All posts by weblio PH


Part A_1 Introduction & Ice break
Let’s introduce ourselves to each other.
My name is ________. What is your name?
Part A_2 Introduction & Ice break
I am ________. Nice to meet you.
Part A_3 Introduction & Ice break
Nice to meet you too, ________. What did you do last weekend?
Part A_4 Introduction & Ice break
Part A_5 Introduction & Ice break
I see. Let’s begin our lesson!
Part B_1 Vocabulary
We’ll read aloud the words below. Please repeat after me. I will check your pronunciation.
(Please send the mispronounced words and expressions to your student.)
Part B_2 Vocabulary





Part B_3 Vocabulary
Now, let’s review some words from part B_2.
(Please review the mispronounced words and expressions from part B_2.)
Part B_4 Vocabulary
Part C_1 Phrase Practice
We will read aloud the sentences below. I will check your pronunciation and intonation.
Part C_2 Phrase Practice
1. Did you book a hotel?
2. I stayed at my grandparents’ house.
3. I flew to Hokkaido.
4. My grandparents looked delighted to see us.
5. Where did you go?
Part C_3 Phrase Practice
Now, let’s review some words and expressions from part C_2.
Part C_4 Phrase Practice
Part D_1 Role play
“Let’s do a role play with the given situations. You should mention the items below during the conversation.
You may also use the sentences in part C_2 as reference to your answers.”
Part D_2 Role play
Situation 1: You are talking with your friends about the school trip you went on. Tell your friend your memories of the school trip.

(Your tutor will pretend to be your friend.)
Items to mention: – what mode of transport you used
– where you visited
– what you ate
Part D_3 Role play
Situation 2: You are talking to your family about preparing for a trip abroad. Make sure you and your parents did what you had to do before departure.

(Your tutor will pretend to be your parent.)
Items to mention: – book a hotel
– exchange money
– pack a luggage
Part D_4 Role play
Situation 3: You are going to give a presentation on the topic “My Summer Vacation”. Tell the classmates where you went, what you did, and how you felt during the summer.

(Your tutor will pretend to be one of your classmates.)
Items to mention: – the place you stayed (grandparents’ house, hotel)
– activities you did (swimming, camping, sightseeing, shopping)
– how you felt (enjoyed, fun, delighted, relaxed, didn’t want to go back to school)
Part D_5 Role play
Situation 4: You ask your English teacher about his/her last trip. Ask where he/she went, what he/she did and if the food was good or not.

(Your tutor will pretend to be your teacher.)
Items to mention: – Where did you …?
– What did you …?
– Did you eat local food? How was …?
Part D_6 Role play

Situation 5: You are having a barbecue with your family on the weekend. Use the picture to help you work out what to prepare.
Part E_1 Free talk
Let’s do a free talk about the following topics.
Part E_2 Free talk
Have you ever flown?
If yes, do you like to fly? Why or why not?
If not, do you want to fly to go somewhere? Why or why not?
Part E_3 Free talk
Part E_4 Free talk
What are your plans for this weekend?
Part E_5 Free talk


Part A_1 Vocabulary

We’ll read aloud the words and expressions below. Please repeat after me. I will check your pronunciation.
(Please send the mispronounced words and expressions to your student.)
Part A_2 Vocabulary

remind ~ of …




not A but B

Part A_3 Vocabulary
Now, let’s review some words from part A_2.
(Please review the mispronounced words and expressions from part A_2.)
Part A_4 Vocabulary
Part A_5 Picture description
Now, please look at the picture below. Give three actions that you see in the picture.
Part A_6 Picture description
Part A_7 Picture description
Part A_8 Picture description
Now, let’s review your answers.
Please review your student’s answers by sending the correct answers in complete sentences. After that, ask your student to read aloud his or her corrected answers.)
Part A_9 Picture description
Part B_1 Passage reading
You will read aloud the passage below. I will check your pronunciation and intonation.
(Please send the mispronounced words and expressions to your student.)
Part B_2 Passage reading
Digging into mystery
We were introduced to some examples of Australian prehistoric paintings. They were very interesting. Some of them reminded us of Japan’s own prehistoric artifacts. An example is the dogu, earthen figures created in the Jomon period. We’ll tell you more about Japan’s mysterious dogu. But we’d like to share with you what life was like in the Jomon period. It gets its name from the “rope patterns” that appear in its pottery.
People have found Jomon artifacts all over Japan. One of them was found at Sannai-Maruyama in Aomori in 1992. Researchers found six big holes on the ground with the remaining parts of wooden pillars. They were the base of a wooden structure. Maybe hundreds of families lived in this village. Many people chose to live there permanently. They hunted animals, fished, and picked berries and mushrooms. The Jomon people loved to decorate themselves with jewelry made of bone, stone, and shell. The village is now gone, but lots of people are coming back, not to live there, but as tourists.
Part B_3 Passage reading
Now, let’s review some words and sentences from part B_2.
(Please review the mispronounced words and sentences from part B_2.)
Part B_4 Passage reading
Part B_5 Comprehension questions
I will ask the following questions. Please answer based on the passage. I will check if your sentences are complete and if the grammar is correct.
Part B_6 Comprehension questions
1. From where did the Jomon period get its name?
Part B_7 Comprehension questions
Part B_8 Comprehension questions
2. What did researchers find at the Sannai-Maruyama site?
Part B_9 Comprehension questions
Part B_10 Comprehension questions
3. What did the Jomon people love to do?
Part B_11 Comprehension questions
Part B_12 Comprehension questions
Now, let’s review your answers.
(Please review your student’s answers by sending the correct answers in complete sentences. After that, ask your student to read aloud his or her corrected answers.)
Part B_13 Comprehension questions
Part C_1 Fill in the blanks
Please choose a word/phrase to complete each sentence. Then, read aloud the sentences.
Part C_2 Fill in the blanks

remind ~ of …
1. Thank you. These gifts will always __________ me _____ you.
2. Some animals __________ at night.
3. The painting looks __________.
Part C_3 Fill in the blanks
Now, let’s review your answers.
(Please review your student’s answers by sending the correct answers in complete sentences. After that, ask your student to read aloud his or her corrected answers.)
Part C_4 Fill in the blanks
Part D_1 Q&A
Please answer the following questions. I will check if your sentences are complete and if the grammar is correct.

