











必要・不必要を表現する英語の形容詞は沢山あります。たとえば necessary、needed、required、indispensable、などなど。何がどう違うのかと混乱しがちですが、その混乱の元は各単語を必要性や重要性の「度合い」で比較しようとしているからかも知れません。




英単語 otherwise には「さもないと」「その他の点では」「それとは違った風に」という、一見すると意味が全然違って見える3つの意味があります。

otherwise が文中でどのような意味で使われているかは、文脈次第という側面が強く、使い分け方が身につくまでは判断に苦労します。それだけに、いったん把握してしまえば幅広い場面で使える便利な表現でもあります。




問題 2


From: Grace Townsend, Supervisor
To: All Townsend factory staff
Date: February 10
Re: Change in shift hours

In compliance with new company policy set forth to foster a better working environment, factory shift hours will be changed on an experimental basis for six months starting March 15. The morning shift will be moved up one hour to begin at 8 A.M. and end at 4 P.M., the day shift will be from 4 P.M. to 12 A.M., and the night shift will be from 12 A.M. to 8 A.M. Although the beginning and ending times of shifts will change, actual hours worked will remain the same, which means that wages will not be affected. If you have any questions regarding these changes, feel free to contact me at any time.




問題 1


Become a permanent member of the Fashion Outlet family! The Fashion Outlet stores located downtown and in Mega Mall are looking to fill five full-time positions. We are giving priority to those of you currently working as summer part-time employees. Becoming a full-time employee of Fashion Outlet means you will receive a pay raise as well as be eligible for all company benefits. You will be required to sign a full-time employment agreement with us after which you will no longer be free to engage in other employment. If you are interested in joining the Fashion Outlet family on a full-time basis, contact me at lchang@fashionoutlet.com by August 20, and I will give you the application details.

Lola Chang
Manager, Fashion Outlet, Mega Mall



会社員には、正社員、パート・アルバイト、契約社員などの雇用形態(employment status)があります。企業は必要に応じて各雇用形態の人員を募集・採用し、雇用契約を結びます。雇用形態によって、業務内容、賃金や就業時間、雇用期間、福利厚生の適用範囲などが異なります。一方、勤務形態には日勤、夜勤、非常勤などがありますが、特に病院や工場など24時間体制で業務を行わなければならないところでは、勤務時間帯を区切って人員を入れ換えて働くシフト制を採用する場合がほとんどです。テストでは、こうした形態に関する語句が使われることが多いので、この項で関連語句をしっかり覚えましょう。




問題 3

Ms. Julie Marshall
429 Forest Way
Springfield, MA 01107

Dear Ms. Marshall,

As director of Human Resources at Mobile Solutions Inc., I am happy to confirm that you have been hired for full-time employment as a customer service representative. Your employment begins on Monday, June 9. Please report to my office at 9 A.M. so we can go over your starting salary, vacation time and benefits package.

As a new employee, you will be required to take part in a three-week orientation program, which is to begin on Tuesday, June 10. The first week of orientation helps all new hires become acquainted with company procedures and policies. During the remaining two weeks of orientation, you will receive training specific to your work in customer service.

We look forward to working with you here at Mobile Solutions.

George Jacobs
Director, Human Resources
Mobile Solutions Inc.




問題 2

To: Mr. James Finley
From: Sue Patterson, Melodia Industries
Date: March 18
Subject: Change in interview date

Thank you for your recent application for the position of sales representative for Melodia Industries. I am writing to inform you that the head of Sales, Don Richman, who was scheduled to conduct the interview, has suddenly been called away on family business. Unfortunately, your interview scheduled for tomorrow at 10 A.M. will have to be rescheduled. The new date is next Wednesday, March 26 at 2 P.M. Could you kindly let me know if you can make it? If not, the day cannot be changed, but we can switch your appointment with one of the other candidates who have interviews scheduled for the morning of the 26th. We regret the inconvenience and look forward to meeting with you.




* 問題 1は2文書問題でQuestion AとQuestion Bがあります。

問題 1

Junior Market Analyst Wanted

• A market research firm in Singapore seeks a junior market analyst in a part-time capacity to start on January 1. In addition to general market analysis tasks, the junior market analyst will be expected to assist senior analysts in preparing client presentations.

• A math or sociology degree and a minimum of two years of experience as a junior market analyst is required. It is also necessary to have excellent verbal and written communication skills. Proficiency in Mandarin is preferred.

• Tentative work hours will be 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. on Mondays and Tuesdays, and 1:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. on Fridays. Hours may be increased during peak periods.

