


テストではビジネスシーンばかりではなく、日常生活に関する話題も扱われ、その中でもよく取り上げられるトピックがあります。まずは「不動産」と「公共料金」です。家を探す人々に向けた空き物件の広告や、借主と大家や不動産代理店(real estate agency)とのやりとりは、テストでよく取り上げられます。また、公共料金の請求書(utility bill)に関する問い合わせや未払い金の督促なども、出題率の高いトピックです。




問題 2

TO: All staff, Accounting Dept.
FROM: Ken Stern
DATE: October 3
SUBJECT: Yearly audit

Accountants from Bradford and Partners are scheduled to visit us at 10 a.m. on October 10 to conduct the yearly audit. I’ve been informed that two new accountants from Bradford will handle the audit this year. They will need all the help they can get, and everyone in Accounting is asked to comply with any requests they may have regarding the data they need for the auditing process. Unfortunately, I will not be in the office until after lunch. I can be reached by phone in the morning, and will be there for the final part of the audit. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.




問題 1

FUKUOKA—Kyushu Ceramics announced Friday that it will revise its projected profits for this fiscal quarter. Profits projected at JPY550 billion have been amended to JPY420 billion. According to the spokesperson for Kyushu Ceramics, the main reason for the revision is the unexpected two-week closure of the company’s main factory in Oita Prefecture due to the historic typhoon that hit the entire Kyushu region in August. With the reopening of the company’s Oita factory, and the launch of Kyushu Ceramics China, economists predict the company will recover fully by the company’s final fiscal quarter in March, if not sooner.



企業や官庁では1年に1度、決算を行います。決算とは、1年間の収入と支出を計算し、利益あるいは損益を明らかにすること。決算結果は会計士などによる監査を経て決算書(financial statements。財務諸表とも言う)にまとめられ、企業はそれを株主総会で株主に報告したり、税務署に法人税徴収の資料として提出したりします。株式市場に上場している企業では、1年を4分割した四半期(quarter)ごとの四半期決算も行います。そして、決算の結果は次年度の経営方針に反映されます。テストでは決算の詳細は出題されませんが、決算が話題となった文書が出題されるので、関連語句を把握しておきましょう。




問題 2

Vine and 5th
Delavin, WI 53009

ESTIMATE FOR: Delavin Designs
DATE: June 17


1 container 2” x 4” lumber (Douglas fir)  $4,525.00
1/2 container 2” x 6” lumber (pine)  $2,033.00
1/2 container 6” x 6” lumber (cedar)  $2,820.00

Method of shipment: Land
Method of payment: To be determined

Note: This estimate is valid for 30 days from the date above. Prices include tax.




問題 1

TO: Marie Abbott
FROM: Sam Bartruff
DATE: November 3
SUBJECT: Budget proposal

I’m working on the budget proposal and wanted to confirm some things with you. You mentioned in last week’s meeting that the proposal deadline is November 9. I didn’t realize it at the time, but the 9th is a Sunday. Even if the deadline were changed to Monday the 10th, I’m afraid that wouldn’t give me enough time to finish it. I’m waiting for the people in charge to submit some figures—specifically, this year’s advertising and building maintenance costs. I’ve been told I would have the building maintenance data by Thursday. Advertising is in the midst of a campaign that is scheduled to end on Friday, which means they should be able to give me what I need by early next week. If everything goes smoothly, you will have the proposal by Thursday the 13th. I appreciate your patience.







問題 2

TO: Distribution department staff
FROM: Faith Marshall
DATE: May 15
SUBJECT: Review of distribution practices

Now that our company is marketing some products online, it has become increasingly necessary to review our distribution practices. In order to serve our customers better (i.e., offer them fair prices) in retail outlets, it is probably best to streamline traditional distribution channels. This would most likely indicate creating a route leading straight from us, the producer, to retailers, so that our products can be sold at prices closer to those we offer online. Creating such a route would also mean a substantial cut in distribution costs, which is a boon for our company. I would like to hold a meeting next week to go over what needs to be done in terms of logistics. Please keep Tuesday morning open for that.




問題 1


The distribution department is happy to announce that a new distribution channel will be used starting next quarter. The firm Direct Marketing has agreed to act as our wholesaler. Our former wholesaler was located too far from our factory and was no longer able to offer competitive prices for their services. Direct Marketing is a relative newcomer in this area, but has already established strong connections not only with local retailers, but also with retailers large and small in neighboring states. It is also headed by one of our former employees, Jacob Ramsey, which means that the firm is familiar with the types of products we manufacture. We look forward to a smooth and lasting relationship with Direct Marketing.