Part D_2 Q&A
1. Have you ever visited any historical sites?
Part D_3 Q&A
Part D_4 Q&A
2. Are you interested in how people lived in the past?
Part D_5 Q&A
Part D_6 Q&A
3. What do you think the Jomon people would think if they saw our lives today?
Part D_7 Q&A
Part D_8 Q&A
4. What do you think we can feel and learn from what the ancient people left us?
Part D_9 Q&A
Part D_10 Q&A
Now, let’s review your answers.
(Please review your student’s answers by sending the correct answers in complete sentences. After that, ask your student to read aloud his or her corrected answers.)
Part D_11 Q&A
Part E_1 Free talk
Let’s do a free talk about the following topics.
(Please do a free talk if you have time left.)
Part E_2 Free talk
1. Do you like history class? What did you learn in history class recently?
Part E_3 Free talk
Part E_4 Free talk
2. Which country’s history would you like to study? Why?
Part E_5 Free talk


Part A_1 Self Introduction
Let’s introduce ourselves to each other.
My name is ________. What is your name?
Part A_2 Self Introduction
I am ________. Nice to meet you.
Part A_3 Self Introduction
Nice to meet you too, ________. What did you do last weekend?
Part A_2 Self Introduction
Part B_1 Phrase Practice
Let’s read the phrases below. Please repeat after me. I will check your pronunciation and intonation.
Part B_2 Phrase Practice
1. ~ is cheaper than …
2. on the other hand
3. because …
4. in addition
Part B_3 Phrase Practice

Now, let’s review your mispronounced words and expressions.

Part B_4 Phrase Practice

Part B_5 Phrase Practice
Now, we will read aloud the dialogue. Then, let’s switch roles.
(Please fill in the blanks using the phrases in part B_2.)
Part B_6 Phrase Practice
Contributing to our planet
How will we travel to see grandmother this summer, Dad? By plane or train?
Hm, a train ticket is cheaper ________ a plane ticket. ________, planes are faster.
I learned in school that planes cause a lot of air pollution.
________, you’re afraid of them, right?
Part B_7 Phrase Practice
Now, let’s switch roles.
Part B_8 Phrase Practice
Contributing to our planet
How will we travel to see grandmother this summer, Dad? By plane or train?
Hm, a train ticket is cheaper ________ a plane ticket. ________, planes are faster.
I learned in school that planes cause a lot of air pollution.
________, you’re afraid of them, right?
Part B_9 Phrase Practice

Now, let’s review your answers.

Part B_10 Phrase Practice

Part C_1 Role play
Let’s do a roleplay with the situation below:
You and your classmates learned about problems with the environment in class yesterday.
Part C_2 Role play
Let’s discuss why each of the two problems is serious.
What do you think are the causes of global warming and marine pollution?
(If the student struggles with answering, please give him/her some ideas.)
Part C_3 Role play
Global warming

global warming

Reasons ① cutting down trees that decrease carbon dioxide
② ____________________
② ____________________
Part C_4 Role play
Marine pollution

global warming

Reasons ① polluted water in humans’ daily lives
② ____________________
② ____________________
Part C_5 Role play
Which do you think is more serious for you, global warming or marine pollution?
Part C_6 Role play
Part C_7 Role play
Why do you think so?
Part C_8 Role play
Part C_9 Role play

Now, let’s review your answers.

Part C_10 Role play

Part D_1 Presentation
You will make a presentation on how to solve environmental issues. But first, please answer the questions below.
Part D_2 Presentation
What can we do against global warming?

global warming

Part D_3 Presentation
① use bicycles when traveling short distances
② ____________________
② ____________________
Part D_4 Presentation
Which one do you think is the most effective way?
Part D_5 Presentation
Part D_6 Presentation
Thank you for your wonderful answers. Let’s have the next environmental issue.
Part D_7 Presentation
What can we do against marine pollution?

global warming

Part D_8 Presentation
① recycle plastics
② ____________________
② ____________________
Part D_9 Presentation
Which one do you think is the most effective way?
Part D_10 Presentation
Part D_11 Presentation
Now, you will make a presentation using your answers earlier about environmental issues. I will give you 1 minute to prepare. Then, read your presentation aloud.


Part D_12 Presentation
(Please start your presentation now.)
What We Can Do Against The Environmental Problems
Opening I believe there are actions we can take in our daily lives against global warming and marine pollution. I’ll tell you some of them.
Body Against global warming,

Against marine pollution,

Especially, I think ____________ is the most effective way.
Closing Let’s start taking action today. Thank you for listening.
Part D_13 Presentation
That was awesome! Now, let’s review your answers.
Part D_14 Presentation
Part E_1 Picture description
Look at the picture below. Please describe it in as much detail as you can. I will check if your sentences are complete and if your grammar is correct.
Part E_2 Picture description
Part E_3 Picture description
Part E_4 Picture description
You described the pictures wonderfully! Now, let’s review your answers.
(Please review your student’s answers by sending the correct answers in complete sentences. After that, ask your student to read aloud his or her corrected answers.)
Part E_5 Picture description
Part F_1 Q&A
Please answer the questions below. I will check if your sentences are complete and if your grammar is correct.
Part F_2 Q&A
1. What are the things that you like to do in your free time?
ヒント: 関係代名詞(that)/ relative pronoun
Part F_3 Q&A
Part F_4 Q&A
2. What is the name of the person who often studies with you?
ヒント: 関係代名詞(who)/ relative pronoun
Part F_5 Q&A
Part F_6 Q&A
3. What makes you excited?
ヒント: 使役動詞(make)/ causative verb
Part F_7 Q&A
Part F_8 Q&A
4. Do your parents let you go out at night?
ヒント: 使役動詞(let)/ causative verb
Part F_9 Q&A
Part F_10 Q&A

Now, let’s review your answers.

Part F_11 Q&A

Part G_1 Free talk
Let’s do a free talk about the following topics.

