I will check your pronunciation.
start off
In 1903, the Wright Brothers achieved the first successful flight. They experimented with many things and made a lot of mistakes before this flight. However, they never gave up. They looked for a solution as soon as they spotted a problem. The brothers understood that they needed to learn from their mistakes. They were not afraid of failure and welcomed it.
I learned two important lessons from the stories. First, we should not hesitate to come up with new and unique ideas. The key to starting off is to use our imagination. Second, I learned that failure is an opportunity to learn. Doing something and failing is better than doing nothing and learning nothing.
This is the message I want to leave with you: have the courage to imagine and the courage to act in your personal and public lives.
Thank you for listening.
I will check if your sentences are complete and if the grammar is correct.
1. | What did the Wright Brothers achieve in 1903? |
Answer: | They achieved ________________ in 1903. |
2. | What are the two lessons the speaker learned from the stories? |
Answer: | First, ________________. Second, ________________. |
3. | What message did the speaker leave? |
Answer: | Have the ________________. |
I will check if your sentences are complete and if the grammar is correct.
1. | . | |
2. | . | |
3. | . |
The SDGs Advanced – No Poverty
“No Poverty” is the topic of this unit.
■Get to know and share your thoughts on the countries in poverty.
■Give a presentation about poverty in your own country.
In this lesson, we are going to learn about the SDGs. As this is our first time on this topic, let’s check out what the SDGs are.
1. | What are the “SDGs” also known as? |
The “SDGs” are also known as G____________ G____________s. |
2. | How many themes do the SDGs have? |
The SDGs have ____________________________________. |
In the next part, we are going to learn about “No Poverty”.
1. | Where is the Central African Republic? A, B or C? |
The answer is _________. |
2. | What can you see in the pictures? Please describe as many as you can from each picture. |
Answer: |
sanitation (公衆)衛生
The country’s main problems are a lack of clean water and sanitation.
drought 干ばつ
Hundreds of people suffered that year due to the drought.
income 収入
His income is not enough to sustain the needs of his family.
malnutrition 栄養失調
Malnutrition results from a lack of food and water.
1. | Many of the children in Sub-Saharan Africa showed signs of ________________. |
2. | There aren’t enough ________________ facilities in the country. |
3. | Because of the _______________, no crops were harvested. |
4. | Most families in the village do not have any source of _______________. |
Then, let’s move on to the next part.
Malaria, diarrhea, and respiratory infections (pneumonia) are easily avoidable and curable in countries with developed healthcare systems. But in countries with poor systems, those diseases can be fatal, especially in young children. Traveling far to clinics or paying for medicine can push a family into extreme poverty.
Furthermore, over 2 billion people lack access to safe drinking water. Water infrastructure issues, such as sanitation and hygiene facilities, may worsen the situation.
1. | Please see the graph below. In 2017, how many people died as a result of malaria? |
Answer: |
Many of the world’s poorest people rely on farming, hunting, and gathering for food and income. Therefore, when climate change or natural disasters leave millions of people hungry, recovery becomes even more difficult.
Unemployment caused by conflict or illness can be compensated for with cash and loans. If a harvest is lost due to a natural disaster, food storage can help. However, these resources are frequently unavailable to people living in extreme poverty. In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, for example, natural resources have been taken due to colonial rule. This has led to land conflicts, and people have been forced away from their source of food and income.
2. | What do many of the world’s poorest people rely on for food and income? |
Answer: |
What do you think are the reasons for poverty in your country? |
You can pick up some ideas from the passage.
Answer: |
How can we improve the situation of people who live in poverty? |
1. | |
2. |
Opening | Good morning/ afternoon/ evening. Today, I’d like to talk about (theme). I’ll tell you two reasons and the solution. |
Body | ①(first reason and how to improve it) ②(second reason and how to improve it) |
Closing | These are ideas of poverty in my country and how to improve them. Thank you for listening. |
Opening | Good morning/ afternoon/ evening. Today, I’d like to talk about (theme). I’ll tell you two reasons and the solution. |
Body |
① __________________________________________ ② __________________________________________ |
Closing | _____________________________________________ |
Answer: |
I will check your pronunciation.
I will check if your sentence is complete and if the grammar is correct.
