Does it make your heart flutter?
She does not teach us to throw out things ruthlessly. On the contrary, she treats her belongings like living things. She bought a new cell phone when she was in high school. Then she sent a message to her old one: “You have been helping me for many years. Thank you.” After receiving the text message, she said, “Great. My message reached you.” A little later, she checked her old phone. She found that her old phone went dead. Its job was done. This illustrates her point: we must respect our belongings even when throwing them away.
We choose our belongings. So it is difficult to get rid of them. She says that asking if we have difficulty throwing away a certain item will help us discover our life values.
We learn to set priorities when we organize our rooms. And when we throw away old things, we learn to make decisions. Tidying up can transform our lives. So if you are unsure of your future, start by sorting things out.