In this material, you will practice TOEIC with the content of the theme: “Business trip”.

1. in the vicinity of …の付近に | |
2. settle for …で我慢する、…で手を打つ | |
3. wireless Internet access 無線インターネットアクセス | |
4. It would be great if … …してくれるとありがたい | |
5. prefer [動] …を好む | |
6. as always いつものように | |
7. extremely [副] 非常に、きわめて | |
8. fill in for …の代理を務める | |
9. quit [動]( 仕事などを)やめる | |
10. otherwise [副] さもなければ | |
11. be sure to do 必ず…する | |
12. attach [動] …を添付する | |
13. judging from …から判断して | |
14. current [形] 現在の | |
15. circumstances [名] 状況、環境 | |
16. be willing to do 進んで…する |

1. settle for | |
Answer: | |
2. prefer | |
Answer: | |
3. as always | |
Answer: | |
4. current | |
Answer: | |
5. be willing to do | |
Answer: |

From: Dylan Winters
Date: September 10
Subject: London trip
Could you please reserve a flight for my trip to London next month and arrange for accommodations in the vicinity of Southland Bank? I plan to be there from October 7 to 10.
Ideally, the hotel would have a business center, but I would settle for wireless Internet access. It would be great if you could find a hotel with a gym.
Also, could you please make arrangements for a guided bus tour of the city on the 9th? I would prefer the tour to be over by around 3 p.m. as I’m having dinner with clients in the evening.
Let me know what kinds of tours are available.Contact me if you need more information.
As always, thank you for your help.Dylan

Why did Dylan Winters e-mail Beth Cordero?
(A) To inquire about a museum tour
(B) To reschedule a meeting
(C) To ask for contact information
(D) To request travel arrangements

Why did Dylan Winters e-mail Beth Cordero?
(A) To inquire about a museum tour
(B) To reschedule a meeting
(C) To ask for contact information
(D) To request travel arrangements
Dylan WintersはなぜBeth CorderoにEメールを送りましたか。
(A) 博物館のツアーについて問い合わせるため。
(B) 会議の予定を変更するため。
(C) 連絡先の情報をもらうため。
(D) 旅行の手配を依頼するため。

From: Lori Cox
Date March 17
Subject: Trip report
I heard from Ben that you are extremely busy now, filling in for Lucy who suddenly had to quit.
However, I’d like to remind you that I need to have the expense report from the trip you made to Sydney earlier this month by Monday morning. Otherwise, there’s a chance you won’t be reimbursed during April.
Be sure to attach all receipts, including those from all the meals you had during your trip, to the expense report.
I also need a trip report from you, but that can come later; judging from your current circumstances, I’d be willing to wait until the first week of next month.

What is NOT mentioned in the email?
(A) A colleague recently left work.
(B) Jeb Anderson is currently in Sydney.
(C) The trip report can be submitted in April.
(D) Receipts must accompany the expense report.

What is NOT mentioned in the email?
(A) A colleague recently left work.
(B) Jeb Anderson is currently in Sydney.
(C) The trip report can be submitted in April.
(D) Receipts must accompany the expense report.
(A) 同僚が最近退職した。
(B) Jeb Andersonは現在シドニーにいる。
(C) 出張報告書は4月に提出してもよい。
(D) 領収書が経費精算書と一緒になければならない。

If time allows, let’s read them.
1. make an appointment (人と会う)約束をする | ||
2. reserve a flight 飛行機の便を予約する | ||
3. itinerary | 旅程表 | |
4. destination 目的地 | ||
5. period 期間 | ||
6. roundtrip flight ticket 往復の搭乗券 | ||
7. arrange for accommodations 宿泊施設の手配をする * make an arrangement for「…の手配をする」もよく使われる。 |
8. visit a trade show 展示会を訪れる | ||
9. inspection of a factory 工場視察 | ||
10. dinner with clients 顧客との会食 | ||
11. make a trip report 出張報告書を作成する | ||
12. reimburse expenses 費用を精算する | ||
13. receipts 領収書 |

Grammar 文法 |
Pronunciation 発音 | Vocabulary 単語 |
Comprehension 理解 |
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![]() FAIR |
文法の誤りはあるが、完全な文章で話すことができる | 発音の練習が必要な言葉がいくつかある | たまにミスはあるが、習った表現を適切に使うことができる | 文章を完全に理解するのは難しく、質問に正しく答えられないときもある |
![]() POOR |
文章で話すのは難しく、単語だけで話すことができる | 発音の練習が必要である | 習った単語と表現を少しだけ使うことができる | 文章を理解するのは難しく、質問に答えるのは難しい |