Tutor: | Have you been to China? |
Student: | (Yes,/No,) ________________ to China. | Tutor: | Have you made a paper cutout? |
Student: | (Yes,/No,) ________________ paper cutout. |
I will check if your sentences are complete and if the grammar is correct.
Student: | Have ________________? |
Tutor: | Yes, I have been to Tokyo. | Student: | Have ________________? |
Tutor: | Yes, I have had a pet. |
First, let’s read the example below. Please repeat after me.
I will check if your sentences are complete and if the grammar is correct.
I will check if your sentences are complete and if the grammar is correct.
1. | . | |
2. | . | |
3. | . |
I will check your pronunciation.
make fun of ~
Nowadays, no one thinks about flying. It is neither new nor exciting, but the idea of traveling by air has interested inventors. Leonardo da Vinci once thought, “I wish I could fly like a bird.” He and others studied birds and gradually understood some of the secrets of flying.
The first aircraft were ridiculous. One inventor tied an umbrella and wings to a chair. Another created a machine that looked like a duck. People made fun of them, but the inventors were able to use their imaginations in unexpected ways. They led to the development of the modern airplane.
I will check if your sentences are complete and if the grammar is correct.
1. | Why does no one think about flying nowadays? |
Answer: | Because it is neither ________________. |
2. | What did one of the aircraft inventors make? |
Answer: | One inventor ________________ to a chair. |
3. | What did another inventor make? |
Answer: | Another inventor ________________ that looked like a duck. |
I will check if your sentences are complete and if the grammar is correct.
1. | . | |
2. | . | |
3. | . |
Kids (Level 2)|こども向け(レベル2)Lesson 8: CIRCLE まる
Yonde miyou! Sensei ni tsuduite yomou.
C + I + R + C + L + E CIRCLE まる |
The ball is CIRCLE. ボールはまるい。 |
Yatte miyou. Koreha marui?
Hai nara nikai te wo tatakou. Iie nara ikkai te wo tatakou.
Is the coin CIRCLE? コインはまるい? |
Is the towel CIRCLE? タオルはまるい? |
Is the map CIRCLE? ちずはまるい? |
Is the cookie CIRCLE? クッキーはまるい? |
Yatte miyou. Docchi ga marui?
1. | ||
clock とけい |
folder フォルダ |
2. | ||
cheese チーズ |
pizza ピザ |
Yatte miyou. Donna katachi ka na?
Sensei ni tsuzuite ittemiyou.
The wheel is _ _ RCLE. しゃりんはまるい。 |
The donut is C_ RC_E . ドーナツはまるい。 |
The marble is CIR_L_. びーだまはまるい。 |
The yo-yo is _ _ _ _ _ _. ヨーヨーはまるい。 |
Yoku dekitane! Kyou wa arigatou. Baibai!
Kids (Level 2)|こども向け(レベル2)Lesson 10: RECTANGLE ちょうほうけい
Yonde miyou! Sensei ni tsuduite yomou.
R + E + C + T + A + N + G + L + E RECTANGLE ちょうほうけい |
The sponge is RECTANGLE. スポンジはちょうほうけい |
Koreha chouhoukei?
Hai nara nikai te wo tatakou. Iie nara ikkai te wo tatakou.
Is the chocolate RECTANGLE? チョコレートはちょうほうけい? |
Is the ball RECTANGLE? ボールはちょうほうけい? |
Is the phone RECTANGLE? でんわはちょうほうけい? |
Is the window RECTANGLE? まどはちょうほうけい? |
Docchi ga chouhoukei?
1. | ||
pan フライパン |
donut ドーナツ |
2. | ||
bin ごみばこ |
purse おさいふ |
Yatte miyou. Donna katachi ka na?
Sensei ni tsuzuite ittemiyou.
The book is _ _ CTANGLE. ほんはちょうほうけい。 |
The door is RE_TANG_E. ドアはちょうほうけい。 |
The TV is RECT_N_LE. テレビはちょうほうけい。 |
The cabinet is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. たなはちょうほうけい。 |
Yoku dekitane! Kyou wa arigatou. Baibai!
Kids (Level 2)|こども向け(レベル2)Lesson 9: OVAL だえん
Yonde miyou! Sensei ni tsuduite yomou.
O + V + A + L OVAL だえん |
The egg is an OVAL. たまごはだえん。 |
Yatte miyou. Koreha shikaku?
Hai nara nikai te wo tatakou. Iie nara ikkai te wo tatakou.
