent, she got engaged in school activities related to calligraphy.
4. disturbance /di-STER-bens/
  -something that interrupts what you are doing, especially something loud or annoying
  The loud concert of a band caused disturbance to the neighborhood.
5. immensely /i-MENS-lee/
  The pandemic has immensely affected the economy.
Let’s read the article. Please read it aloud, and I will check your pronunciation and intonation.
Camping Is Good for Your Brain
On average, Americans use 10 hours a day for electronic devices and less than 30 minutes a day for outdoor activities. Using electronic devices causes a lot of
pressure on the brain. Thus, the brain should take a break from all these. Experts claim that being in nature helps refresh the brain from the technology. Camping is one of the outdoor activities one can engage in. People who enjoy camping claim that the activity is very relaxing and puts them in a better state of mind once they set foot at work again. Short amounts of time being in nature, without disturbance from technology helps the brain to calm and remember better. However, long-term
contact with nature such as three days is one that can help reset and fully relax the brain. Camping for several days gives a person a complete experience. It helps one to focus and teaches one to take care of himself in various situations. Indeed, nature is a great teacher. As long as you allow yourself to immensely interact with nature, health benefits will be deep as well.
Let’s answer comprehension questions. Please answer them based on the article.
1. According to campers, how does camping benefit them?
2. What good can nature do to our brain?
3. Why is nature a great teacher?
Let’s discuss the article. Please answer the questions below and express your opinions.
1. Aside from those mentioned in the article, what other benefits could we get from nature?
2. Why do you think people decide to go on camping?
3. Do you agree that nature helps regenerate the functioning of our brain? Why or why not?
4. What are the things that you do to take a break from work or school? Please tell me about it.
5. Why do you think it is important for us to give our brains a break from time to time?
Now, let us review the things that you learned in this lesson.
(Please give a short feedback on how your student did in your class.)
Pronunciation 発音 Vocabulary
GOOD 文法の誤りはほとんどなく、完全な文章で話すことができる ほとんどの単語をはっきりと正しく発音することができる 習った表現を適切に使うことができる 文章を理解し、質問に正しく答えることができる

文法の誤りはあるが、完全な文章で話すことができる 発音の練習が必要な言葉がいくつかある たまにミスはあるが、習った表現を適切に使うことができる 文章を完全に理解するのは難しく、質問に正しく答えられないときもある

文章で話すのは難しく、単語だけで話すことができる 発音の練習が必要である 習った単語と表現を少しだけ使うことができる 文章を理解するのは難しく、質問に答えるのは難しい

Good: Was able to speak in complete sentences with minimal grammatical errors.
Fair: Was able to speak in complete sentences with evident grammatical errors.
Poor: Was able to speak using words only.
Good: Was able to pronounce most of the words clearly and correctly.
Fair: Mispronounced a few words.
Poor: Mispronounced most of the words.
Good: Used appropriate expressions learned in class.
Fair: Used appropriate expressions learned in class and made a few errors in word choice.
Poor: Used only a few words and expressions.
Good: Was able to understand the passages and answer the questions correctly.
Fair: Had a little difficulty in understanding passages and answering questions.
Poor: Had a hard time understanding passages and answering questions.