Part G_2 Free talk
1. How do you save electricity in the summer? What about in the winter?
Part G_3 Free talk
Part G_4 Free talk
2. Do you try to separate and throw away your waste so that it can be recycled? Why or why not?
Part G_5 Free talk


Part A_1 Self introduction
Let’s introduce ourselves to each other.
My name is ________. What is your name?
Part A_2 Self introduction
I am ________. Nice to meet you.
Part A_3 Self introduction
Nice to meet you too, ________. Let’s begin our lesson!
Part B_1 Vocabulary
We’ll read aloud the words below. Please repeat after me. I will check your pronunciation.
(Please send the mispronounced words and expressions to your student.)
Part B_2 Vocabulary


a plane ticket



Part B_3 Vocabulary
Now, let’s review some words from part B_2.
(Please review the mispronounced words and expressions from part B_2.)
Part B_4 Vocabulary
Part C_1 Phrase Practice
We will read aloud the sentences below. I will check your pronunciation and intonation.
(Please send the mispronounced words and expressions to your student.)
PART C_2 Phrase Practice
1. Have you finished your homework? – Yes, I have./No, I haven’t.
2. Yuki has been to the United Kingdom many times.
3. I have been listening to music since this morning.
4. We have known each other since we were in elementary school.
5. How long has your father been cleaning his car? – For about one hour.
Part C_3 Phrase Practice
Now, let’s review some words and expressions from part C_2.
(Please review the mispronounced words and expressions from part C_2.)
Part C_4 Phrase Practice
Part D_1 Dialogue practice
We’ll read aloud the dialogue below. I will check your pronunciation and intonation.
(Please send the mispronounced words and expressions that need improvements to your student.)
Part D_2 Dialogue practice
A plane ticket to New York
You’ve been working at the convenience store every Sunday for nine months now. How much have you earned?
One hundred thousand yen, Mom.
Wow, you have earned enough money!
But it’s not enough to buy a plane ticket to New York. I’ve never been to New York, so I want to visit there next summer vacation. I need another forty thousand yen.

I’ve been thinking. I’m going to give you forty thousand yen.

Oh, Mom! Thank you! I can finally go to New York!
Part D_3 Dialogue practice
Now, let’s review some words and expressions from part D_2.
(Please review the mispronounced words and expressions from part D_2.)
Part D_4 Dialogue practice
Part E_1 Questions
Now, you will answer the questions below using the grammar topics you learned. I will check if your sentences are complete and if the grammar is correct.
(Please send the sentences that need grammar corrections to your student.)

Part E_2 Questions
1. Have you finished your homework yet?
Part E_3 Questions
Part E_4 Questions
2. How long have you lived in your city?
Part E_5 Questions
Part E_6 Questions
3. How long have you been studying English?
Part E_7 Questions
Part E_8 Questions
4. Has your mother/father been working since this morning?
Part E_9 Questions
Part E_10 Questions
5. Have you had breakfast this morning? What did you eat?
Part E_11 Questions
Part E_12 Questions
6. How many hours do you sleep every day?
Part E_13 Questions
Part E_14 Questions
Now, let’s review your answers.
(Please review your student’s answers by sending the correct answers in complete sentences. After that, ask your student to read aloud his or her corrected answers.)
Part E_15 Questions
Part F_1 Questions
Now, you will ask me questions. I will check if your sentences are complete and if the grammar is correct.
(Please send the sentences that need grammar corrections to your student.)

Part F_2 Questions
1. ?
Part F_3 Questions
Yes/No, I (have/haven’t) finished housework yet.
Part F_4 Questions
2. ?
Part F_5 Questions
I have lived in my city for ________________.
Part F_6 Questions
3. ?
Part F_7 Questions
I have been teaching English for ________________.
Part F_8 Questions
4. ?
Part F_9 Questions
Yes/No, my mother/father (has/hasn’t) been working since this morning.
Part F_10 Questions
5. ?
Part F_11 Questions
Yes/No, I (have/haven’t) had breakfast this morning. I had ______________.
Part F_12 Questions
6. ?
Part F_13 Questions
I sleep for __________ hours every day.
Part F_14 Questions
Now, let’s review your answers.
(Please review your student’s answers by sending the correct answers in complete sentences. After that, ask your student to read aloud his or her corrected answers.)
Part F_15 Questions
Part G_1 Free talk
Let’s do a free talk about the following topics.
(Please do a free talk if you have time left.)
Part G_2 Free talk
Do you want to work to earn your own money?
If yes, what kind of work do you want to do? If you earn your own money, what will you buy?
If not, why not?
Part G_3 Free talk
Part G_4 Free talk
What are you going to do after school today?
Part G_5 Free talk


Part A_1 Self introduction
Let’s introduce ourselves to each other.
My name is ________. What is your name?
Part A_2 Self introduction
I am ________. Nice to meet you.
Part A_3 Self introduction
Nice to meet you too, ________. Let’s begin our lesson!
Part B_1 Vocabulary
We’ll read aloud the words below. Please repeat after me. I will check your pronunciation.
(Please send the mispronounced words and expressions to your student.)
Part B_2 Vocabulary




become ~

Part B_3 Vocabulary
Now, let’s review some words from part B_2.
(Please review the mispronounced words and expressions from part B_2.)
Part B_4 Vocabulary
Part C_1 Phrase Practice
We will read aloud the sentences below. I will check your pronunciation and intonation.
(Please send the mispronounced words and expressions to your student.)
PART C_2 Phrase Practice
1. Riho likes to sing K-pop songs.
2. I want to borrow your English textbook.
3. What do you want to be in the future? – I want to be a video creator.
4. To get up early is very hard.
Part C_3 Phrase Practice
Now, let’s review some words and expressions from part C_2.
(Please review the mispronounced words and expressions from part C_2.)
Part C_4 Phrase Practice
Part D_1 Passage reading
We’ll read aloud the passage below. I will check your pronunciation and intonation.
(Please send the mispronounced words and expressions that need improvements to your student.)
Part D_2 Passage reading
Greetings from Manila

Dear Kento,

Hello, I’m Hailey. I’m going to stay with you in Tokyo from next week, so I decided to send you an e-mail. I’m from Korea, and now I’m living in Manila. The homestay in Tokyo is a great adventure for me. I would like to visit new places and make new friends there. There are a lot of sightseeing spots in Tokyo, such as the Tokyo Skytree! I hope to become your friend and have a great time with you!

Best Regards,
Part D_3 Passage reading
Now, let’s review some words and expressions from part D_2.
(Please review the mispronounced words and expressions from part D_2.)
Part D_4 Passage reading
Part E_1 Questions
Now, you will answer the questions below using the grammar topics you learned. I will check if your sentences are complete and if the grammar is correct.
(Please send the sentences that need grammar corrections to your student.)

