「GTEC」スピーキングテストPart D対策のための練習問題と解答例
「GTEC(R)」(Advanced)と「GTEC」(Basic)のスピーキングテストでは、Part AからPart Dまでの4つの異なる問題が出題されます。Part Dの問題は、あるテーマについて自分の考えとそう考える理由を述べる問題です。受検者には、適切な語彙や文法を使い、発音や話し方の流暢さに注意しながら話す力が求められます。
「GTEC」のスピーキングテスト Part D対策のための練習問題をいくつか用意しました。ぜひ、中学校、高等学校の英語授業に活用してください。
Some people think junior and senior high school students should do volunteer activities. What do you think about this? Give at least one reason with an example or explanation.
I agree with this idea. I think doing volunteer activities is one of the good opportunities for junior and senior high school students to take part in society. Better society will be built by their volunteer activities. For example, if they clean the park in the town, people can use that park comfortably, and if those who play some sports well teach how to play each sport to children, a lot of children will be interested in sports. Also, if students who are good at singing songs visit an old people’s home, their singing voice must make the old people happy. Taking part in volunteer activities will enable many people to live in this society comfortably. For these reasons, I think it is necessary for junior and senior high school students to do volunteer activities.
話す時には、最初の意見と最後の結論が食い違わないように注意しましょう。話し方については、強調したい所を力強く発話したり、カンマの所で一呼吸置いたりするとよいでしょう。発音については、単語を連結して読むリエゾン(黄色部分)や、単語の最後の音が脱落するリダクション(緑色部分)、音が日本語のラ行のように変化するフラッピング(水色部分)を意識すると英語らしい発音になり、スピーキングテストで高得点を狙うことができます。解答例の good at や visit an old は、リエゾンとリダクションが重なって、「グッダッ」「ヴィジタノール」と発音します。
I disagree with this idea. I know doing volunteer activities is important for junior and senior high school students, and those activities are useful and helpful for society. But many of the students are so busy that they have no time to do volunteer work. For example, a lot of students join club activities after school, and they have to do their homework at home. Also, many of the students go to cram schools and they go back home late. They have very little free time. For these reasons, I disagree that junior and senior high school students are forced to do volunteer activities.
解答例では、最初に反対であることを表明した後、ボランティア活動をすることは重要であり、社会にとって役に立つことを知っていると述べています。反対側の立場の意見に寄り添うことを付け加えると、後に述べようとする自分の意見を裏付ける理由や具体例を際立たせる効果があります。解答例では、But という逆接の接続詞を用いて反対意見の理由を、生徒に時間がないこととしています。具体例としてクラブ活動や宿題、塾通いを挙げています。
Junior and senior high school students should study abroad to become good speakers of English. What do you think about this statement? Give at least one reason to support your opinion.
I agree with this statement. In old days, Japanese people didn’t have to speak English unless they go abroad. Even now, we have no difficulties to live in Japan if we cannot speak English. However, these days, due to globalization, junior and senior high school students are required to have four English skills, like reading, listening, writing, and speaking. We can learn reading, listening, writing skills comparatively easily at school, but to have speaking skill is very difficult, because students have very few opportunities to speak English in Japan. That’s why I think it is the best way for junior and senior high school students to study abroad to be good English speakers.
解答例では、最初に賛成意見であることを表明した後、日本では英語を話せなくても生活できるという、最初の意見とは反対のことを述べています。However を用いて、自分の本来の意見に引き戻していきます。国際化のために中学生や高校生は英語の4技能が必要とされている事実を述べ、4技能のうち話す技能を得ることは、英語を話す機会が少ない日本では難しいと、理由につなげています。発音面で、In old daysの部分は「イノールデイズ」のようにリエゾンとリダクションが重なるので注意しましょう。
I disagree with this statement. I know studying abroad is the earliest way for junior and senior high school students to become good speakers of English. But I think studying abroad costs their parents a lot. It may be impossible for some of their parents to let their children go abroad to study English. It seems that only rich students will be able to be good speakers of English. I don’t think so. Fortunately, there are many English conversation schools in Japan. In those schools, we can take English lessons from native English teachers. If we try to speak English with them, we will be able to speak English well in the future without studying abroad. That’s why I don’t think it is necessary for junior and senior high school students to study abroad to become good speakers of English.
解答例では、留学には多額のお金がかかることを理由に反対意見を表明しています。留学しなければ英語が上手にならないのなら、裕福な子どもしか英語が話せないということだ、と仮説を立てています。そうは思わないと再び意見を述べ、日本には英会話学校がたくさんあり、ネイティブの先生から英語が学べるのだから留学の必要はないと結んでいます。発音面では、studying abroad の部分でリエゾンとリダクションが重なり、「スタディンガブロー」と発音します。
Junior and senior high school students should learn how to use the computer. What do you think about this opinion? Give at least one reason with an example or explanation.
I agree with this opinion. Using a computer is indispensable for present-day living. For example, if we can use a computer, it is possible to get the latest news through the Internet. We can get news from the Internet much earlier than newspapers delivered in the early morning or in the evening. And using a computer is very convenient when we do our homework or study at home. Getting a lot of information through the Internet enables us to expand our knowledge. Also, computer literacy must be useful for our future when we go into business. In conclusion, I think it is now that we should learn how to use the computer.
コンピュータは現代生活には欠かせないという理由で、賛成の立場をとった解答例です。コンピュータを使えば新聞よりも早くニュースを知り、宿題や勉強をする時にも便利であるという具体例を挙げています。コンピュータを使う能力は将来ビジネスでも役立つことも理由の1つに挙げています。Getting a は「ゲリンガ」のようにフラッピングとリエゾンが混合するので注意しましょう。
I disagree with this opinion. I know it is important to have computer literacy for our future. But we have a lot of things to learn, such as English, mathematics, Japanese, science, social studies, and so on. We are very busy studying those subjects and we sometimes have a lot of homework imposed by our teachers at school. We have no time to learn how to use the computer. Also, if we can use the computer and we may spend a lot of time looking at the computer screen, we may have poor vision, namely using the computer is not good for our health. In conclusion, I don’t think it is a good idea for junior and senior high school students to learn how to use the computer.
コンピュータを使う能力は必要だという見解を示しつつ、生徒は他に学ぶべきことがたくさんあるので、コンピュータの使い方を学ぶ時間はないこと、コンピュータを使いすぎて健康を害することなどを挙げ、反対意見を裏付けています。teachers at は、「ティーチャーザッ」と、リエゾンとリダクションが重なるので注意しましょう。
GTEC問題サンプル – 株式会社ベネッセコーポレーション
GTEC Speaking 採点基準について – 株式会社ベネッセコーポレーション
平成30年度高等学校における英語教育実施状況調査【集計結果】 – 文部科学省
高等学校学習指導要領(平成30年告示)解説 – 文部科学省