Is the ball an OVAL? ボールはだえん? |
Is the grape an OVAL? ぶどうはだえん? |
Is the rag an OVAL? ぬのはだえん? |
Is the folder an OVAL? フォルダはだえん? |
Yatte miyou. Docchi ga shikaku?
1. | ||
bean まめ |
mountain やま |
2. | ||
hat ぼうし |
potato じゃがいも |
Yatte miyou. Donna katachi ka na?
Sensei ni tsuzuite ittemiyou.
The bread is an _ _ AL パンはだえん。 |
The olive is an O_A_ . オリーブはだえん |
The kiwi is an OV_ _ キウイはだえん。 |
The capsule is an _ _ _ _ . カプセルはだえん。 |
Yoku dekitane! Kyou wa arigatou. Baibai!
Kids (Level 2)|こども向け(レベル2)Lesson 5: ORANGE オレンジ
Yonde miyou! Sensei ni tsuduite yomou.
O+R+A+N+G+E ORANGE オレンジ |
The carrot is ORANGE. にんじんはオレンジ。 |
Yatte miyou. Koreha akai?
Hai nara nikai te wo tatakou. Iie nara ikkai te wo tatakou.
Is the pumpkin ORANGE? かぼちゃはオレンジ? |
Is the candy ORANGE? あめはオレンジ? |
Is the juice ORANGE? ジュースはオレンジ? |
Is the kiwi ORANGE? キウイはオレンジ? |
Yatte miyou. Akai noha docchi?
1. | ||
basketball バスケットボール |
kettle やかん |
2. | ||
teddy bear テディベア |
airplane ひこうき |
Yatte miyou. Naniiro kana?
Sensei ni tsuzuite ittemiyou.
The car is _ _ ANGE くるまはオレンジ。 |
The pot is O_AN_E . はちはオレンジ。 |
The fish is ORA_G さかなはオレンジ。 |
The curtain is _ _ _ _ _ _. カーテンはオレンジ。 |
Yoku dekitane! Kyou wa arigatou. Baibai!
Kids (Level 2)|こども向け(レベル2)Lesson 1: BLUE あお
Yonde miyou! Sensei ni tsuduite yomou.
B + L + U + E BLUE あお |
The butterly is BLUE. ちょうちょはあおい。 |
Yatte miyou. Koreha aoi?
Hai nara nikai te wo tatakou. Iie nara ikkai te wo tatakou.
Is the shirt BLUE? シャツはあおい? |
Is the purse BLUE? さいふはあおい? |
Is the bag BLUE? かばんはあおい? |
Is the pail BLUE? バケツはあおい? |
Yatte miyou. Aoi noha docchi?
1. | ||
door ドア |
marker マーカー |
2. | ||
blueberry ブリーベリー |
lemon レモン |
Yatte miyou. Naniiro kana?
Sensei ni tsuzuite ittemiyou.
The yarn is B_U_. けいとはあおい。 |
The mug is B_ U_ . マグカップはあおい。 |
The dress is B_ _E. ワンピースはあおい。 |
The bottle is _ _ _ _ . ボトルはあおい。 |
Yoku dekitane! Kyou wa arigatou. Baibai!
Kids (Level 2)|こども向け(レベル2)Lesson 3: GREEN みどり
Yonde miyou! Sensei ni tsuduite yomou.
G + R + E + E + N GREEN みどり |
The leaf is GREEN. はっぱはみどり。 |
Yatte miyou. Koreha midori?
Hai nara nikai te wo tatakou. Iie nara ikkai te wo tatakou.
Is the tea GREEN? おちゃはみどり? |
Is the sock GREEN? くつしたはみどり? |
Is the lizard GREEN? とかげはみどり? |
Is the dog GREEN? いぬはみどり? |
Yatte miyou. Midori noha docchi?
1. | ||
frog かえる |
lips くちびる |
2. | ||
folder フォルダ |
grass くさ |
Yatte miyou. Naniiro kana?
Sensei ni tsuzuite ittemiyou.
The ice cream is _ _ EEN. ソフトクリームはみどり。 |
The chair is GR _ _N. いすはみどり。 |
The bowl is G_ _EN. おわんはみどり。 |
The skirt is _ _ _ _ _ . スカートはみどり。 |
Yoku dekitane! Kyou wa arigatou. Baibai!