Intermediate Conversation: Economy and Livelihood


Let’s read the dialogue. I will be Sam and you will be Alice. After reading it once, we’ll switch roles.


I heard you are planning to have a small business. Have you decided about it?
Yes, I have. I would like to invest in a small convenience store near the school. What do you think?

That is a nice idea. The location is perfect since there are lots of students within that area.
Exactly. Do you think it will be possible to achieve it early next year?

Why not? I believe it is possible even at the end of this year if you already have the budget for it. Go for it!
You actually have a point. I already have the budget. What I just need to do now is to prepare the documents. Thanks for your encouragements.

Let’s talk. Please answer my questions. You may ask me questions, too.


1. What can you say about the recent economic status of your country?
2. In some countries, the government provides livelihood projects for less fortunate people. Do you think it is a good idea?
3. Why do you think people should be concerned with their country’s economy?
4. What is your opinion about other countries having poor economic status?
5. Do you think public officials have something to do with their country’s economic status? Why? Why not?
6. If the country’s economy is declining, who do you think should be responsible for that?
7. Would you consider having a small business for your livelihood in the future?
8. What are the most common economic problems in your country?
9. Have you studied about economics? What is your opinion about it?
10. Do you think everyone should be aware of world economy? Why? Why not?