TOEFL Task6 実践問題 2


Let’s introduce ourselves to each other.


My name is ________________. What is your name?


I am ________________. Nice to meet you.


Nice to meet you too, ________________. Let’s begin our lesson!


I will read aloud the lecture below. Please listen and take notes.


There has been an enormous change in our society due to the advancements in technology. For instance, life has become uncomplicated and everyday chores do not occupy too much of our time. Moreover, technology provides access to almost everything. However, with so many advantages come the disadvantages. People use it recklessly. As a result, it complicates our lives. In today’s lecture, I’d like to introduce the two side effects of technology in our lives; it affects human relationships and increases environmental pollution.
Technology has transformed human relationships. Our interaction with other people is essential. Without it, we tend to become depressed, anxious, and lonely. People who spend too much time with technology may not develop applicable social skills, resulting in gloominess and an inability to connect with others.
Technology increases the amount of pollution. Technology is one of the reasons why there is much pollution that adds to global warming. It creates large amounts of waste, used computers and electronics are disposed of when they break or malfunction. The dumping of unwanted materials into the rivers and water systems by industries is an environmental threat.
Experts have discovered that in addition to making our lives more comfortable, it can damage our communication skills. Whether it contributes to society or results in environmental threats, humans should think about the conservation of the environment and the betterment of human interaction.


I will ask the following questions. Please answer based on the lecture. You have 20 seconds for preparation and 60 seconds for answering. I will check if your sentences are complete and if the grammar is correct.


Using the information and examples from the lecture, talk about why the mentioned side effects are harmful to humans and to the environment.

Now, let’s review your answer. After that, please read aloud your corrected answer.
(Please review your student’s answers by sending the correct answers in complete sentences. After that, ask your student to read aloud his or her corrected answers.)



Now, we’ll read the sample answer. Please repeat after me.


The professor is talking about enormous changes in our society due to the advancements in technology. For instance, life has become uncomplicated and everyday chores do not occupy too much of our time. According to the professor, technology has side effects. The professor introduces two of the side effects of technology: it affects human relationships and increases environmental pollution.
First, the professor explains how technology has transformed human relationships. The professor also mentioned that people who spend too much time with technology might not develop applicable social skills, resulting in gloominess and an inability to connect with others.
Second, the professor explains how technology increases the amount of pollution. The professor also mentioned that technology creates large amounts of waste, used computers, and electronics are disposed of when they break or malfunction. The dumping of unwanted materials into the rivers and water systems by industries is an environmental threat.
In this short lecture, I learned that humans should think about the conservation of the environment and the betterment of human interaction by limiting the use of technology.


I will read aloud the lecture below. Please listen and take notes.


Today, some fruits and vegetables have undergone genetic engineering for the crop yield, resistance to insect damage, protection from plant diseases, and increased nutritional value, according to the Food Development Authority. In the market, we call them genetically modified or GMO crops. In today’s lecture, I’d like to introduce the pros and cons of GMO crops.
Manufacturers use genetic alteration to give foods beneficial traits. For example, they have designed two new kinds of apples that turn less brown when cut or bruised. The reasoning usually includes making crops more immune to diseases as they grow. Manufacturers also engineer fruits and vegetables to be more nutritious or tolerant of herbicides — a pesticide used to kill unwanted plants. Crop protection is the main reason behind this type of genetic modification. Most of all, genetic modification can also increase the nutritional value or enhance flavor.
Some claim that are many downsides, but the evidence varies, and the health issues associated with GMO foods are still on debate. Research is ongoing. Some people believe that GMO foods have more potential to cause allergic reactions. It is because they may contain genes from an allergen — a food that prompts an allergic reaction. Some researchers conclude that consuming GMO foods can add to the development of cancer. Researchers debate that the mutations in DNA cause it.
Because genetic modification can make crops immune to disease and tolerant of herbicides, the method can double the amount of food that farmers can grow. It can reduce prices and contribute to food security. Also, because genetically engineering foods is a relatively new practice, little is known about the long-term effects and safety. As consumers, we should be careful with the foods that we intake.


I will ask the following questions. Please answer based on the lecture. You have 20 seconds for preparation and 60 seconds for answering. I will check if your sentences are complete and if the grammar is correct.


Using the examples and information from the lecture, talk about the pros and cons of GMO foods.

Now, let’s review your answer. After that, please read aloud your corrected answer.
(Please review your student’s answers by sending the correct answers in complete sentences. After that, ask your student to read aloud his or her corrected answers.)



Now, we’ll read the sample answer. Please repeat after me.


The professor is talking some fruits and vegetables that have undergone genetic engineering for the crop yield, resistance to insect damage, protection from plant diseases, and increased nutritional value. According to the professor there are pros and cons of GMO crops.
First, the professor explains that Manufacturers use genetic alteration to give foods beneficial traits. Manufacturers also engineer fruits and vegetables to be more nutritious or tolerant of herbicides — a pesticide used to kill unwanted plants.
Second, the professor explains that some researchers conclude that consuming GMO foods can add to the development of cancer. Researchers debate that the mutations in DNA cause it.
Through this lecture, I learned that we should be careful with the foods that we intake.


Now, let’s do a free talk about the following topic.
(Please do a free talk if you have time left.)


Please explain why the traffic is heavy in a certain area.
Give two examples to support your opinion.