



問題 2

Brookville Community Center
Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes
Saturday, December 1

Members present: 15

Members absent: 2

Opening: Dotty Powers (chairperson) opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. and introduced Claire Hudson, the new treasurer.

Financial Report: The center is currently about $1,500 over budget. Proceeds from the upcoming Christmas fundraiser are expected to offset this. Ms. Hudson suggested that expenses be reviewed carefully to avoid going over budget next year.

Building Improvements: Mr. Petit of the Building Committee reported that construction of the back entrance ramp would begin as scheduled on January 10. The center can be accessed only through the front and Vine Street entrances until construction is complete.

Miscellaneous Business: Ms. Powers noted that the center’s youth basketball program was recently commended in an article in the Brookville Inquirer.

The meeting was adjourned by Ms. Powers at 7:30 p.m.

The next meeting will be held on Saturday, January 5, at 6:30 p.m. at the Brookville Community Center.

Minutes taken by Grace Tanaka, secretary.




問題 1

TO: Sales Department staff
FROM: Jud Birch
DATE: August 12
SUBJECT: Monthly meeting

Most of us will be attending the trade show at Borne Center on the 18th, so the meeting scheduled for that day has been postponed to the 20th. I reserved the main conference room for the 20th, but it is only available from 4 to 5 p.m. We have just one hour, which means all of us should review the agenda thoroughly before the meeting so we can cover everything effi ciently. I’ve attached a draft agenda to this e-mail. Make any additions you feel are necessary and send it back to me by tomorrow evening.



企業では、議論や意思決定、仕事の進捗報告などの目的で、頻繁に会議(meeting)が行われます。部署のスタッフで行う会議(staff meeting)、役員会議(board of directors meeting)、社外などで数日間行われる大規模な会議(conference)など、種類や規模もさまざまです。テストでは、会議の様子自体が出題されることはありませんが、会議の準備段階の話題は大変よく登場します。ここでは、会議の種類を表す語句と、社内会議開催までの流れの中で使われる語句を理解しましょう。



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