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企業向け みらいジュニア 障がい福祉サービス 子ども英会話 ダウンアップイングリッシュ ダウン症の

TOEIC SWのライティングテストとはどのような試験?



新たに重視される「話す」「書く」の2技能に焦点を当てた試験にTOEIC SWがあります。従来のTOEICは主にビジネスパーソンを対象に使われている試験ですが、TOEIC SWは高校生を対象に使われつつある試験です。TOEIC SWは今後、大学入試の英語外部試験として導入される可能性があります。


TOEIC SWのライティングテストとは、どのような試験なのでしょうか。


TOEIC SWは、英語の「話す」「書く」力を問う、新しいタイプのTOEICです。TOEIC SW のSはSpeaking、WはWritingを表しています。従来のTOEICでは、「読む」「聞く」という「英語をインプットする」力を測りますが、TOEIC SWでは、「話す」「書く」という「英語をアウトプットする」力を測ります。


TOEIC SWのもう1つの大きな特徴は、パソコンやヘッドセットといったITツールを使って解答することです。TOEIC SWテストは年に24回開催されるため、従来のTOEICよりも受けやすくなっています。

TOEIC SWライティングテストの概要と問題、解答例

TOEIC SW のライティングテストは、問題数8問、所要時間約60分のテストです。スコアは、10点刻みの0点から200点で評価されます。パソコンの画面を見ながらキーボードで打ち込んで解答します。






例えば、以下のような写真で、指定語句として business meeting / hand が与えられたとします。



Two women are shaking hands in a business meeting.









Directions: Read the e-mail.


From: Lisa Brown
To: Andrew Thomas
Subject: Re) Our graduation trip


Hi Andrew,


Thank you for your response.


Now I’m contacting two agencies and trying to choose the better one for us. Agency Dacota is offering a cheap and moderate program as a campaign, but they rush us so much because the campaign ends in 3 days. Agency Wicket is offering a much expensive program but it has various contents;. They don’t rush us, so I think we can have time to look into them together.

What do you think? Now I need your opinion.


Directions: Respond to the e-mail as if you are Andrew. In the e-mail, tell your opinion, give at least ONE reason for it and make at least ONE question.






Hi Lisa,


Thank you for taking time for our trip.


Well, I think we’d better take some time to think over our plan again. Maybe we can look into each program from those agencies.

So, let’s meet up and think it over. When it takes 3 days or more for us to think, let’s give up using Dacota.

Do you have any free time tomorrow or the day after?


Over to you,













There seem to be both merits and demerits of working in a team and working alone. Write your opinion about it and provide reasons with examples.




It has been said that working in a team is always the best way to contribute to a team.However, the number of people who say working alone sometimes be the best way for a team is increasing. I think working alone is a very good way to boost productivity as well as working in a team, and both working style should be used together properly. That is because I believe the world is managed by the power of two types of people -extroverts and introverts- and working alone helps so much to make use of the advantage of introverts. In addition, some researches show that working in a team has some risk to mislead people.


First, introverts are good at considering things carefully, but they need some isolated environment. They need to think alone, not debating with other people. Some researches show that introverts are very thoughtful and productive, but highly sensitive to environmental stimulation and cannot display their real ability in sociable surroundings. In other words, sociable activities like working in a team sometimes exert a bad influence on introverts and damage their productivity.


Second, it is said from a psychological perspective that people tend to be unconsciously influenced by other people’s opinions. For example, we make more incorrect answers when many other people claim that the answers are correct. In this point of view, working in a team has a risk to mislead the team members.


Definitely, working in a team is generally very good for a team. It helps people to work effectively, frankly and passionately. In addition, working alone tends to take more time to process, and sometimes lacks communication. Yes, working in a team has advantages, and working alone has disadvantages. However, in the same way, working in team has disadvantages, and working alone has advantages as I said above.


In conclusion, while people say working in a team is always the best, I think , sometimes ,working alone is the best for a team, and both working style should be used to manage a team.


TOEIC Speaking & Writing Tests – 一般財団法人国際ビジネスコミュニケーション協会

採点について – 一般財団法人国際ビジネスコミュニケーション協会

入学者選抜改革における英語4技能の評価 – 英語4技能試験情報サイト

高大接続改革 – 文部科学省

TOEIC SW対策にはweblioライティングテストがお薦め

TOEIC SWの対策には、weblioライティングテストがお勧めです。Weblio専属の翻訳のプロが、生徒1人ひとりの英作文をチェックして評価、アドバイスを行います。生徒の英作文のスキルアップにぜひご利用ください。



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個人向け 学習塾向け 学校向けオンライン英会話
企業向け みらいジュニア障がい福祉サービス子ども英会話 ダウンアップイングリッシュ ダウン症の