All posts by weblio



問題 1

TO: Marie Abbott
FROM: Sam Bartruff
DATE: November 3
SUBJECT: Budget proposal

I’m working on the budget proposal and wanted to confirm some things with you. You mentioned in last week’s meeting that the proposal deadline is November 9. I didn’t realize it at the time, but the 9th is a Sunday. Even if the deadline were changed to Monday the 10th, I’m afraid that wouldn’t give me enough time to finish it. I’m waiting for the people in charge to submit some figures—specifically, this year’s advertising and building maintenance costs. I’ve been told I would have the building maintenance data by Thursday. Advertising is in the midst of a campaign that is scheduled to end on Friday, which means they should be able to give me what I need by early next week. If everything goes smoothly, you will have the proposal by Thursday the 13th. I appreciate your patience.







問題 2

TO: Distribution department staff
FROM: Faith Marshall
DATE: May 15
SUBJECT: Review of distribution practices

Now that our company is marketing some products online, it has become increasingly necessary to review our distribution practices. In order to serve our customers better (i.e., offer them fair prices) in retail outlets, it is probably best to streamline traditional distribution channels. This would most likely indicate creating a route leading straight from us, the producer, to retailers, so that our products can be sold at prices closer to those we offer online. Creating such a route would also mean a substantial cut in distribution costs, which is a boon for our company. I would like to hold a meeting next week to go over what needs to be done in terms of logistics. Please keep Tuesday morning open for that.




問題 1


The distribution department is happy to announce that a new distribution channel will be used starting next quarter. The firm Direct Marketing has agreed to act as our wholesaler. Our former wholesaler was located too far from our factory and was no longer able to offer competitive prices for their services. Direct Marketing is a relative newcomer in this area, but has already established strong connections not only with local retailers, but also with retailers large and small in neighboring states. It is also headed by one of our former employees, Jacob Ramsey, which means that the firm is familiar with the types of products we manufacture. We look forward to a smooth and lasting relationship with Direct Marketing.






英語学習の定番に「洋書を読む」という方法があります。とはいえ洋書は一般的な本よりは手に入れにくいもの。そこで気になるツールが電子書籍です。 が販売する電子書籍リーダー「Kindle」は、英語圏のストアで販売されている膨大な数の洋書が揃っています。価格もお値打ち、オンラインですぐ入手可能、さらに辞書や単語帳といった学習者向けの便利機能も満載。もう無敵に思えるほど。

他方、紙の本を用いた学習は Kindle を使った学習に勝るという調査結果も報告されています。一長一短という側面もあるという点は留意しておくべきかもしれません。












To: Eileen Chen, Top Trends
From: Diane Reeves, Tindal Industries
Date: April 7
Subject: Lawn chairs

Dear Eileen,

Please accept our apology for what has happened. There is no excuse for disappointing a valued customer like Top Trends.

I will see to it that replacements for all of the chairs be sent to your store immediately. I will inform the driver of the delivery truck to remove the entire first shipment from your store at that time.

As compensation for this inconvenience, I would like to offer a 20% discount on the chairs, and 10% off all future purchases. The 20% discount for this order will be reflected in the new invoice.

Thank you for your patience and understanding. I assure you this will never happen again.






To: Diane Reeves, Tindal Industries
From: Eileen Chen, Top Trends
Date: April 7
Subject: Defective chairs

Dear Diane,

This is in regard to the order of 20 lawn chairs we received from you on April 6. Upon inspection, we found that the armrests of five of the chairs had some kind of chemical stain on them. In addition, all the chairs had scratch protectors missing from their legs, and some of the legs showed signs of rust.

This is the first time we’ve ever received defective products from your company and needless to say, we’re shocked. We really like the design of these chairs and want to start selling them in time for the warm weather. What are we to do? I’d appreciate hearing from you as soon as possible.