Part E_2 Questions
1. What is your favorite food to eat every day?
Part E_3 Questions
My favorite food to ___________________.
Part E_4 Questions
2. What do you like to do in your free time?
Part E_5 Questions
I like to __________________ in my free time.
Part E_6 Questions
3. Do you like to talk with your friends?
Part E_7 Questions
Yes/No, I (like/don’t like) to _______________ with my friends.
Part E_8 Questions
4. What are you going to do after school today?
Part E_9 Questions
I’m going to ____________________ after school today.
Part E_10 Questions
5. Do you like to visit new places? Why or why not?
Part E_11 Questions
Yes/No, I (like/don’t like) to __________________ .
Because __________________.
Part E_12 Questions
6. Did you decide to do anything this year? What is your goal?
Part E_13 Questions
Yes/No, I (decided/didin’t decide) to ___________________.
Part E_14 Questions
Now, let’s review your answers.
(Please review your student’s answers by sending the correct answers in complete sentences. After that, ask your student to read aloud his or her corrected answers.)
Part E_15 Questions
Part F_1 Questions
Now, you will ask me questions. I will check if your sentences are complete and if the grammar is correct.
(Please send the sentences that need grammar corrections to your student.)

Part F_2 Questions
1. What is your favorite food _____ eat every day?
Part F_3 Questions
My favorite food to eat every day is ________________.
Part F_4 Questions
2. What do you like ___ do in your free time?
Part F_5 Questions
I like to _________________ in my free time.
Part F_6 Questions
3. Do you like to ____ with your friends?
Part F_7 Questions
Yes/No, I (like/don’t like) to talk with my friends.
Part F_8 Questions
4. What are you going ___ do after work today?
Part F_9 Questions
I’m going to _____________ after work today.
Part F_10 Questions
5. Do you ______ visit foreign countries?
Part F_11 Questions
Yes/No, I (like/don’t like) to visit foreign countries.
Because __________________.
Part F_12 Questions
6. Did you ___________ do anything this year?
Part F_13 Questions
Yes/No, I (decided/didin’t decide) to do _______________.
My goal is to ________________.
Part F_14 Questions
Now, let’s review your answers.
(Please review your student’s answers by sending the correct answers in complete sentences. After that, ask your student to read aloud his or her corrected answers.)
Part F_15 Questions
Part G_1 Free talk
Let’s do a free talk about the following topics.
(Please do a free talk if you have time left.)
Part G_2 Free talk
What do you want to be in the future? Why?
Part G_3 Free talk
Part G_4 Free talk
Is there anything you want to start doing?
If yes, what is it? Why do you want to start it?
If no, is there anything you continue to do? What is it?
Part G_5 Free talk


Part A_1 Self Introduction
Let’s introduce ourselves to each other.
My name is ________. What is your name?
Part A_2 Self Introduction
I am ________. Nice to meet you.
Part A_3 Self Introduction
Nice to meet you too, ________. What were you doing before this class? How was it?
Part A_4 Self Introduction
Part B_1 Vocabulary
We’ll read aloud the words below. Please repeat after me. I will check your pronunciation.
(Please send the mispronounced words and expressions to your student.)
Part B_2 Vocabulary




Part B_3 Vocabulary
Now, let’s review some words from part B_2.
(Please review the mispronounced words and expressions from part B_2.)
Part B_4 Vocabulary
Part C_1 Role play
I will ask you about what you like to do and what you have been doing so far. Please take notes on when you started and the reason why.


Part C_2 Role play
Let’s read the sentences. Please repeat after me.
Part C_3 Role play
1. I’ve been playing tennis for three years.
2. I’ve been playing chess since 2019.
3. I’ve been studying Chinese for a year.
4. I’ve been wearing eyeglasses for three years.
5. I’ve wanted a new smartphone since last year.
Part C_4 Role play
Great! Now, let’s read the sample dialogue below.
Part C_5 Role play
I like painting very much.
How long have you liked it?
I’ve liked it for about two years. I started painting pictures in junior high school.
That’s great!
Part C_6 Role play
Good! Now, let’s have a roleplay. We’ll ask each other what we like, how long we have liked it, and why. I will ask you first.
Part C_7 Role play
1. What do you like to do?
2. How long have you liked it?
3. Why do you like it?
That’s great!
Part C_8 Role play
Great job! Now, please ask me the questions below.
Part C_9 Role play
1. What do you like to do?
2. How long have you liked it?
3. Why do you like it?
That’s great!
Part C_10 Role play
Perfect! Now, you will present what you have asked me. But first, let’s read the sample sentences. Please repeat after me.
Part C_11 Role play
Shizu has liked painting for about two years.
Takeshi has been practicing the piano since last month.
Part C_12 Role play
Now, fill in the blanks with my answers in part C_9.
Part C_13 Role play
(Tutor name) has liked ________________ for ________________.
He/She likes ____________________ because ___________________.
Part C_14 Role play
Next, I will fill in the blanks with your answers from part C_7.
Part C_15 Role play
(Student name) has liked ________________ for ________________.
He/She likes ____________________ because ___________________.
Part C_16 Role play
Your answers were fantastic! Now, let’s review your answers.
(Please review your student’s answers by sending the correct answers in complete sentences. After that, ask your student to read aloud his or her corrected answers.)
Part C_17 Role play
Part D_1 Dialogue Practice
Let’s read the dialogue below.


