Column Discussion (Expert)|コラムディスカッション(上級)
Lesson86 : What’s So Bad About Processed Foods?

Let’s learn vocabulary. Listen and repeat the words and the sentences with your tutor.
1. obesity /oh-BEE-si-tee/
  -the fact of being extremely fat, in a way that is dangerous for health
  Obesity increases the risk of heart diseases.
2. additive /AD-i-tiv/
  -a substance that is added to food in order to improve its taste or appearance or to keep it fresh and stop it from decaying
  Food color is one additive put on some foods.
3. hormone /HAWR-mohn/
  -any of various chemicals in the body that are carried by the blood and that influence the body’s growth and how it works
  The medicine helps maintain his high hunger hormone.
4. unclear /uhn-KLEER/
  -not obvious or easy to see or know
  The instructions in the manual remain unclear.
5. nutrient /NOO-tree-uhnt/
  -any substance that plants or animals need in order to live and grow
  Nutrients found in soil are essential for plants to survive.
Let’s read the article. Please read them aloud, and I will check your pronunciation and intonation.
What’s So Bad about Processed Foods?
Processed foods such as chips and soda contain high amounts of salt, sugar, and fat. Scientists are looking further into other factors that may harm human health by eating packaged foods. According to scientists, processed foods are linked to the increase in obesity rate worldwide. The main cause is how these foods are made. They are mass produced that require little to no cooking, and additives are added to the packed foods. Even morning cereals, energy bars, and some types of yogurt are considered processed foods. A four-week study involving 20 people run by researchers at the National Institutes of Health showed that those who ate processed foods consume 500 more calories a day on top of what they normally eat. Furthermore, when people are fed less processed foods, they produced more hormones that control hunger. The reason behind this reaction is still unclear. Individuals are also noted to eat processed foods more quickly. The sources of nutrients differ as well. Fibers from fruits and vegetables are notably better at making people feel full compared to fibers found in processed foods.
Let’s answer comprehension questions. Please answer them based on the article.
1. Based on the article, how are processed foods made?
2. As a result of the research, how many more calories do people consume when eating processed foods?
3. What type of hormones do humans produce when fed less processed foods?
Let’s discuss the article. Please answer the questions below and express your opinions.
1. What can you say about the number of calories people consume a day when eating processed foods?
2. Why do you think people eat processed foods more quickly?
3. How often do you think should people eat processed foods?
4. How can people limit or stop themselves from consuming unhealthy foods?
5. What is your ideal diet plan?
Now, let us review the things that you learned in this lesson.
(Please give a short feedback on how your student did in your class.)
Pronunciation 発音 Vocabulary
GOOD 文法の誤りはほとんどなく、完全な文章で話すことができる ほとんどの単語をはっきりと正しく発音することができる 習った表現を適切に使うことができる 文章を理解し、質問に正しく答えることができる

文法の誤りはあるが、完全な文章で話すことができる 発音の練習が必要な言葉がいくつかある たまにミスはあるが、習った表現を適切に使うことができる 文章を完全に理解するのは難しく、質問に正しく答えられないときもある

文章で話すのは難しく、単語だけで話すことができる 発音の練習が必要である 習った単語と表現を少しだけ使うことができる 文章を理解するのは難しく、質問に答えるのは難しい
Good: Was able to speak in complete sentences with minimal grammatical errors.
Fair: Was able to speak in complete sentences with evident grammatical errors.
Poor: Was able to speak using words only.
Good: Was able to pronounce most of the words clearly and correctly.
Fair: Mispronounced a few words.
Poor: Mispronounced most of the words.
Good: Used appropriate expressions learned in class.
Fair: Used appropriate expressions learned in class and made a few errors in word choice.
Poor: Used only a few words and expressions.
Good: Was able to understand the passages and answer the questions correctly.
Fair: Had a little difficulty in understanding passages and answering questions.
Poor: Had a hard time understanding passages and answering questions.