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英語の話し言葉で使われる「What’s your poison?」という言い回し。「poison」は《毒》という意味ですが ・・・ どういう意味で使われるか分かりますか?
正解は: 続きを読む
And Cooray, A. And Dannerbauer, H. And Eales, S. The brush height was found to increase with improving thermodynamic quality of the solvent due to increasingly strong repulsive excluded volume interactions between chain segments. Model fitting of the reflectivity data revealed that the polymer volume fraction profile was well described by parabola like functions in agreement with the predictions of self consistent field theory. No changes in the reflectivity profiles were observed upon exposure of the brush layers to solvent flow induced area average shear rates of up to 147 000 s(^ 1).
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もし英語で会話している際に「It’s Greek to me!」なんて言われたら、ちょっと気をつけるべきかも知れません。
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