Part D_2 Dialogue Practice
How long have you lived in Japan, Mr. Smith?
For six years.
What brought you here?
I learned about haiku when I was in elementary school. I find it very interesting, and I wanted to learn more about Japan.
That’s great! Who’s your favorite haiku poet?
Basho. I’ve been a huge fan since I first read his haiku. His images of Japan made me curious.
Part D_3 Dialogue Practice
Now, let’s switch roles.
Part D_4 Dialogue Practice
How long have you lived in Japan, Mr. Smith?
For six years.
What brought you here?
I learned about haiku when I was in elementary school. I find it very interesting, and I wanted to learn more about Japan.
That’s great! Who’s your favorite haiku poet?
Basho. I’ve been a huge fan since I first read his haiku. His images of Japan made me curious.
Part D_5 Dialogue Practice
Now, let’s review some words and expressions.
(Please review the mispronounced words and expressions from the dialogue.)
Part D_6 Dialogue Practice
Part E_1 Comprehension Check
Now, you will answer the questions based on the passage. I will check if your sentences are complete and if the grammar is correct.
(Please send the sentences that need grammar corrections to your student.)
Part E_2 Comprehension Check
1. How long has Mr. Smith lived in Japan?
Part E_3 Comprehension Check
Part E_4 Comprehension Check
2. Since when has Mr. Smith been a big fan of Basho?
Part E_5 Comprehension Check
Part E_6 Comprehension Check
Now, let’s review your answers.
(Please review your student’s answers by sending the correct answers in complete sentences. After that, ask your student to read aloud his or her corrected answers.)
Part E_7 Comprehension Check
Part F_1 Answer Questions
Now, you will answer the question based on your own experience. I will check if your sentence is complete and if the grammar is correct.
(Please send the sentences that need grammar corrections to your student.)
Part F_2 Answer Questions
1. Have you ever written a haiku?
Part F_3 Answer Questions
Part F_4 Answer Questions
2. Have you been a fan of someone? Who is it?
Part F_5 Answer Questions
Part F_6 Answer Questions
3. Who is your favorite singer? Since when have you been a fan of him/her?
Part F_7 Answer Questions
Part F_8 Answer Questions
4. How long have you lived in your city? Do you like your city?
Part F_9 Answer Questions
Part F_10 Answer Questions
Now, let’s review your answers.
(Please review your student’s answers by sending the correct answers in complete sentences. After that, ask your student to read aloud his or her corrected answers.)
Part F_11 Answer Questions
Part G_1 Free talk
Let’s do a free talk about the following topics.
(Please do a free talk if you have time left.)


Part G_2 Free talk
Since when have you known your best friend? How did you meet him/her?
Part G_3 Free talk
Part G_4 Free talk
How long have you been studying English? Do you want to use English in the future?
Part G_5 Free talk


Part A_1 Introduction & Ice break
Let’s introduce ourselves to each other.
My name is ________. What is your name?
Part A_2 Introduction & Ice break
I am ________. Nice to meet you.
Part A_3 Introduction & Ice break
Nice to meet you too, ________. Have you ever climbed a mountain? If yes, how was it? If not, do you want to try it?
Part A_4 Introduction & Ice break
Part A_5 Introduction & Ice break
I see. Let’s begin our lesson!
Part B_1 Picture Description 1
Please look at the picture. Then, give 5 things that you see in the picture.
(If your student is having a hard time to answer, please point at each item in the picture and ask your student what each item is.)

Part B_2 Picture Description 1
Word 1:
Word 2:
Word 3:
Word 4:
Word 5:
Part B_3 Picture Description 1
Now, let’s review your answers.
(Please review your student’s answers by sending the correct answers.)
Part B_4 Picture Description 1
Part C_1 Picture Description 2
I will ask the following questions. Please answer based on the picture below. I will check if your sentences are complete and if the grammar is correct.

Part C_2 Picture Description 2
1. What were they doing?
Part C_3 Picture Description 2
Part C_4 Picture Description 2
2. What did the man bring while he was hiking?
Part C_5 Picture Description 2
Part C_6 Picture Description 1
Now, let’s review your answers.
(Please review your student’s answers by sending the correct answers in complete sentences. After that, ask your student to read aloud his or her corrected answers.)
Part C_7 Picture Description 1
Part D_1 Dialogue Practice
We will read aloud the dialogue below twice. I will check your pronunciation and intonation.
First, let’s read aloud clearly and slowly to check your pronunciation. Second, let’s try to read aloud at a natural speed.
Part D_2 Dialogue practice
Climbing a Mountain
My next summer goal is to climb Black Mountain.
Are you serious? That mountain is too difficult to climb. Do you need a special tool?
Yes! I just need good boots.
I think you’re not strong enough to climb that mountain. It’s too high.
I’ll go hiking every weekend. I’ll be fit enough.
I like hiking, too. I’ll go with you sometimes.
Next Summer
I am happy. I didn’t give up while climbing Black Mountain.
You did it! Was it hard?
It’s complicated at first, but I got to the top.
I am glad about the result. You overcame an obstacle.
Yes! I just had to be brave and patient.
Congratulations on achieving something great!
Part D_3 Dialogue Practice
Now, we’ll fill in blanks and read aloud the dialogue. After reading it once, we’ll switch roles. I will check your pronunciation and intonation.
Part D_4 Dialogue practice
Climbing a Mountain
My next summer goal is to climb Black Mountain.
Are you ________? That mountain is ______ difficult to climb. Do you need a special tool?
Yes! I just need good boots.
I think you’re not strong ________ to climb that mountain. It’s too high.
I’ll go hiking every weekend. I’ll be _____ enough.
I like hiking, too. I’ll go with you sometimes.
Next Summer
I am happy. I didn’t give ____ while climbing Black Mountain.
You did it! Was it hard?
It’s complicated at first, but I got to the top.
I am glad about the result. You __________ an obstacle.
Yes! I just had to be brave and _________.
Congratulations on achieving something great!
Part D_5 Dialogue Practice
Now, let us switch roles. Please do not forget the blanks you have filled out. I will check your pronunciation and intonation.
(Go back to part D_4 and switch roles.)
Part D_6 Dialogue Practice
Now, let’s review your answers and mispronounced words.
Part D_7 Dialogue Practice
Part E_1 Answer questions
Now, please fill in the blanks to answer the following questions about yourself.
Part E_2 Answer questions
1. What were you doing during your summer vacation?
Part E_3 Answer questions
I was _____________ during my summer vacation.
Part E_4 Answer questions
2. Do you think you are strong enough to climb a mountain?
Part E_5 Answer questions
Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. I (think/don’t think) I’m strong enough to climb a mountain.
Part E_6 Answer questions
Now, let’s review your answers.
(Please review your student’s answers by sending the correct answers in complete sentences. After that, ask your student to read aloud his or her corrected answers.)
Part E_7 Answer questions
Part F_1 Ask questions
Now, you will ask me questions. Please fill in the blanks to ask the questions below.
Part F_2 Ask questions
1. What _____ you doing after work yesterday?
Part F_3 Ask questions
I was ________________ after work yesterday.
Part F_4 Ask questions
2. Were you ________ at 11:00 a.m. yesterday?
Part F_5 Ask questions
Yes, I was. / No, I wasn’t. I (was/wasn’t) teaching at 11:00 a.m. yesterday.
Part F_6 Ask questions
Now, let’s review your answers.
(Please review your student’s answers by sending the correct answers in complete sentences. After that, ask your student to read aloud his or her corrected answers.)
Part F_7 Ask questions
Part G_1 Answer questions
Now, please answer the following questions. I will check if your sentences are complete and if the grammar is correct.

