Agree or disagree: It is important for senior high school students to participate in team sports.
- teamwork
- cooperation
- individuality
- confidence
Almost all the sports have good points, but I believe it is more important for senior high school students to participate in team sports such as baseball, basketball, rugby, soccer, volleyball etc.
The first reason is that senior high school students need to learn teamwork which will be inevitable in the society in the future. Every team sport has the game plans and all the players are required to move about according to the game plans. No one shouldn’t be selfish in the game. That’s why students can learn teamwork by playing team sports.
The second reason is that cooperation of each player is necessary in the team sports. Every player has to play the sport in cooperation with other players to make scores, which is also necessary when they work in a company.
In conclusion, it is better for students to participate in team sports than playing individual sports. (150語)
文頭の Almost の使い方に気を付けましょう。almost は副詞なので、直後には all や every などが来ます。名詞を置くことはできません。
関係代名詞の which には、直前の名詞を修飾する制限用法と、直前の文全体を修飾する非制限用法があります。
I believe senior high school students should participate in any sports, and it is not always necessary to play team sports. It is worth practicing individual sports such as swimming, track and field, tennis, table tennis, judo, etc.
The first reason is that each student has particular skills, so they may be able to develop their individuality by practicing each sport by themselves, not cooperating with other players.
The second reason is that individual sports make students have confidence as the fruits of the hard practice. Even if the team wins in the team sport, only a player who scored a goal can get into the limelight. It may be hard for each player to maintain their motivation.
For these reasons, I believe that it is not always important for senior high school students to participate in team sports and it is worth practicing individual sport. (146語)
not always は、「常に~というわけではない」という部分否定です。It is worth playing individual sports.はIndividual sports are worth playing.と同じです。worth の後には動名詞を置くということに注意しましょう。
Agree or disagree: Communication through computers or smartphones has good influence on people.
- time difference
- share the same messages
- talk face to face
- misunderstand
I agree with the statement that communication through computers or smartphones has good influence on people. I have two reasons for this.
One reason is that whenever we want to communicate with family members or friends living far away, if it is possible to send e-mails or LINE to them, they are the easiest way to contact them. For example, when we have something to tell to people living in other countries, we have to consider the time difference if we call them.
Another reason is that we can share the same messages, pictures at the same time with plural people. If we have to communicate with those people without using computers or smartphones, we should tell the same things several times on the phone, which needs a lot of time.
For these reasons, I think it is a good way to use computers or smartphones for communication with others. (150語)
whenever は、「~のときはどんなときでも」という意味で使い、no matter when に言い換えることもできます。contact は「人に連絡する」という意味ですが、他動詞なので前置詞は不要です。
Although many people use computers or smartphones to communicate with other people, I don’t agree with the statement that those communication tools have good influence on people. There are two points to support this idea.
First of all, if we use only computers or smartphones to contact other people, we have no opportunities to have communication skills. It may be difficult for us to have a conversation face to face. For example, we don’t know how to begin a conversation when we meet someone for the first time.
Second of all, communication by using computers or smartphones may cause us to misunderstand what other people mean. If we talk with one another face to face, we can see what others mean, judging by their appearances.
Therefore, I don’t agree with the statement using computers or smartphones has good influence on people to communicate with other people. (146語)
Communication by using computers or smartphones may cause us to misunderstand what other people mean.の部分は、「コンピューターやスマートフォンを使ってコミュニケーションを取ると、相手が意味するところを誤解することが生じ得る」という意味です。無生物主語と言って、主語を物や事にすることで、より英語らしい表現になります。
Do you think license is necessary to ride a bicycle?
- traffic regulations
- accidents
- children
- universal vehicle
In spite of the fact that some people think license to ride a bicycle is out of the question, I think that everyone who wants to ride a bicycle should have a license. There are two reasons for this.
First of all, there are many riders who don’t know the traffic regulations. Some don’t know on which side of the road they should go, others don’t understand the meanings of road signs. If a licensing system is instituted, it is a good opportunity for everyone to learn the traffic regulations.
Second of all, many riders ride bicycles, listening to music or something, and they sometimes ride double on bicycles, which may cause a lot of accidents. If we have a licensing system, they may be punished for a traffic violation, which must decrease the number of accidents.
In conclusion, I think license is necessary to ride a bicycle. (148語)
Some don’t know on which side of the road they should go.は間接疑問文です。元々は、On which side of the road should they go? の疑問文が Some don’t know に組み込まれ、should they go の部分が they should go に変化したものです。
Some people may say that license to ride a bicycle is necessary, because many bicycle-related accidents have happened. However, I don’t think license is necessary to ride a bicycle. I have two reasons to support this statement.
Firstly, because even children who cannot read or write letters have rights to ride bicycles, it is impossible to make those children have licenses to ride bicycles. I think adults around them like their parents or teachers should teach them how to ride bicycles safely and what they should care about.
Secondly, in spite of the fact that the bicycle is a universal vehicle, if the licensing system is introduced, not all the people can afford to ride them, because it costs them a lot to get licenses, which may cause many people to refrain from going out.
For these reasons, I don’t think licenses to ride bicycles are necessary. (147語)
can afford to do は、「~をする余裕がある」という意味です。主語が not all the people となっているので、「全ての人が自転車に乗れる余裕があるわけではなくなる」という部分否定になります。refrain from ~ ingは、「~を差し控える」という意味です。
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