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英検5級 練習問題プリント①まとめ
1.〜15.までの( )に入る最も適切なものを1,2,3,4の中から選びなさい。
- A:Mom, Please help ( ). Today’s homework is very hard. B:OK.
1I 2my 3me 4mine
- A:Mom, Please help ( ). Today’s homework is very hard. B:OK.
- My brother and I ( ) dinner every Sunday.
1 cook 2 cooks 3 cooking 4 to cook
- My brother and I ( ) dinner every Sunday.
- A:Kelly, ( ) are you doing?
B:I’m writing a letter to my friend.
1 whose 2 what 3 when 4 who
- A:Kelly, ( ) are you doing?
- Sachi is 13 ( ) old. She’s a junior high school student. 1 fruits 2 years 3 hands 4 girls
- Takako sometimes does her homework ( ) night. 1at 2off 3for 4to
- A:Are you from England, Sara?
B:That’s ( ). I’m from London.
1 well 2 little 3 right 4 happy
- A:Are you from England, Sara?
- A:Bye, Ben. ( ) a nice day. B:Thanks.
1Eat 2Go 3Come 4Have
- A:Bye, Ben. ( ) a nice day. B:Thanks.
- Look at that red ( ). It’s swimming very fast.
1 ball 2 flower 3 fish 4 river
- Look at that red ( ). It’s swimming very fast.
- Cathy often talks ( ) her future dream.
1 about 2 by 3 from 4 under
10.Catherine is a big ( ) of her hometown’s soccer team. 1fan 2table 3mountain 4box
11.Emma eats toast for ( ).
1 newspaper 2 breakfast 3 music 4 snow
12.A:Let’s go to a new cake ( ), Ava.
B:That’s a good idea.
1 shop 2 bike 3 egg 4 chair
13.A:Akiko, which ( ) do you like at school, science or math? B:Math.
1 team 2 window 3 subject 4 place
14.A:Please write your ( ) and telephone number here. B:OK.
1 bird 2 name 3 door 4 watch 15.Students often play ( ) in Mr. Bobby’s English class.
1 games 2 phones 3 clocks 4 cameras
- Cathy often talks ( ) her future dream.
1.〜5.の会話で( )に入る最も適切なものをa,b,c,dの中から選びなさい。
- Father : Do you know those boys over there, James? Boy : Yes, Dad. ( )
a. We’re going home now.
b. I can’t see them.
c. They’re my friends.
d. It’s for school.
- Father : Do you know those boys over there, James? Boy : Yes, Dad. ( )
- Girl : Dad, I can’t find my red pen. Father : Look. ( )
a. That’s nice.
b. It has five colors.
c. It’s on the table.
d. Let’s go after lunch.
- Girl : Dad, I can’t find my red pen. Father : Look. ( )
- Teacher : Where do you usually play baseball, Lucas? Boy : ( ) Mr. Smith.
a. In the morning,
b. Goodbye,
c. You’re here,
d. Near my house,
- Teacher : Where do you usually play baseball, Lucas? Boy : ( ) Mr. Smith.
- Girl : Can I use your dictionary, Eddie? Boy : ( ) I’m using it now.
a. I’m sorry.
b. You’re OK.
c. I’m 155 cm.
d. It’s for you.
- Girl : Can I use your dictionary, Eddie? Boy : ( ) I’m using it now.
- Boy : Dad, let’s go to the shopping mall. Father : I’m busy now. ( )
Boy : OK.
a. How about this afternoon?
b. Is that your bag?
c. Which color do you like?
d. Who can go with you?