Part G_2 Answer questions
1. Do you think you are old enough to travel alone?
Answer: .
2. Do you have any goals for this year? What are they? Any small thing is okay.
Answer: .
3. Were you doing anything in the first half of this year to achieve that goal? What were you doing?
Answer: .
4. Do you have to put up with anything at home/in your family? What is it? Why?
Answer: .
5. Have you ever experienced giving up something? How did you feel?
Answer: .
6. What is too expensive for you to buy but you want it? Do you want to buy it in the future?
Answer: .
7. When you face a challenge, do you think you are motivated or upset? Do you think you can deal with it?
Answer: .
Part G_3 Answer questions
Now, let’s review your answers.
(Please review your student’s answers by sending the correct answers in complete sentences. After that, ask your student to read aloud his or her corrected answers.)
Part G_4 Answer questions
Part H_1 Free talk
Let’s do a free talk.
(Please do a free talk if you have time left.)
Part H_2 Free talk
Have you ever achieved anything challenging?
If yes, how did you feel? Was it hard? Please tell me more. Any small thing is okay.
If not, is there anything you want to be able to do? What is it? Any small thing is okay.
Part H_3 Free talk


Part A_1 Self introduction
Let’s introduce ourselves to each other.
My name is ________. What is your name?
Part A_2 Self introduction
I am ________. Nice to meet you.
Part A_3 Self introduction
Nice to meet you too, ________. Let’s begin our lesson!
Part B_1 Vocabulary
We’ll read aloud the words below. Please repeat after me. I will check your pronunciation.
(Please send the mispronounced words and expressions to your student.)
Part B_2 Vocabulary
keep in touch




Part B_3 Vocabulary
Now, let’s review some words from part B_2.
(Please review the mispronounced words and expressions from part B_2.)
Part B_4 Vocabulary
Part C_1 Phrase Practice

We will read aloud the sentences below. I will check your pronunciation and intonation.
(Please send the mispronounced words and expressions to your student.)
PART C_2 Phrase Practice
1. This is a good song, isn’t it?
2. Brad talked to you, didn’t he?
3. We can do it, can’t we?
4. You have met your friends in elementary school, haven’t you?
Part C_3 Phrase Practice

Now, let’s review some words and expressions from part C_2.
(Please review the mispronounced words and expressions from part C_2.)
Part C_4 Phrase Practice

Part D_1 Dialogue practice
We’ll read aloud the dialogue below. I will check your pronunciation and intonation.
(Please send the mispronounced words and expressions that need improvements to your student.)
Part D_2 Dialogue practice
Friendly Talk
Here, this is for you.
Thank you! Wow! This photo album is wonderful! Did you make it?
Yes. We had a lot of fun together, didn’t we?
Yes, we surely did! Haha, I remember this. We were in a Japanese restaurant, weren’t we?
Yes, we were. We will keep in touch, won’t we?
Of course, we will. I hope I can visit you in Tokyo next spring!
Part D_3 Dialogue practice
Now, let’s review some words and expressions from part D_2.
(Please review the mispronounced words and expressions from part D_2.)
Part D_4 Dialogue practice
Part E_1 Questions
Now, you will answer the questions below using the grammar topics you learned. I will check if your sentences are complete and if the grammar is correct.
(Please send the sentences that need grammar corrections to your student.)

Part E_2 Questions
1. You are Japanese, aren’t you?
Part E_3 Questions
Yes/No, I (am/am not). I’m ________________.
Part E_4 Questions
2. You are not Italian, are you?
Part E_5 Questions
Yes/No, I (am/am not). I’m ________________.
Part E_6 Questions
3. You have finished your homework, haven’t you?
Part E_7 Questions
Yes/No, I (have/haven’t). I (have finished/haven’t finished) my homework.
Part E_8 Questions
4. Osaka isn’t the capital city of Japan, is it?
Part E_9 Questions
Yes/No, (it is/it’s not). __________ is the capital city of Japan.
Part E_10 Questions
5. There are a lot of people in Tokyo, aren’t there?
Part E_11 Questions
Yes/No, there (are/are not). There (are/aren’t) a lot of people in Tokyo.
Part E_12 Questions
6. Do you know what your parents are doing now? What are they doing?
Part E_13 Questions
Part E_14 Questions
Now, let’s review your answers.
(Please review your student’s answers by sending the correct answers in complete sentences. After that, ask your student to read aloud his or her corrected answers.)
Part E_15 Questions
Part F_1 Questions
Now, you will ask me questions. I will check if your sentences are complete and if the grammar is correct.
(Please send the sentences that need grammar corrections to your student.)

Part F_2 Questions
1. You are Filipino, ______ you?
ヒント:Filipino フィリピン人
Part F_3 Questions
Yes/No, I (am/am not). I’m _____________.
Part F_4 Questions
2. You _____ like spicy food, do you?
Part F_5 Questions
Yes/No, I _______. I _________ spicy food.
Part F_6 Questions
3. You are not French, _____ you?
Part F_7 Questions
Yes/No, I _________. I (am/am not) French.
Part F_8 Questions
4. You have to work tomorrow, ______ you?
Part F_9 Questions
Yes/No, I _______. I (have to/don’t have to) work tomorrow.
Part F_10 Questions
5. Manila ___ the capital city of the Philippines, isn’t it?
Part F_11 Questions
Yes/No, (it is/it isn’t). Manila (is/is not) the capital city of the Philippines.
Part F_12 Questions
6. Do you know ____ your family is doing today? What are they doing?
Part F_13 Questions
Yes/No, I (know/don’t know) what my family is doing today. They are ______________.
Part F_14 Questions
Now, let’s review your answers.
(Please review your student’s answers by sending the correct answers in complete sentences. After that, ask your student to read aloud his or her corrected answers.)
Part F_15 Questions
Part G_1 Free talk
Let’s do a free talk about the following topics.
(Please do a free talk if you have time left.)
Part G_2 Free talk
You want to visit foreign countries, don’t you?
If yes, what country do you want to visit? Why? What do you want to do there?
If no, is there anywhere you want to go? Where is it? What do you want to do there?
Part G_3 Free talk
Part G_4 Free talk
What are your plans for the weekend?
Are you going to go anywhere?
Part G_5 Free talk


Part A_1 Introduction & Ice break
Let’s introduce ourselves to each other.
My name is ________. What is your name?
Part A_2 Introduction & Ice break
I am ________. Nice to meet you.
Part A_3 Introduction & Ice break
Nice to meet you too, ________. Do you like traveling? What country do you want to visit?
Part A_4 Introduction & Ice break
Part A_5 Introduction & Ice break
I see. Let’s begin our lesson!
Part B_1 Picture Description 1
Please look at the picture. Then, give 5 things that you see in the picture.
(If your student is having a hard time to answer, please point at each item in the picture and ask your student what each item is.)

