ディベートでは、賛成の立場と反対の立場に分かれて行う場合(Yes/No)と、AかBのどちらを選んで行う場合(A or B)があります。
Do you agree to the idea that it is good for you to have a dog or a cat as a pet?
Yes./ No.に分かれてディベートをするする場合によく使うフレーズは次の通りです。
Yes, I agree to the idea. Because ~.
Yes, I think so. That’s because ~.
No, I disagree to the idea. The reason I think so is that ~.
No, I don’t think so. Because ~.
トピックで、Do you agree to the idea?と聞かれている場合は、Yes, I agree to the idea. やNo, I disagree to the idea.で答えるのが一般的です。agree、disagreeの後ろには前置詞のtoがつきます。Do you think ~?で始まる場合は、Yes, I think so.やNo, I don’t think so.で答えます。
AかBのどちらを選んで行う場合(A or B)のトピック例
Do you eat rice or bread for breakfast?
A or Bで問われるトピックの場合によく使うフレーズは次の通りです。
I prefer ~ing to …ing.
I like ~ better than …
I choose to ~.
My opinion is that ~.
prefer ~ing to …ingは「…するより~する方を好む」という意味です。~ing は動名詞です。比較級の表現なので、「~より」の部分をthanと間違えがちですが、preferの動詞を使う時は、thanではなくtoを使います。I like ~ better than…は同じ意味の表現ですが、likeを使う場合はbetter thanというようにthanを併せて使います。
Yes./ No.に分かれる場合のディベート例
Yes, I think so. Because I think having a dog or a cat as a pet makes us happy and relaxes me.
Yes, I agree to the idea. That’s because the pet is one of the members of my family.
one of theの後の名詞は複数形になります。
Yes, especially having a dog as a pet keeps me fit, because I walk the dog every day.
keep ~ fitで「~の健康を維持する」という意味になります。walkには「歩く」という自動詞だけではなく、「(犬を)散歩させる」という他動詞もあります。
No, I don’t think so. That’s because if I have a dog or a cat as a pet, I will have to feed them and it will cost too much.
「値段が高くかかる」と表現したい場合、The price will cost too much.のようにpriceとcostを同時に使わないように注意することが大切です。
No, I disagree to the opinion. Because I have no time to take care of them.
I don’t have any time to ~.としても同じです。no∔抽象名詞で「少しの~もない」という否定文になります。
No, I can’t agree to the idea. The reason I think so is that it may be difficult to train them.
The reason I think soは、「そのように考える理由は」という意味で、文章内で主語の役割をしています。
A or Bの場合のディベート例
I prefer eating rice to eating bread. Because I think I can get much more energy than eating bread.
I eat rice every morning, because eating rice is much healthier than eating bread.
I choose to eat rice for breakfast. That’s because I can take many kinds of foods, like grilled fish, pickled vegetables, miso soup, etc.
I choose to eat bread for breakfast. The reason I think so is that bread is low in calories.
be low in caloriesで「カロリーが少ない」という意味になります。
I prefer bread to rice. Because there are many kinds of bread in the bakery.
preferは、prefer~ ing to …ingだけでなく、普通名詞も入れることができます。
I like to eat bread for breakfast. That’s because I don’t need any side dishes, except for milk or coffee.
except for ~は、文全体にかかり、「~を除いては」という意味になります。
相手の意見に反論する時は、I don’t agree to your idea at all. やI disagree to your idea.などを使います。これらは、相手の意見に真っ向から反論する言い方です。一方、I don’t think that ~.は、相手の意見の一部に反論する場合に使います。
I don’t agree to your idea at all.
I disagree to your idea.
My opinion is completely different from yours.
I don’t think that ~.
I can’t understand the reason you said so.
Yes./ No.に分かれる場合のディベート例
I can’t agree to your opinion at all. I don’t care if it costs a little too much to feed them.
not ~ at allは「全く~ない」という意味です。
I can’t understand the reason you said so. Even if you are busy, you can share the job of taking care of the pet with your family.
share the job of ~ with…は「…と共に~の仕事(作業)を分け合ってする」という意味です。
I disagree to your opinion. Of course it is difficult for you to train animals by yourself, but you can ask the trainer to train them.
