All posts by weblio PH

Beginner Business: Recommending Revisions


Choose the correct meaning of the underlined word in each sentence.

  1. b. a company that makes/provides something people needs
  2. c. to change or to correct something
  3. a. money needed in business


  1. We need a new supplier of wood.
    1. a company that buys products
    2. a company that makes/provides something people needs
    3. a company that delivers something
  2. His manager wants him to do a revision of his work.
    1. to express an idea or help
    2. to go back from the beginning
    3. to change or to correct something
  3. We do not have enough capital to continue the business.
    1. money needed in business
    2. salary
    3. money spent

Let’s read the dialogue. I will be Mr. Davies and you will be Mr. Evans. After reading it once, we’ll switch roles.



One morning, Mr. Evans is discussing a new business plan to Mr. Davies for their Yummy Tuna product.

I believe it’s a great plan to make more flavors. However, your plan needs revision on page eight. Can we take a look at this part together?
Okay, sir. As you can see on page eight, I have recommended four new flavors for our Yummy Tuna. If we sell four new flavors along with Yummy Tuna’s original flavors, we will be able to meet our sales goals before this year ends.

I see. Based on your idea, we should start selling the new flavors by the first week of December. However, don’t you think we should produce two flavors first? We can always add flavors later. We are still short on supplies and capital.
You do not have to worry, sir. I will have my team look for new suppliers. Although selling only two new flavors is a good idea, I think it is better to sell all four flavors. That way, we can get new customers.

You have your points, Mr. Evans, but I still have few things that I need to see on your plan. Kindly include the capital we need, a list of possible suppliers, and a research on our costumers. I think we can give your idea a chance.
I will get back to you next week with the revised plan. Thank you, Mr. Davies.

Please answer the questions based on the dialogue.

1. What information did Mr. Davies want to see in Mr. Evans’ business plan?
Answer: ________________
2. Based on Mr. Evans’ business plan, when should they sell the four new flavors of Yummy Tuna?
Answer: ________________

Let’s practice some expressions. I will read each sentence first. Please read after me.

First, we should let the person know that he/she did his/her work well. We could use these expressions:

  1. Your business plan sounds like a good idea and you did a great job in doing your research.
  2. You and your team has done an amazing job on this project.

Next, we could use these expressions to tell him/her of their mistake/s nicely:

  1. Even though your idea is great, I don’t think the president will accept your plan.
  2. If you look on page five of your business plan, there are pieces of information needed to be changed..

Lastly, we could use these expressions to recommend revisions:

  1. I would recommend you to include more details on your business plan such as the cost and supplies that we are going to need.
  2. It would be great if you could put more information about our target costumers.
  3. If you were able to do that, I think we can give your idea a chance.

Please tell me what you will do given the following situations.

1. During the meeting, you needed to tell your co-worker that her presentation had missing important information. How would you tell her that her presentation needs a revision?
Answer: ________________
2. You were to correct your co-worker’s project, but he gets easily hurt when someone suggests revisions for his work. How would you do to correct his work without hurting his feelings?
Answer: ________________

Let’s talk. Please answer my questions.

1. Was there a time when you made a suggestion to revise someone’s work (Ex. Either to a friend/classmate/workmate)?
Answer: ________________
2. Has anyone made a revision on your work without telling you?
Answer: ________________