In this material, you can practice TOEIC with the content of the theme “renovation of the company building”.
1. notice [名] お知らせ | |
2. as scheduled 予定通りに | |
3. consolidate [動] …をまとめて整理する | |
4. nap [名] 仮眠 | |
5. lounge [名] 休憩室 | |
6. supply room 備品室 | |
7. inaccessible [形] 利用できない、近づけない | |
8. be scheduled for completion 完成する予定である | |
9. delay [名] 遅れ | |
10. pull out 撤退する | |
11. at the last minute 土壇場で | |
12. inform [動]( 人)に告げる | |
13. at least 少なくとも、…以上 | |
14. remain [動] 残されている | |
15. for the time being 当分の間 | |
16. inconvenience [名] 不便 | |
17. kindly [副]( 命令文とともに使って)恐れ入りますが… | |
18. bear [動] 我慢する | |
19. for a while しばらくの間 | |
20. <keep+人+posted> (人)に最新情報を伝える |
1. as scheduled | |
Answer: | |
2. delay | |
Answer: | |
3. at least | |
Answer: | |
4. kindly | |
Answer: | |
5. for a while | |
Answer: |
Renovations to the second and third floors of our offices will begin as scheduled on January 20.
On the second floor, two conference rooms (203 and 204) will be consolidated into one large conference room, and a nap corner will be installed toward the back of the employee lounge.
Ten new cubicles will be installed on the third floor in the section that currently houses the supply room.
The construction crew will use the north elevator during the renovation; we ask that you use only the south elevator until renovations are complete.
Also, restrooms on the third floor will be inaccessible during the first week.
Renovations are scheduled for completion on February 13.
(A) The construction crew
(B) The elevator maintenance crew
(C) Employees currently working at the company
(D) Employees who will begin work after February 13
(A) The construction crew
(B) The elevator maintenance crew
(C) Employees currently working at the company
(D) Employees who will begin work after February 13
(A) 工事作業員
(B) エレベーターの保守作業員
(C) 現在、会社で働いている社員
(D) 2月13日以降に働き始める社員
From: George Springer
Date: August 17
Subject: Delay in renovations
The lobby renovations that were scheduled to begin this week have been delayed due to one of the contractors pulling out at the last minute.
We are currently consulting with the construction firm to hire another contractor, but we’ve been informed that this could take at least a week.
All the equipment and supplies to be used for the work have already been placed in the lobby and must remain there for the time being.
We’re sorry for the inconvenience but kindly bear with us for a while longer.
In the interim, please use the back entrance.
We will keep you posted on further developments.
(A) A contractor has decided not to participate.
(B) Equipment and supplies have not yet arrived.
(C) Renovation plans are still under development.
(D) Employees have not been informed.
(A) A contractor has decided not to participate.
(B) Equipment and supplies have not yet arrived.
(C) Renovation plans are still under development.
(D) Employees have not been informed.
(A) 請負業者が参加しないことを決めた。
(B) 機器や資材が到着していない。
(C) 改修計画がまだ作成中である。
(D) 社員が連絡を受けていなかった。
If time allows, let’s read them.
1. make a request 依頼する | ||
2. draw up renovation plans 改修計画を作成する | ||
3. hire a contractor | 請負業者を雇う | |
4. consult with …と相談する | ||
5. undertake the reconstruction project 改修プロジェクトに着手する | ||
6. repair the lighting fixtures 照明器具を修理する | ||
7. closed for refurbishment 改修のため閉鎖中 | ||
8. construction crew 工事作業員 | ||
9. install new cubicles 新しい仕事スペースを設置する * cubicleは、仕切られた仕事スペースのこと。workstationとも言う。 |
10. be behind schedule 予定より遅れる | ||
11. notify … of the delay 遅れを…に連絡する | ||
12. be delayed due to …が原因で遅れる | ||
13. celebrate the completion of the project プロジェクトの完了を祝う * completionの形容詞形はcomplete「終わって」。 |
Grammar 文法 |
Pronunciation 発音 | Vocabulary 単語 |
Comprehension 理解 |
GOOD | 文法の誤りはほとんどなく、完全な文章で話すことができる | ほとんどの単語をはっきりと正しく発音することができる | 習った表現を適切に使うことができる | 文章を理解し、質問に正しく答えることができる |
文法の誤りはあるが、完全な文章で話すことができる | 発音の練習が必要な言葉がいくつかある | たまにミスはあるが、習った表現を適切に使うことができる | 文章を完全に理解するのは難しく、質問に正しく答えられないときもある |
文章で話すのは難しく、単語だけで話すことができる | 発音の練習が必要である | 習った単語と表現を少しだけ使うことができる | 文章を理解するのは難しく、質問に答えるのは難しい |