Tutors’s Details
● Work experience
English Tutor in Weblio - 6 years
● Specialty, qualification
- English Tutor for 6 years.
- また、インターネットを見るのも楽しみの一つです。
こんにちは! 私の名前はローレンです。私のプロフィールを見ていただきありがとうございます。あなたのチューターとして、私は創造性と柔軟性に富んだ授業を行い、Weblioで最高の学習体験を提供できるように最善を尽くします。それでは、授業でお会いしましょう。
● English teaching experience: 4 years in Weblio
● Hobbies
-I'm very passionate about music, language, and movies.
- Browsing the internet is also a way to keep me occupied.
Hi! My name is Loren. I'm pleased that you have given a few seconds of your time to take a glimpse of my profile. As your tutor, I will do my best to become creative and flexible in our class to give you the best learning experience here in Weblio. So, don't think twice and I'll see you in class.