In this material, you will learn the words and phrases related to environment.
1. word: |
meaning: | [noun] increase of the Earth’s normal temperature |
sentence: | _____________ makes the ice melt in North and South Poles. |
2. word: |
meaning: | [verb] to use something wrongly/incorrectly |
sentence | We should not __________ our natural resources. |
3. word: |
meaning: | [verb] to give or share something with others |
sentence: | They ___________ a lot of money to the environmental organization of their school. |
I just bought a new air conditioner. Summer season is not here yet, but it is already hot. Are you considering to buy as well? |
Actually, I already have one at home, but I do not always use it. I prefer to use an electric fan at night and I take a bath two to three times a day to stay fresh. |
I think I will feel more relaxed if I keep the air conditioner on especially at noon and at night. I guess I should also take a bath two to three times a day as you do. |
You can use your air conditioner at night. I heard that it contributes to global warming. It releases dangerous gasses in the air especially if it’s overused or misused. |
Oh, you’re right. My Science teacher told us that air conditioners use too much electricity. I cannot afford to pay that high for my electricity bills. |
I’m glad you understand. You don’t just save money, you also help save the environment. However, if you feel “under the weather” due to the heat, you can use it until you’re relaxed. |
Those are good points. As long as I can stand the heat, I will just use an electric fan. I want to help reduce the effects of global warming in my own way no matter how little it may be. |
That’s really nice of you. Let’s hope that the others will also consider options like this. I’m sure they will understand. |
1. | What did Ron buy? | |
Answer: | ||
2. | How many times does Emma take a bath in a day? | |
Answer: | ||
3. | Do you think Emma uses her air conditioner at night? | |
Answer: | Yes/No, | |
4. | What does Emma mean by “feel under the weather”? | |
Answer: |
1. | Some people say that we can live without the use of plastic. Do you agree or disagree? |
Answer: | |
2. | Can you imagine what will happen when fossil fuel (coal and natural gas) runs out? |
Answer: |
1. | Do you think newly discovered diseases are caused by environmental problems? |
Answer: | |
2. | How does your country implement cleanliness and orderliness? |
Answer: | |
3. | Do you think nuclear power is a safe source of electricity? Why or why not? |
Answer: | |
4. | What roles can the government and businesses play in solving environmental problems? |
Answer: | |
5. | What is the most stable source of energy? Is it solar energy, thermal, wind, etc.? |
Answer: |
Grammar 文法 |
Pronunciation 発音 | Vocabulary 単語 |
Comprehension 理解 |
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