- Boy : Dad, let’s go to the shopping mall. Father : I’m busy now. ( )
1.〜5.までの日本文の意味を表すように1〜4までを並び替えて[ ]に入れなさい。そして、1番目 と3番目にくるものの最も適切な組み合わせをa,b,c,dから一つ選びなさい。 ※1〜4は、文のはじめにくる語も小文字になっています。
- 私達は毎日、教室を掃除します。
( 1 clean 2 classroom 3 our 4 we ) [ 1番目 ] [ ] [ 3番目 ] [ ] every day.
a. 2ー1 b. 4ー3 c. 1ー3 d. 2ー4
- 私達は毎日、教室を掃除します。
- 窓を閉めてくれますか。
( 1 you 2 close 3 can 4 the window ) [ 1番目 ] [ ] [ 3番目 ] [ ] ,please?
a. 3ー2 b. 3ー1 c. 4ー1 d. 4ー3
- 窓を閉めてくれますか。
- ソフィアあなたのお姉さんはどうやってピアノを練習しますか。 ( 1 practice 2 how 3 your sister 4 does ) Sophia, [ 1番目 ] [ ] [ 3番目 ] [ ] the piano?
a. 3ー4 b. 1ー3 c. 2ー1 d. 2ー3
- ソフィアあなたのお姉さんはどうやってピアノを練習しますか。 ( 1 practice 2 how 3 your sister 4 does ) Sophia, [ 1番目 ] [ ] [ 3番目 ] [ ] the piano?
- 佐藤先生と歩いているのは誰ですか。
( 1 walking 2 is 3 with 4 who ) [ 1番目 ] [ ] [ 3番目 ] [ ] Mr. Satou?
a. 3ー2 b. 1ー3 c. 2ー3 d. 4ー1
- 佐藤先生と歩いているのは誰ですか。
- 私はいつも朝の5時に起きます。
( 1 up 2 get 3 five 4 at )
I always [ 1番目 ] [ ] [ 3番目 ] [ ] in the morning.
a. 3ー2 b. 4ー1 c. 2ー4 d. 1ー2
- 私はいつも朝の5時に起きます。
英検5級 単語穴埋め練習問題プリント①
1.〜15.までの( )に入る最も適切なものを1,2,3,4の中から選びなさい。
- A:Mom, Please help ( ). Today’s homework is very hard.
1 I 2 my 3 me 4 mine - My brother and I ( ) dinner every Sunday.
1 cook 2 cooks 3 cooking 4 to cook - A:Kelly, ( ) are you doing?
B:I’m writing a letter to my friend.
1 whose 2 what 3 when 4 who - Sachi is 13 ( ) old. She’s a junior high school student.
1 fruits 2 years 3 hands 4 girls - Takako sometimes does her homework ( ) night.
1 at 2 off 3 for 4 to - A:Are you from England, Sara?
B:That’s ( ). I’m from London.
1 well 2 little 3 right 4 happy - A:Bye, Ben. ( ) a nice day.
1 Eat 2 Go 3 Come 4 Have - Look at that red ( ). It’s swimming very fast.
1 ball 2 flower 3 fish 4 river - Cathy often talks ( ) her future dream.
1 about 2 by 3 from 4 under - Catherine is a big ( ) of her hometown’s soccer team.
1 fan 2 table 3 mountain 4 box - Emma eats toast for ( ).
1 newspaper 2 breakfast 3 music 4 snow - A:Let’s go to a new cake ( ), Ava.
B:That’s a good idea.
1 shop 2 bike 3 egg 4 chair - A:Akiko, which ( ) do you like at school, science or math?
1 team 2 window 3 subject 4 place - A:Please write your ( ) and telephone number here.
1 bird 2 name 3 door 4 watch - Students often play ( ) in Mr. Bobby’s English class.
1 games 2 phones 3 clocks 4 cameras
英検5級 文章穴埋め練習問題プリント①
1.〜5.の会話で( )に入る最も適切なものをa,b,c,dの中から選びなさい。
- Father : Do you know those boys over there, James?
Boy : Yes, Dad. ( )
a. We’re going home now.
b. I can’t see them.
c. They’re my friends.
d. It’s for school. - Girl : Dad, I can’t find my red pen.
Father : Look. ( )
a. That’s nice.
b. It has five colors.
c. It’s on the table.
d. Let’s go after lunch. - Teacher : Where do you usually play baseball, Lucas?
