Tutors’s Details
● Work experience:
PreSchool Reading and Language Teacher: 2008 – 2015
Tutorial Center Administrator/Part Owner: 2015 – 2020
Weblio ESL Teacher: 2020 - present
● Specialty, qualifications:
- Bachelor in Secondary Education – Major in English
- Awarded Best in English when I graduated in College
- English Theatre Club Member
- Coach in Declamation and Extemporaneous Speech
- 韓国ドラマや洋画を見るのが好きです。
- 短編小説や詩を書くのも好きです。
-こんにちは!Weblio講師の Tinです。私はあなたの英語の苦手を一緒に克服し、英語でのコミュニケーション能力を高めるお手伝いをします。あなたが学習意欲を高められるように、有意義で楽しいレッスンができるように最善を尽くします。私はすべてのレッスンで100%の力を発揮したいと思っています。私のクラスでお会いして、楽しいお話ができることを楽しみにしています。
● English teaching experience: 12 years and 9 months
● Hobbies:
- I love watching Korean dramas and Western movies.
- I also like writing short stories and poems.
● Message:
Hi! I am Tutor Tin from Weblio. I can help you overcome your difficulties and enhance your English communication skills. I will do my best to make our lesson meaningful and enjoyable so you can be motivated to learn. I am zealous and dedicated to give my 100 % in every lesson I conduct. I hope to see you in my class and so we could have a great talk.