間接疑問文_Indirect interrogative sentence

Part 0 今日の学習内容
“Could you tell me how your day was?”
“No one knows what questions will be on the exam.”
Part A_1 セルフイントロダクション
Let’s introduce ourselves to each other.
My name is ________. What is your name?
Part A_2 セルフイントロダクション
I am ________. Nice to meet you.
Part A_3 セルフイントロダクション
Nice to meet you too, ________. Let’s begin our lesson!
Part B_1 ボキャブラリー
We’ll read aloud the words below. Please repeat after me. I will check your pronunciation.
(Please send the mispronounced words and expressions to your student.)
Part B_2 ボキャブラリー

buy online




Part B_3 ボキャブラリー
Now, let’s review some words from part B_2.
(Please review the mispronounced words and expressions from part B_2.)
Part B_4 ボキャブラリー
Part C_1 リーディング
We’ll read aloud the passage below. I will check your pronunciation and intonation.
(Please send the mispronounced words and expressions to your student.)
Part C_2 リーディング
Watching a concert

Andy wanted to go see a concert. She went to the ticket store and asked the staff how many tickets were left and where she could buy them. The staff said that there were lots of tickets left, but they could only be bought online. Andy went home and asked her parents if she could use their online account to buy a ticket. Her parents asked what the ticket was for. She told her parents that it was for her favorite band’s concert. Her parents allowed her to buy the ticket, and she was very happy.
Part C_3 リーディング
Now, let’s review some words and sentences from part C_2.
(Please review the mispronounced words and sentences from part C_2.)
Part C_4 リーディング
Part C_5 リーディング
I will ask the following questions. Please answer based on the passage. I will check if your sentences are complete and if the grammar is correct.
Part C_6 リーディング
1. What did Andy ask the staff?
Part C_7 リーディング
Part C_8 リーディング
2. What did her parents ask her?
Part C_9 リーディング
Part C_10 リーディング
3. What did she tell her parents when they asked what the ticket was for?
Part C_11 リーディング
Part C_12  リーディング
Now, let’s review your answers.
(Please review your student’s answers by sending the correct answers in complete sentences. After that, ask your student to read aloud his or her corrected answers.)
Part C_13  リーディング
Part D_1 イラスト
Please study the example below. I will read the sample items and you will read the sample answers.
I will check your pronunciation and intonation.
Part D_2 イラスト

Sample item: dog / cute / see her dog
Sample answers: I asked my friend if I could see her dog.
She said yes and told me it was cute.
So, I asked her when I could see her dog.
Part D_3 イラスト
Now, please make a short speech (3-5 sentences) to describe the picture using the expressions you learned.
I will check if your sentences are complete and if the grammar is correct.
Part D_4 イラスト

Item: sandwich / delicious / where I can buy
Part D_5 イラスト
Now, let’s review your answers.
(Please review your student’s answers by sending the correct answers in complete sentences. After that, ask your student to read aloud his or her corrected answers.)
Part D_6 イラスト
Part E_1 並び替え
Now, you will rearrange the words to ask me questions using the grammar topics you learned.
(Please send the sentences that need grammar corrections to your student.)
Part E_2 並び替え
Can you ( live with / you / who / tell me ) ?
Part E_3 並び替え
Part E_4 並び替え
Can you tell me ( work / how many / you / hours) in a day?
Part E_5 並び替え
Part E_6 並び替え
Now, let’s review your answers.
(Please review your student’s answers by sending the correct answers in complete sentences. After that, ask your student to read aloud his or her corrected answers.)
Part E_7 並び替え
Part F_1 Q&A
Let’s study the example below. I will read the sample question, and you will read the sample answer.
Part F_2 Q&A
Sample Question: Do you know where your parents were yesterday afternoon?
Sample Answer: Yes, my parents were at work yesterday afternoon.
Part F_3 Q&A
Now, please answer the following questions.
I will check if your sentences are complete and if the grammar is correct.
Part F_4 Q&A
1. Do you remember when you started riding a bicycle?
Part F_5 Q&A
Part F_6 Q&A
2. Can you tell me what subject you like?
Part F_7 Q&A
Part F_8 Q&A
3. Can you tell me where the capital of Japan is?
Part F_9 Q&A
capital 首都
Part F_10 Q&A
Now, let’s review your answers.
(Please review your student’s answers by sending the correct answers in complete sentences. After that, ask your student to read aloud his or her corrected answers.)
Part F_11 Q&A
Part F_12 Q&A
Now, let’s change the roles.
You will ask the following questions and I will answer them.
Part F_13 Q&A
1. Can you tell me __________ your lunch break is?
Part F_14 Q&A
Answer: My lunch break is _______________.
Part F_15 Q&A
2. Do you know _________ the most popular coffee shop in your town is?
Part F_16 Q&A
Answer: Yes, the most popular coffee shop in my town is _______________.
Part F_17 Q&A
3. Can you tell me ____________ your last vacation was?
Part F_18 Q&A
Answer: My last vacation was _______________ (days/weeks/months).
Part F_19 Q&A
Now, let’s review your answers.
(Please review your student’s answers by sending the correct answers in complete sentences. After that, ask your student to read aloud his or her corrected answers.)
Part F_20 Q&A
Part G_1 フリートーク

Let’s have a conversation about the following topics

(Please do a free talk if you have time left.)
Part G_2 フリートーク
Can you tell me what kind of person your best friend is?
Do you know how high Mount Fuji is?

high 高さ、標高
Mount Fuji 富士山(3,776 m)

Please tell me what you bought recently.

Part G_3 フリートーク
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