Boy : ( ) Mr. Smith.
a. In the morning,
b. Goodbye,
c. You’re here,
d. Near my house, - Girl : Can I use your dictionary, Eddie?
Boy : ( ) I’m using it now.
a. I’m sorry.
b. You’re OK.
c. I’m 155 cm.
d. It’s for you. - Boy : Dad, let’s go to the shopping mall.
Father : I’m busy now. ( )
Boy : OK.
a. How about this afternoon?
b. Is that your bag?
c. Which color do you like?
d. Who can go with you?
英検5級 単語並び替え練習問題プリント①
1.〜5.までの日本文の意味を表すように1〜4までを並び替えて[ ]に入れなさい。そして、1番目
- 私達は毎日、教室を掃除します。
( 1 clean 2 classroom 3 our 4 we )
[ 1番目 ] [ ] [ 3番目 ] [ ] every day.
a. 2ー1
b. 4ー3
c. 1ー3
d. 2ー4 - 窓を閉めてくれますか。
( 1 you 2 close 3 can 4 the window )
[ 1番目 ] [ ] [ 3番目 ] [ ] ,please?
a. 3ー2
b. 3ー1
c. 4ー1
d. 4ー3 - ソフィアあなたのお姉さんはどうやってピアノを練習しますか。
( 1 practice 2 how 3 your sister 4 does )
Sophia, [ 1番目 ] [ ] [ 3番目 ] [ ] the piano?
a. 3ー4
b. 1ー3
c. 2ー1
d. 2ー3 - 佐藤先生と歩いているのは誰ですか。
( 1 walking 2 is 3 with 4 who )
[ 1番目 ] [ ] [ 3番目 ] [ ] Mr. Satou?
a. 3ー2
b. 1ー3
c. 2ー3
d. 4ー1 - 私はいつも朝の5時に起きます。
( 1 up 2 get 3 five 4 at )
I always [ 1番目 ] [ ] [ 3番目 ] [ ] in the morning.
a. 3ー2
b. 4ー1
c. 2ー4
d. 1ー2
Part 1: 単語
A) pen B) cat C) book D) chair
A) car B) apple C) desk D) house
A) dog B) table C) bird D) ball
Part 2: 文法
My sister _ a doctor.
A) am B) is C) are D) be
She (is / are) my best friend.
Part 3: リーディング
My name is Sarah. I am ten years old. I have a cat named Fluffy. Fluffy is white and fluffy,
just like her name. I like playing with Fluffy after school. Sometimes, we play with a ball
together in the garden.
A) 9歳 B) 10歳 C) 11歳 D) 12歳
A) 黒色 B) 白色 C) 茶色 D) グレー色
Part 4: ライティング
What is your favorite food? Why?
Part 1: 単語
- 次の単語の中で、色を表すものを選んでください。
A) cat B) blue C) run D) desk - 以下の中から、動詞を表す単語を選んでください。
A) book B) play C) chair D) red - 次の中から、果物を表す単語を選んでください。
A) house B) orange C) pen D) dog - 次の中から、動物を表す単語を選んでください。
A) desk B) fish C) jump D) fast - 次の単語の中で、家具を表すものを選んでください。
A) run B) table C) bird D) white
Part 2: 文法
- 文中の空欄に適切な言葉を入れてください。
My brother _ a student.
A) am B) is C) are D) be - 以下の文で正しいものを選んでください。
They (is / are) my teachers.
A) am B) is C) are D) be - 次の文の否定形を作ってください。
She is my friend.
A) She is not my friend. B) She are my friend. C) She not my friend. D) She am not
my friend.
Part 3: リーディング
Tom is a student. He likes animals. He has a dog named Max. Max is big and brown. Tom
plays with Max in the park every day after school.
- Tomの職業は何ですか?
A) 先生 B) 学生 C) 医者 D) 警察官 - Maxはどんな色ですか?
A) 黄色 B) 白色 C) 茶色 D) 黒色
Part 4: ライティング
What is your favorite game to play? Why do you like it?