Are you thinking about going to college? College will allow you to specialize and learn deeply about the major you choose. After graduation, it will have a great impact on your employment. However, in order to enter a university in Japan, you will need to pay a large amount of tuition. For a four-year university, approximately 2.4 million yen for a public university and 3.55 million yen for a private university are required to graduate (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology/2004). The majority of students receive scholarships and repay them little by little after graduation. Even so, the reality is that many students feel it is tough to afford to pay this fee.
On the other hand, some countries in the world have made university tuition free. For example, the Nordic countries such as Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Denmark, as well as Germany, France, Poland, and so on. Equal access to education is a very important right for every student. Japan has also provided free tuition to students who meet certain conditions, but the number of such students is still limited.