Tutors’s Details
Hi, just call me Jenny. I am enthusiastic in all that I do especially when teaching. I've been in ESL for 10 years now. I love what I do in ESL because I enjoy learning the cultures of my students and I love sharing how people in the Philippines live and the way of thinking and beliefs. It's always my passion to share what I know so long as the English language is concern. It's very fulfilling when you see your students learn from you and when you can see the progress that they aim to achieve. In my quite long years of doing this job, I have experienced a lot of things. There are those which tested my patience and those with really overwhelming appreciation from the students. I am a demanding person so I always can understand what the students call for by the time they book a class. I cannot call it satisfactory when after the class the students cannot learn something. I always make it a point to give what the students claim for right after each class.