It is ∔形容詞∔for 人∔ to~は、「人にとって~するのは~(形容詞)だ」という形式主語の構文です。
I don’t think all the people can spend a lot of money on the pet. I can’t understand the reason you said that you didn’t care about the cost.
日本語で「~ではないと思う」という表現を英語にする時は、「~だとは思わない」とするのが一般的なので、I don’t think で始めます。
My parents work every day and my brother goes to the university, so I won’t be able to share the job of taking care of the pet with my family.
canの未来形の表し方は、will be able to ~となります。否定形はwon’t be able to ~です。
I think that asking the trainer to train the pet is troublesome.
asking the trainerは、動名詞の形でthat節の中の主語の役割をしています。
A or Bの場合のディベート例
Bread派の意見に対するRice 派の反論例
You said that bread was low in calories, but I disagree to that opinion. If you put some butter or jam on bread, it’s not low in calories.
I know you can get many kinds of bread in the bakery, but I don’t think it’s easy for me to choose ones I really want to eat.
to choose ones とI really want to eatの間には関係代名詞whichが隠れています。目的格の関係代名詞なので省略が可能です。
My opinion is completely different from yours. I think eating a variety of dishes with rice is much healthier than eating only bread.
a variety of ~は、「いろいろな~」という意味で、~の部分には複数名詞が入ります。
Of course if I put some butter or jam on bread, it’s not low in calories. But I usually eat bread without any butter or jam.
There is a favorite bakery near my house, and I always get the same bread. So I don’t agree to your opinion that it isn’t easy to choose bread in the bakery.
always やoftenなど頻度を表す副詞は一般動詞を修飾する場合は、動詞の直前に置き、be動詞の場合はbe動詞の直後に置きます。
I disagree to your opinion that eating rice is healthier than eating bread. I think it is possible to eat a variety of dishes with bread, such as salad, eggs, hams, etc.
such as は「例えば~など」と例を列挙したい時に使います。
ディベート中に論点がずれた場合には、pointという単語を使って表現します。the pointとすると 「要点、ヒント、問題の核心」という意味になります。
That’s not the point.
Your opinion is off the point.
Don’t miss the point.
Yes./ No.に分かれる場合のディベート例
反対派:I have no time to take care of the pet, like walking a dog.
賛成派:You don’t have to have a dog as a pet. If you have a cat, you don’t have to walk a cat. You should have a cat.
反対派:I think your opinion is off the point. The topic is not which animal is better to have than the other.
A or Bの場合のディベート例
Rice派:I think eating rice for breakfast is much healthier than eating bread.
Bread派:In fact, I want to eat neither bread nor rice. Because I want to sleep longer in the bed without having breakfast.
Rice 派:Don’t miss the point. It doesn’t matter whether you eat breakfast or not.
The point I really want to say is…
The conclusion is that …
In conclusion,
The decision on this matter is…
Yes./ No.に分かれる場合のディベート例
The point I really want to say is that having a dog or a cat as a pet gives me a lot of happiness, so it is a good idea to have a pet.
give を用いると「物事が人に喜びを生じさせる」という意味になります。
The conclusion is that it isn’t a good idea for me to have a dog or a cat as a pet, because I can’t take care of the pet well due to a busy life.
due to は「~のせいで」という意味です。
A or Bの場合のディベート例
In conclusion, I think that eating rice with other side dishes for breakfast is much healthier than eating bread.
In conclusionは、「要するに」という意味で、今まで述べてきた内容をまとめる時に使います。
The decision on this matter is that eating bread without butter or jam is low in calories, so that makes me healthy.
decision は、「結論」という意味です。最後のthatは前文全体を指しています。
学習指導要領「生きる力」第2章第9節外国語 – 文部科学省
平成29年度英語力調査結果(中学3年生)の概要 – 文部科学省
事例中学校外国語科 – 岐阜県学校間総合ネット
中学校の英語授業にディベートを取り入れよう – weblio英会話
