Task6 練習問題 1_1


Let’s introduce ourselves to each other.


My name is ________________. What is your name?


I am ________________. Nice to meet you.


Nice to meet you too, ________________. Let’s begin our lesson!


Please read aloud the lecture below.


Have you ever wondered why our voices change as we grow older? Over the years, a human body undergoes a lot of changes. One of them is the depth of voice. There are two reasons as to why human voice changes over time: the age of vocal cords and the size of the larynx. The larynx or the voice box is a part of the respiratory system that is used to breathe, talk, and swallow. It is a system of different muscles that supports and moves the vocal cords inside it.
The age of a human’s vocal cords causes big changes. As a person ages, vocal cords ages too. People experience the first major shift in their voices when they are starting to become an adult. That’s the time when people’s voices start to deepen. That is a sign that the vocal cords are aging. Most people’s voices stay almost the same for about 50 years after the start of becoming an adult. However, as people grow older, they experience signs relating to an aging voice called presbyphonia.
Next is the size of the larynx. The voice is produced through the sound waves of the vocal cords. The bigger the vocal cords are, the deeper the voice is. Men have bigger larynges than women. This is the reason why men’s voices are bigger and deeper than that of women’s. When larynges and vocal cords grow, they create bigger sound waves which make people’s voices bigger and deeper as they age.


Now, I will read aloud the lecture above. Please listen and take notes.


I will ask the following questions. Please answer based on the lecture. I will check if your sentences are complete and if the grammar is correct.


1. What is the professor talking about in the lecture?
Answer: The professor is talking about .
2. What is the main idea of the lecture?
Answer: According to the professor, .
3. What are the two supporting ideas introduced in the lecture?
Answer: The professor presents .
4. Please explain the first supporting idea using the example given.
Answer: First, the professor .
5. Please explain the second supporting idea using the example given.
Answer: Second, the professor .
6. Please explain what you learned through this lecture.
Answer: Through this short lecture, I learned .

Now, let’s review your answer. After that, please read aloud your corrected answer.
(Please review your student’s answers by sending the correct answers in complete sentences. After that, ask your student to read aloud his or her corrected answers.)



Now, we’ll read the sample answer. Please repeat after me.


1. The professor is talking about the reasons why the human voice changes as people grow old.
2. According to the passage, a human body undergoes a lot of changes as people grow old and one of those changes is the depth of voice.
3. The professor presents the two reasons as to why human voices change over time: the age of the vocal cords and the size of the larynx.
4. First, the professor uses the start of becoming an adult as an example. He says that the start of becoming an adult is the time when people experience the first major shift in their voices. And that it is a sign that the vocal cords are aging.
5. Second, the professor differentiates the size of men and women’s larynges as an example. He explains that the larger size of men’s larynges is the reason why their voices are deeper than that of women’s.
6. Through this short lecture, I learned that there are two reasons as to why our voices change as we grow older. The age of our vocal cords deepens our voices and it starts before becoming an adult. I also learned that the depth of the voice depends on the size of the larynx. This is the reason why men have deeper voices than women.

Please read aloud the lecture below.


Are you aware of the autonomic nervous system? It is the part of the nervous system that works autonomously and controls certain body processes like blood pressure, pulse rate, and breathing. In this lesson, we will discuss the two main divisions of the autonomic nervous system which are the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions.
Let’s start with the sympathetic division. This division prepares the body for stress and emergency situations. It automatically controls the body’s response to any noticed threats. This division is associated with the fight or flight response. The fight or flight response represent the options that people have when they are in danger. The options are dealing with the threat (fight) or running away to safety (flight). When someone is frightened, the person’s heartbeat accelerates and the breathing becomes faster. This is to provide enough energy and oxygen to the body as it responds to danger.
Next is the parasympathetic division. This division keeps the body at rest and it is responsible for storing and conserving the body’s energy not for immediate but for future use. It slows down the pulse rate and starts the digestion. This division is associated with the rest and digest function. The rest and digest function represent the time when the blood pressure decreases, the pulse rate slows down and the digestion starts as the body is at rest. It controls the body processes during ordinary situations. For example, wanting to relax on a weekend while watching your favorite television show on a comfortable chair calls for the rest and digest function.


Now, I will read aloud the lecture above. Please listen and take notes.


I will ask the following questions. Please answer based on the lecture. I will check if your sentences are complete and if the grammar is correct.


1. What is the professor talking about in the lecture?
Answer: The professor is talking about .
2. What is the main idea of the lecture?
Answer: According to the professor, .
3. What are the two supporting ideas introduced in the lecture?
Answer: The professor presents .
4. Please explain the first supporting idea using the example given.
Answer: First, the professor .
5. Please explain the second supporting idea using the example given.
Answer: Second, the professor .
6. Please explain what you learned through this lecture.
Answer: Through this short lecture, I learned .

Now, let’s review your answer. After that, please read aloud your corrected answer.
(Please review your student’s answers by sending the correct answers in complete sentences. After that, ask your student to read aloud his or her corrected answers.)



Now, we’ll read the sample answer. Please repeat after me.


1. The professor is talking about the autonomic nervous system and what it does.
2. According to the professor, the autonomic nervous system is the part of the nervous system that works autonomously and controls certain body processes.
3. The professor presents the two main divisions of the autonomic nervous system which are the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions.
4. First, the professor provides the example of a person feeling frightened to explain how the sympathetic division works and what it really does. He explains that the sympathetic division is associated with the fight or flight response which gives people two options when facing threats.
5. Second, the professor provides the examples of a person relaxing on a weekend while watching his/her favorite television show on a comfortable chair. He explains that the parasympathetic division is associated with the rest and digest function.
6. Through this short lecture, I learned that the sympathetic division is responsible for the body’s response to noticed threats or danger. It provides immediate usage of energy. I also learned that the parasympathetic division is responsible for the state of the body being at rest when not detecting any threats at present. It stores energy not for immediate but for future use.

Now, let’s do a free talk about the following topic.
(Please do a free talk if you have time left.)


Please explain why people cannot stop global warming.
Give two examples to support your opinion.