TOEFL Task3 実践問題 3


Let’s introduce ourselves to each other.


My name is ________________. What is your name?


I am ________________. Nice to meet you.


Nice to meet you too, ________________. Let’s begin our lesson!


Please read aloud the following announcement in 45 seconds.


Remedial Education Program
The school administration is requiring all students to attend the weekly remedial education program from October to November. This has been implemented due to the decreasing percentage of the school’s passing rate in national examinations.
The program will be held every Saturday from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. The subjects covered in this program are math, English, and science.
Students should get their forms from their homeroom teachers before going home and have them signed by their parents by Friday.


Now, please read aloud the following dialogue with your tutor. I will read the female part, and you will read the male part.


Female: Hello. You came to school early today.
Male: Oh, hello. Have you seen the latest announcement from the school administration?
Female: Yes, I have. We need to attend the remedial program.
Male: I don’t think the program is necessary. First of all, they want all students to attend the program, right?
Female: Yes. That’s what they said in the announcement.
Male: They should not require all students to attend that program. Some students have high grades and can pass every examination. Shouldn’t the students with low examination scores be the only ones to attend the program?
Female: I think they are just concerned with the school’s current academic standing.
Male: They should also consider their students’ schedules. Most students are part of school clubs. How are we going to do our school club activities if they will require us to attend the program every Saturday?
Female: You’re right. We have to do something.
Male: Well, we can’t do so much about it for now. But we can try to reach out to our teachers and ask for their help.

I will ask the following questions. Please answer based on the announcement and the dialogue.
You have 30 seconds for preparation and 60 seconds for answering. Please start your preparation silently.


The male student expresses his opinion on the school’s announcement.
State his opinion and explain his reasons.

Now, let’s review your answer. After that, please read aloud your corrected answer.
(Please review your student’s answers by sending the correct answers in complete sentences. After that, ask your student to read aloud his or her corrected answers.)



Now, we’ll read the sample answer. Please repeat after me.


A female student and a male student are talking about an announcement by the school administration.
According to the announcement, all students are required to attend the remedial education program every Saturday from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
The male student disagrees with the school administration’s announcement and gives two reasons why he is against it.
First, he thinks that they should not require all students to attend the program because some students have high grades and can pass every examination. He thinks that only the students with low examination scores should attend the program.
Second, he adds that school clubs have activities every Saturday and they will not be able to do them if they attend the program.
For these reasons, he does not support the announcement of the admin office.


Please read aloud the following announcement in 45 seconds.


Building Construction
This is to inform all school club members that the school will be closed during weekends starting next month.
All construction activities will be held on weekends from July to November.
The school will be under construction as we will add an additional building within the campus.
All students are forbidden to be here at all costs to avoid any accident.
All school clubs are permitted to practice outside the campus if supervised by a teacher.


Now, please read aloud the following dialogue with your tutor. I will read the female part, and you will read the male part.


Female: Good morning. Have you seen the announcement?
Male: Yes, I have. I don’t think it’s a good idea.
Female: Why don’t you think so?
Male: First of all, the construction is from July to November. That’s too long. Students can’t practice much on weekdays because we are already tired after class.
Female: That’s true.
Male: Not allowing students to practice inside the campus for four months during weekends is very inconvenient. Club leaders will have to look for a safe place for club members to practice. A good place to practice might require a big amount of money, right?
Female: True. Those kind of expenses will be a big burden on students.
Male: Also, having a teacher supervise us every time we practice outside will be difficult. What if the teachers already have plans for weekends? Then, we won’t be able to practice outside.
Female: You’re right. Maybe we can ask the school administration about this matter.
Male: We can’t do much for now. But I hope that they will find a better way for school club members to practice.

I will ask the following questions. Please answer based on the announcement and the dialogue.
You have 30 seconds for preparation and 60 seconds for answering. Please start your preparation silently.


The male student expresses his opinion on the school’s announcement.
State his opinion and explain his reasons.

Now, let’s review your answer. After that, please read aloud your corrected answer.
(Please review your student’s answers by sending the correct answers in complete sentences. After that, ask your student to read aloud his or her corrected answers.)



Now, we’ll read the sample answer. Please repeat after me.


A female and a male student are talking about the building’s construction.
According to the announcement, the school will be closed every weekend from July to November due to the building’s construction.
The male student disagrees with the announcement and gives two reasons why he is against it.
First, he thinks that the students are already tired after class so they cannot practice much during weekdays. Not allowing students to practice inside the campus for four months is inconvenient. Also, having a good place to practice outside the campus might require them a big amount of money.
Second, he adds that it will be difficult to have a teacher supervise all practices outside. He worries that if their teachers already have plans for the weekends, they will not be able to practice outside.
For these reasons, he does not support the announcement for the building’s construction.


Now, let’s do a free talk about the following topics.
(Please do a free talk if you have time left.)


Should schools implement mandatory remedial classes to all students?
Please give two reasons to support your opinion.