Expert Conversation: Fads and Trends


Let’s read the dialogue. I will be Alice and you will be Ron. After reading it once, we’ll switch roles.


I’ve been thinking about dying my hair rose pink. What do you think?
Rose pink–that’s weird for a hair color. Where did you get the idea?

Have you been living under a rock, brother? It’s a new fashion trend. My favorite actress dyed her hair rose pink, too. It looks good on her.
I’m sure it would look nice on you, too. Anyway, wouldn’t your hair get damaged from all those chemicals?

I dyed my hair blond before, and I never had any problem with my hair, then. I think my hair’s going to be fine.
Well, as long as it won’t cause any damage on your hair, then I support you in dyeing it.


Let’s talk. Please answer my questions. You may ask me questions, too.


1. Name a trend that you followed.
2. If you were to create a trend/fad, what would it be and why?
3. Do you think that the clothes we wear reflect our personality?
4. What were the worst trends and fads you’ve seen so far?
5. Were there any trends in the past that you hope to come back?
6. Would you rather be called old-fashioned than follow a weird trend? Cite an example of a weird trend.
7. Nowadays, having a tattoo is a trend. Although, some people say that having tattoos look unpleasant on the body. What do you think?
8. How do trends make an impact on society’s improvement?
9. Do you know any trends that cause harm? What are they?
10. Why do you think trends spread quickly through the influence of social media?