1. workforce | //WURK-fawrs// |
-the total number of workers in a specific undertaking | |
The workforce was rewarded with cash incentives for completing the task earlier than expected. | |
2. manufacture | //man-yuh-FAK-cher// |
-the making of goods or wares by manual labor or by machinery, especially on a large scale | |
The company manufacture printed circuit boards. | |
3. monotonous | //muh-NOT-n-uhs// |
-lacking in variety; tediously unvarying: | |
Children dread monotonous activities. | |
4. hazard | //HAZ-erd // |
-an unavoidable danger or risk, even though often foreseeable | |
New workers are required to attend the hazard awareness seminar. | |
5. alarming | //uh-LAHR-ming// |
-causing alarm or fear | |
She tried her best to keep her composure upon hearing the alarming news. |
In particular, warehouses, where products are kept and arranged, utilize robots to aid in their processes.
Robots are manufactured to carry out monotonous and arduous tasks. On the other hand, the same technology is also evoking stressful conditions and even posing hazards in the workplace, according to some authorities.
Additionally, this collaboration between humans and machines impairs employees’ morale and health. It is because the use of artificial intelligence puts pressure on human workers to pick up the pace of production.
It was found out that injury rates at Amazon warehouses with machines are higher than in robot-free depositories. It was further revealed that the rate of injuries was beyond twice the average in the industry.
Despite the alarming reports, businesses claim that this new technology that includes automation paves the way in fulfilling the demands of customers efficiently. They add that workplace safety remains a high priority.
1. | What is a warehouse? |
2. | What are robots manufactured for? |
3. | What are the pros and cons of human-machine collaboration? |
1. | Do you think robotics should be part of the workforce? |
2. | Did you find it surprising that accidents are more common in workplaces where automation is in use? |
3. | What kinds of tasks should be assigned to machines? |
4. | In your opinion, what are some of the jobs that robots can never replace? |
5. | Do you believe that it is possible for Artificial Intelligence to rule over the world? |
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