Intermediate Conversation: History and Culture


Let’s read the dialogue. I will be Sam and you will be Alice. After reading it once, we’ll switch roles.

Welcome back! How was your trip in Japan?
It was awesome! Before I forget, I have some Japanese snacks for you.

Wow! They look delicious. Thank you for the snacks. You really shouldn’t have to.
I am glad you loved them. In Japan, giving friends snacks from a recent trip is part of their culture. They call it “omiyage”.

That is interesting. What a generous gesture! I would love to adapt that part of their culture when I go on a trip next time.
That would be nice. It is really interesting to learn something about other countries’ cultures.


Let’s talk. Please answer my questions. You may ask me questions, too.

1. Do you think learning about your country’s history is important? Why? / Why not?
Answer: ________________
2. What significant historical facts do you know about your country?
Answer: ________________
3. Do you know any historical facts about other countries? What are they?
Answer: ________________
4. If history in your country could be repeated, which part of it would you like to experience?
Answer: ________________
5. What is the most interesting part of your country’s history?
Answer: ________________
6. Do you like studying history? Why? Why not?
Answer: ________________
7. Do you agree that history repeats itself? Why? Why not?
Answer: ________________
8. How do you describe the culture of your country?
Answer: ________________
9. What is a unique part of your country’s culture?
Answer: ________________
10. Do you participate in your country’s culture celebrations? Why? Why not?
Answer: ________________