

Let’s do a free talk. I will choose topics from below.
(Please choose topics from below based on the student’s level.)


1. Please tell me something about your favorite activities at home.
(examples, reasons why they are your favorite)
2. Please tell me about the popular clubs in your school.
(examples, reasons for the popularity, club activities)
3. Please tell me about the most difficult school subjects for you.
(examples, reasons why they are the most difficult subjects for you, what you do to make them easy)
4. Please tell me about your dream job.
(dream job, reasons, what you need to do to get that dream job)
5. Please tell me about the popular food for Japanese students.
(popular food, reasons, where to buy them)
6. What TV programs do you want to watch? Please tell me the reasons why you want to watch them.
7. What kinds of song do you like? Please tell me why you like those kinds of song.
8. What interesting movies have you watched? Please tell me why they are interesting.
9. Talk about an actor or an actress that you like. Tell me the reason why you like him/her.
10. Please introduce some studying techniques that you do. Talk about how they help you.
11. Do you think playing online games can benefit students?
12. Do you think logical thinking is more important than creative thinking?
13. What is important for you when you study English?
14. Do you think the internet is a necessity for most people?
15. Some people say that working from home is better than working from an office. Do you agree with that?