Beginner Conversation: Travel


Let’s read the dialogue. I will be Ron and you will be Emma. After reading it once, we’ll switch roles.


This place is wonderful. I can not believe we are here in Palawan, Philippines.
Indeed. The beach is so beautiful and I have never felt so warm. I am really happy that we are here this vacation. I cannot wait to swim and enjoy the sea.

Me too, but first, we have to go to our hotel room to put down our bags and get some rest for a while.
I agree. I think we should just ride a jeepney from here since the hotel is only few kilometers away.

Sure. This will be our first time to ride a jeepney. This is going to be fun especially we both know some Filipino words.
It truly is. I am excited to speak in Filipino that we learned during our flight.


Let’s talk. Please answer my questions. You may ask me questions, too.


1. What is the best place you have ever visited in your country?
Answer: ________________
2. If you are given the chance to live in another country, would you do it?

  • If yes, which country would you like to live in?
  • If no, why?
Answer: ________________
3. Did you have any bad memory during your travel?
Answer: ________________
4. Have you tried camping?

  • If yes, how was it like?
  • If no, would you like to do it someday?
Answer: ________________
5. Name three to five important things you always bring whenever you travel.
Answer: ________________
6. Name top three tourist places in your country.
Answer: ________________
7. Would you like to travel to space/outside Earth? Why or why not?
Answer: ________________
8. Do you prefer to travel in cold countries or in warm countries?
Answer: ________________
9. Have you ever gotten lost while travelling?

  • If yes, how did you find your way back?
Answer: ________________
10. Do you like to travel alone or do you want to travel with someone? (Example: Friends,family)
Answer: ________________