Advanced Conversation: Sports


Let’s read the dialogue. I will be Sam and you will be Alice. After reading it once, we’ll switch roles.

It’s already summer! Dad and I are planning to climb a mountain next week. I’m also planning to take martial arts classes after that. Do you want to join me?
I’d love to climb a mountain with you next week and try martial arts. However, I don’t think I’ll do well in martial arts. I’m athletic but kicks and punches are not my likings.

Martial arts are not just about kicks and punches. It also values concentration, discipline, and patience. Since you don’t like martial arts, what kind of sports do you like?
I like team sports. How about you? What kind of sports do you want to learn aside from martial arts?

I want to learn how to play team sports. Perhaps, I can try them next school year. I hope I pass the try-outs.
Sure, you can. You can also join the sports club with me. Anyway, let’s talk more about it soon. See you later, Sam!


Let’s talk. Please answer my questions. You may ask me questions, too.

1. Who are your favorite singers/performers?
Answer: ________________
2. What genre of music do you like best?
Answer: ________________
3. Many people say that music heals the soul. Do you agree or disagree? Why?
Answer: ________________
4. What is your favorite song? What is the song about?
Answer: ________________
5. Can you sing well? Why? Why not?
Answer: ________________
6. What musical instruments do you play/ want to learn how to play?
Answer: ________________
7. Can you name one of the most famous songs in your country? Why do you think it is famous?
Answer: ________________
8. How often do you go to the Karaoke?
Answer: ________________
9. What kind of music relaxes you?
Answer: ________________
10. If given a chance to write a song based on your life, what would the title be? Why?
Answer: ________________