Part B_2 Picture Description 1
Word 1:
Word 2:
Word 3:
Word 4:
Word 5:
Part B_3 Picture Description 1
Now, let’s review your answers.
(Please review your student’s answers by sending the correct answers.)
Part B_4 Picture Description 1
Part C_1 Picture Description 2
I will ask the following questions. Please answer based on the picture below. I will check if your sentences are complete and if the grammar is correct.

Part C_2 Picture Description 2
1. Where is the woman?
Part C_3 Picture Description 2
Part C_4 Picture Description 2
2. What did the woman buy in the shop?
Part C_5 Picture Description 2
Part C_6 Picture Description 1
Now, let’s review your answers.
(Please review your student’s answers by sending the correct answers in complete sentences. After that, ask your student to read aloud his or her corrected answers.)
Part C_7 Picture Description 1
Part D_1 Dialogue Practice
We will read aloud the dialogue below twice. I will check your pronunciation and intonation.
First, let’s read aloud clearly and slowly to check your pronunciation. Second, let’s try to read aloud at a natural speed.
Part D_2 Dialogue practice
Weekend hiking
Hey, how was your weekend?
It was great! I went camping with Yuri.
How was the weather?
It was bad on the first day because it didn’t stop raining!
That sounds awful! Oh, it’s almost time for our next class!
I’ll tell you more about our camping during lunch!
At lunch time…
So what did you do in the rain?
We found a hotel, but there weren’t any rooms left. We went to another hotel that was more expensive, but the rooms were clean and the dinner was delicious.
Good for you. Then, did you go on a hike?
Yeah, we went hiking on the second day. It was clear, so we hiked to a big cliff. It was tiring but fun! The view from the top was amazing! How about your weekend?
It was not so bad, but it was a bit boring compared to yours.
Did you go anywhere? I want to know about your weekend!
Part D_3 Dialogue Practice
Now, we’ll fill in blanks and read aloud the dialogue. After reading it once, we’ll switch roles. I will check your pronunciation and intonation.
Part D_4 Dialogue practice
Weekend hiking
Hey, how _____ your weekend?
It was great! I ______ camping with Yuri.
______ was the weather?
It was ______ on the first day because it __________ stop raining!
That sounds awful! Oh, it’s almost time for our next class!
I’ll tell you more about our camping during lunch!
At lunch time…
So what _______ you do in the rain?
We found a hotel, but there ___________ any rooms left. We went to another hotel that was more expensive, but the rooms were _______ and the dinner was delicious.
Good for you. Then, did you ____ on a hike?
Yeah, we went hiking on the second day. It was clear, so we ______ to a big cliff. It was tiring but fun! The view from the top was _________! How about your weekend?
It was not so bad, but it was a bit _________ compared to yours.
Did you go anywhere? I want to know about your weekend!
Part D_5 Dialogue Practice
Now, let us switch roles. Please do not forget the blanks you have filled out. I will check your pronunciation and intonation.
(Go back to part D_4 and switch roles.)
Part D_6 Dialogue Practice
Now, let’s review your answers and mispronounced words.
Part D_7 Dialogue Practice
Part E_1 Answer questions
Now, please fill in the blanks to answer the following questions about yourself.
Part E_2 Answer questions
1. What did you do last weekend?
Part E_3 Answer questions
Last weekend, I __________.
Part E_4 Answer questions
2. Did you visit any theme parks?
If yes, which theme park did you visit? How was it?
If no, what theme park do you want to visit?
Part E_5 Answer questions
Yes/No, I (visited/didin’t visit) _______________.
Part E_6 Answer questions
Now, let’s review your answers.
(Please review your student’s answers by sending the correct answers in complete sentences. After that, ask your student to read aloud his or her corrected answers.)
Part E_7 Answer questions
Part F_1 Ask questions
Now, you will ask me questions. Please fill in the blanks to ask the questions below.
Part F_2 Ask questions
1. What ____ you have for lunch yesterday?
Part F_3 Ask questions
I had __________ for lunch yesterday.
Part F_4 Ask questions
2. Did you ____ anywhere last weekend? Where ____ you go?
Part F_5 Ask questions
Yes/No, I (went/didn’t go) anywhere/somewhere last weekend. I went to ________________.
Part F_6 Ask questions
Now, let’s review your answers.
(Please review your student’s answers by sending the correct answers in complete sentences. After that, ask your student to read aloud his or her corrected answers.)
Part F_7 Ask questions
Part G_1 Answer questions
Now, please answer the following questions. I will check if your sentences are complete and if the grammar is correct.

Part G_2 Answer questions
1. Did you enjoy your summer vacation? How was it?
Answer: .
2. Where did you go on your summer vacation?
Answer: .
3. Did you take any photos recently? What did you take?
Answer: .
4. What places did you visit on your school trip? How was it?
Answer: .
5. Did you eat local food on your school trip? What was it? Was it good?
Answer: .
6. Did you achieve any goals last year? What was your goal? What are your goals for this year?
Answer: .
7. How much money did you recently spent? What did you buy with your money?
Answer: .
Part G_3 Answer questions
Now, let’s review your answers.
(Please review your student’s answers by sending the correct answers in complete sentences. After that, ask your student to read aloud his or her corrected answers.)
Part G_4 Answer questions
Part H_1 Free talk
Let’s do a free talk.
(Please do a free talk if you have time left.)
Part H_2 Free talk
What destination did you like the most? Why do you like it?
What destinations do you want to visit on your next trip? Why?
Part H_3 Free talk


