What is Halloween originally?


Halloween originated from the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain. The Celts lighted bonfires and wore costumes to keep off wandering spirits. They believed that on the night of October 31st, the passage between the worlds of the living and the dead opened, causing ghosts and spirits to temporarily return to earth. Aside from rituals, Druids or Celtic priests made predictions about the future through the spirits.

When Romans conquered and dominated the Celtic territory, they combined 2 Roman festivals with the traditional celebration of the Celts. Later on, Pope Gregory III ordered the observance to include all saints and martyrs. In the 9th century, the spread of Christianity in the Celtic lands started to gradually replace ancient Celtic rituals. The church began paying respect to the dead on November 2nd in 1000 A.D, which they called All Souls’ Day.

As the third world’s largest Catholic nation, All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day are observed in the Philippines every year. It is a common practice for the Filipinos to offer flowers and light candles on the graves of their loved ones who passed away. Family reunions and overnight camping happen at the cemetery, where they celebrate with food and music.

At Weblio Philippines, the week started with some sweet treats from our Japanese staff, Natsumi-san. Call center tutors decorated their stations with Halloween designs. The wall photo booth made Instagram worthy shots. Everyone in the office enjoyed the company lunch together. It was a simple yet fun celebration!

Japanese translation:


9世紀にはケルト人の間にもキリスト教が広まり始め、徐々に古代ケルト人の儀式もキリスト教のものに変わっていきました。紀元後1000年の11月2日に教会で死者に祈りを捧げ始め、これをAll Souls’ Day(万霊節)と言います。

世界で3番目に大きなキリスト教の国であるフィリピンでは毎年、All Saints’ Day とAll Souls’ Day をお祝いします。フィリピンでは大切な人のお墓に火をつけたろうそく、花を供える習慣があります。
