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英検2級の英作文問題では、TOPICの最後に Do you think~?、あるいは Do you agree with this opinion? のように聞いてきます。
Do you think~? の場合
Do you think~? に対して賛成の立場を示す場合、I think so. としますが、I think that ~(TOPICの内容). とすることによって、TOPICの内容分の語数を増やすことができます。また、I think so. を I think it is a good idea that~(TOPICの内容).としても語数を増やすことができます。
反対の立場を示す場合は、I don’t think so. とします。これを、I don’t think that~(TOPICの内容).とするとTOPICの内容分の語数を増やすことができます。I don’t think it is a good idea that~(TOPICの内容).としても語数が増やせます。
Do you agree with this opinion? の場合
Do you agree with this opinion? に対して賛成の立場を示す場合、I agree with that. で答えるのが一般的です。語数を増やすには、I agree with the opinion that~(TOPICの内容).とすると、語数を増やすことができます。
反対の立場を示す場合は、I disagree with that.としますが、I disagree with the opinion that~(TOPICの内容)とすることで語数を増やすことができます。
他には、Some people say that ~,but I think that~.や Most of the people disagree with the opinion that ~. However, I agree with that. といった決まり文句を使って語数を増やすことができます。
1つ目の理由を述べる時は、First, ~. と書くのが一般的ですが、The first reason is that~. と表現することもできます。また、One reason is that~.や、To start with,、To begin with,、First of all, といった決まり文句もあります。
2つ目の理由を述べる時の書き出しはSecond, ~.です。The second reason is that~.や、Another reason is that~.といった決まり文句もあります。
理由を述べた後に、「だから~」と続けたい時は、So を使います。So の代わりに、As a result、For that reason なども使うことができます。具体例を加える時は、like や such as、That’s why などを使うとよいでしょう。
結論では、今まで述べてきた内容を簡潔に述べます。So I think~(TOPICの内容)で書き始めるとよいでしょう。In conclusion, I think~(TOPICの内容)や、For these reasons, I think のようなフレーズも使えます。
大丈夫です。Weblio Studyならパソコンやスマホで英検対策ができるんです!
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Today, some people say that it is the best way for university students to go abroad to study English. Do you think it is a good idea for university students to do so?
I think so. First, we have few chances to speak English in Japan unless we talk to native English teachers at school or to foreign tourists. Second, students have been studying English grammar and how to translate English into Japanese since they were junior high school students. So I think it is a good idea for university students to go abroad to study practical English. (65語)
I think it is the best way for university students to go abroad to study English. One reason is that we have few chances to speak English in Japan unless we talk to native English teachers at school or to foreign tourists. As a result, many Japanese cannot speak English fluently. Another reason is that many university students have studied passive English, such as English grammar and how to translate English into Japanese since they were junior high school students. For these reasons, I think it is the best way for university students to go abroad to learn practical English. (100語)
I don’t think so. First, there are a lot of English conversation schools where many native speakers teach to Japanese students. So university students can learn English without going abroad. Second, if the students go abroad, their parents have to spend a lot of money for them. Some of them cannot afford to do that. So I don’t think they should go abroad to study English. (66語)
I don’t think it is the best idea for university students to go abroad to study English. The first reason is that there are a lot of English conversation schools in Japan where many native speakers teach to Japanese students. For that reason, university students can learn practical English from those native speakers without going abroad. The second reason is that some of the parents can’t afford to let them go abroad. Their parents have to spend a lot of money for their tuition fee. In conclusion, I don’t think university students should go abroad to study English. (98語)
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パソコンやスマホで英検対策ができるWeblio Studyは、あなたの味方です!
- 本番にそっくりなライティングの練習問題をトレーニングできる!
- 英作文の組み立て方のコツやテンプレート、模範解答を教えてくれる!
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2級の試験内容 – 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
2級の過去問・対策 – 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
2級Can-doリスト – 公益財団法人日本英語検定協会
英検2級ライティングテストの練習問題と、高得点獲得のためのコツ – Weblio英会話