Beginner Business Conversation : Asking for someone


Let’s read the dialogue. I will be Sam and you will be Ms. Robins. After reading it once, we’ll switch roles.



One busy morning, Mr. Evans receives a complaint call from a customer.

Good morning. This is Ron Evans speaking. Thank you for calling XYZ Corporation. How may I help you?
Hello. I’m looking for Ms. Robins. Is she around?

To whom am I speaking to?
My name is Alice Smith. She told me yesterday to call her back this morning to continue our talk about my project plan. Is Ms. Robins around?

I’m sorry, but Ms. Robins is not here right now due to an urgent meeting. However, she did leave a note in case you call. You can come and meet her here at two in the afternoon.

Okay, that’s great. Please tell her that I will meet her there at two. Thank you!


Please answer the questions based on the dialogue.


1. Question Who is looking for Ms. Robins?
Answer: ________________
2. Question What time should Alice meet Ms. Robins?
Answer: ________________


Let’s read the meaning and examples of each word aloud. Please repeat after me.



  1. Word: urgent (TRANSLATION)
    Meaning:something important
    Example: Mr. Davies is attending an urgent m.

  3. Word: Occupied (TRANSLATION)
    Meaning: busy
    Example:: Mr. Davies is occupied at the moment.

Let’s talk. Please answer my questions. You may ask me questions, too.


1. Have you ever had to call someone on the phone to ask if he/she is around? Yes or no?
Answer: ________________
2. Give at least three reasons why answering business calls should be taken professionally.
Answer: ________________
3. Have you been angry/mad while taking phone calls?
Answer: ________________
4. What is your most memorable phone call when you were asking for someone?
Answer: ________________
5. When was the last time you called to ask for someone if he/she is around?
Answer: ________________
6. Do you think it’s okay to call the same number again and again and ask if the person you’re looking for is around?
Answer: ________________
7. Do you have any bad experience while asking for someone on the phone?
Answer: ________________
8. Do you think it’s okay to message the person related to someone you’re looking for to know if he or she is around? Why or why not?
Answer: ________________
9. Do you think it’s safe to let the caller know where you are and what time you’ll be back to return his/her call?
Answer: ________________
10. If you were given the chance to phone call any person on Earth, who would that be and why?
Answer: ________________