– OPEN the tutor guide URL in the Pinned message.
– Follow the instructions in the tutor guide.
Part A_1 Introduction
Let’s introduce ourselves to each other.
My name is ________. What is your name?
Part A_2 Introduction
I am ________. Nice to meet you.
Part A_3 Introduction
Nice to meet you too, ________. Which do you prefer to live in, the city or the countryside? Why?
Part A_4 Introduction
Part A_5 Introduction
________________________________. Let’s begin our lesson!
– OPEN the tutor guide URL in the Pinned message.
– Follow the instructions from [PART B_1] to [PART B_7] in the tutor guide
Part B_1 Listening 1
Please listen carefully while I read the passages.
Then, choose the letter that matches the content.
– Tutors MUST read the passage in the tutor guide in [PART B_2]
– The tutor guide URL is in the pinned message
Part B_2 Listening 1
Question 1:
a. Only the urban population is changing, and the change is brought by people’s moving from rural areas.
b. The number of rural people has slowly decreased and is now very nearly 1.4 billion.
c. Urbanization will happen in some countries, and more and more people will live in urban areas.
d. The population of some cities in South Korea and Japan is expected to increase.
Part B_3 Listening 1
Part B_4 Listening 1
Please listen carefully while I read the short passage once. Then, choose the letter of the correct answer.
– Tutors MUST read the passage in the tutor guide in [PART B_5]
– The tutor guide URL is in the pinned message
Part B_5 Listening 1
Question 2:

a. The increased economic opportunities have attracted people to big cities.
b. People will need to find solutions to many issues because of fast urbanization.
c. The 18th century was the beginning of fast urbanization.
d. Population growth due to urbanization has no negative effects on the global environment.
Part B_6 Listening 1
Part B_7 Listening 1
Now, let’s review your answers.
– Tutors MUST read the instructions in the tutor guide in [PART B_7]
– The tutor guide URL is in the pinned message
Part B_8 Listening 1
– OPEN the tutor guide URL in the Pinned message.
– Follow the instructions from [PART C_1] to [PART C_7] in the tutor guide
Part C_1 Listening 2
Please read the situation below. Then, please listen carefully while I read the dialogue.
After that, please answer the following questions.
Part C_2 Listening 2
Nadia and John are talking about books and e-books.
– Tutors MUST read the dialogue in the tutor guide in [PART C_3]
– The tutor guide URL is in the pinned message
Part C_3 Listening 2
1. What is Nadia’s main point?
a. Reading books is not the best way to get information because books are not updated.
b. It is inconvenient to read books outside the home or library since books are heavy to carry around.
c. It is better to look things up online rather than to read books these days.
d. Reading books is time-consuming and costs a lot compared to buying e-books.
Part C_4 Listening 2
Part C_5 Listening 2
2. Why does John like reading books instead of e-books?
a. Reading books is like listening to music.
b. He loves the feel of paper books.
c. His grandparents love reading books.
d. Reading books reduces stress.
Part C_6 Listening 2
Part C_7 Listening 2
Now, let’s review your answers.
– Tutors MUST read the instructions in the tutor guide in [PART C_7]
– The tutor guide URL is in the pinned message
Part C_8 Listening 2
Part D_1 Vocabulary
We will read aloud the words below. Please repeat after me. I will check your pronunciation.
Part D_2 Vocabulary
1. evolution
2. instinctively
3. ancestor
4. survive
5. grown
Part D_3 Vocabulary
Now, let’s review some words from part E_2.
Part D_4 Vocabulary
Part E_1 Reading
Please read aloud the whole passage below. I will check your pronunciation and intonation.
(Please send the mispronounced words and phrases to your student.)
Part E_2 Reading
Animals use math
The ability to solve math problems is showing up in all kinds of creatures. A growing body of research says that math was probably discovered by nature long before it was discovered by humans. A mathematician, Tim Pennings, has a theory that other organisms have grown naturally over millions of years of evolution to learn the methods that work well when doing things.
Given the difficulties of life in the wild, experts say that math is used frequently in nature. An animal may instinctively increase its chances of surviving by learning which bush has more berries or which group of lions is more fearsome. Probably the same applied to our ancestors. So, perhaps math is more than just a report card grade. Your life may depend on it!
Part E_3 Reading
Now, let’s review some words and sentences from part F_2.
Part E_4 Reading
Part F_1 Reading
I will ask the following questions. Please answer questions 1 to 2 based on the passage, and 3 based on your opinion.
Part F_2 Reading
1. Based on the passage, what is showing up in all kinds of creatures?
Part F_3 Reading
Part F_4 Reading
2. What theory does Tim Pennings have?
Part F_5 Reading
Part F_6 Reading
3. We can always have a calculator with us thanks to smartphones. Do you think people’s ability to calculate on their own has declined? What about you?
Part F_7 Reading
Part F_8 Reading
Now, let’s review your answers.
Part F_9 Reading
Part G_1 Making sentences
Please construct sentences using each word below.
Part G_2 Making sentences
Part G_3 Making sentences
Now, let’s review your answers.
Part G_4 Making sentences
Part H_1 Making essay
Please answer this question:
“Do you think math is useful in your daily life?”
In your answer, explain when and why you think math is / isn’t useful.

Part H_2 Making essay
“Do you think math is useful in your daily life?
In your answer, explain when and why you think math is / isn’t useful.”
(Please read aloud your answer.)
Part H_3 Making essay
Thank you for your presentation. You did a wonderful job. Now, let’s review your answer.
Part H_4 Making essay
Part H_1 Review and feedback
Now, let us review the things that you learned in this lesson.
(Please give a short feedback on how your student did on your class.)
GOOD Was able to speak in complete sentences with minimal grammatical errors.
Was able to pronounce most of the words clearly and correctly.
Used appropriate expressions learned in class.
Was able to understand the passages and answer the questions correctly.

Was able to speak in complete sentences with evident grammatical errors.
Mispronounced a few words.
Used appropriate expressions learned in class and made a few errors in word choice.
Had a little difficulty in understanding passages and answering questions.

Was able to speak using words only.
Mispronounced most of the words.
Used only a few words and expressions.
Had a hard time understanding passages and answering questions.
Part J_1 Free talk
Let’s do a free talk about the following topics.
Part J_2 Free talk
1. Do you like math?
If yes, why do you like it? What do you think are the advantages of math?
if not, why? How do you study math?
Part J_3 Free talk
Part J_4 Free talk
2. Please tell me your favorite and least favorite subjects.

1. Please tell me the reasons why you like it and don’t like it.

2. What do you think those subjects could be used for in the future?

Part J_5 Free talk