• Interested individuals should send an e-mail accompanied by a résumé and at least two professional references to Misa Takahama of Singh Financial Services at mtakahama@singhfs.com by December 5. Salary information will be provided upon receipt of the résumé and references.



企業は優秀な人材を求めて求人を行います。求人の流れとしては、まず人事部が求人広告を出して希望者を募集します。新卒者対象の求人のほか、即戦力を求める中途採用があります。そして、書類審査や面接(interview)などの選考を行い、会社に必要だと判断した応募者を採用します。日本も欧米もこの流れはほぼ同じですが、欧米の書類審査では、履歴書(résumé)のほか、履歴書に添えるカバーレター(cover letter)という書類や、身元紹介先(reference)の情報が重要視されます。テストでは、希望者を募る広告や、選考方法や手順に関するメールなどがよく出題されるので、関連語句をしっかり覚えましょう。




問題 2

EMPLOYEE OF THE YEAR—Glenn Stacey is the recipient of this year’s award. Glenn’s hard work as assistant manager of Human Resources came to the attention of the Employee of the Year selection committee when several of his coworkers from HR and those from other departments nominated him. Glenn has been dedicating himself to creating the ideal work environment for Parsons Inc. employees. He initiated the highly successful in-house day-care and workspace sharing programs last year, and is currently working on a unique curriculum to reduce stress in the workplace. Glenn’s determination and hard work will be recognized at the company Christmas party on December 20.




問題 1

To: All Staff

Phil Powers of Engineering got his transfer order late last week and will be transferred to the Dunkirk factory at the end of next month. If there were a Who’s Who for our headquarters here in Summerville, Phil would certainly be in it. He has been a mentor to many of us during his eight years here. For those of us who had him as our supervisor, he always shared his expert knowledge gladly and delighted us with his sense of humor. We’re having a good-bye party for Phil on Friday, November 13. May Honda, who will be taking Phil’s place, is organizing the party. Please call her at extension 2030 by November 5 if you’d like to join in Phil’s send-off.



会社に入るとまず、肩書きのない社員からスタートし、さまざまな経験を経て、主任→係長→課長→部長…のような順に役職・地位が上がっていきます。これを昇進(promotion)と言い、昇進するたびに給料が上がります(get a raise)。また、昇進するためのさまざまな経験をさせるために、会社は社員の所属する部署を変えたり、本社から国内外の支社に配属を変えたりします。これが人事異動(transfer)です。こうした昇進や異動などの人事は社内の人事部(Human Resources、略称HR)が担当します。昇進や異動に関する会話やお知らせは、リスニング、リーディングのどちらのセクションでも頻繁に出題されます。




問題 2

TO: All employees
FROM: Mona Dewitt
CC: Kate Kapur
DATE: April 20
SUBJECT: Annual Picnic

Hello all! We had a long winter but spring is right around the corner and that means it’s time for our annual picnic! The picnic will be held at:

11 A.M.-3 P.M.

The picnic is one of the best ways to get acquainted with coworkers and their families, so we’re hoping all of you will attend!

Kate Kapur and I are in charge of the event this year. Thanks to many of you who have come forward to help us, most of the arrangements have already been made. However, we are still looking for volunteers to coordinate games for kids and to order beverages.

If you’d be willing to help, please let both Kate and I know by April 25. In the meantime, feel free to contact us with any questions.




問題 1


As part of the company’s benefits package, employees of Adler Industries have been entitled to membership discounts at fitness centers in town. Until last year, we had a deal with Train First and Top Shape. Starting this year, we signed a contract with the Nice-n-Fit chain of fitness centers. The main branch of Nice-n-Fit is conveniently located in Blake Tower next door with four more locations throughout town. If you become a member of Nice-n-Fit, you will have access to any of its facilities. The company will cover the registration fee and subsidize 80% of monthly membership. Everyone is eligible—all you have to do is submit an application—they are available in the Benefits office.



会社は従業員に給与やボーナスを支給しますが、それ以外に、健康保険への加入や、有給休暇、出産休暇などの休暇制度、家賃を補てんする住宅手当などを用意します。このような、給与、ボーナス以外の社員のための制度を総称して「福利厚生(benefits package)」と言います。会社によっては、スポーツジムや保養施設の使用料の割引などの特典を与えるところもあります。従業員の労働意欲を向上させて仕事のパフォーマンスを高めてもらうのが福利厚生の目的の1 つです。テストでよく出題される基本的な用語を押さえておきましょう。




問題 2

To: All staff
From: George Springer
Date: August 17
Subject: Delay in renovations

The lobby renovations that were scheduled to begin this week have been delayed due to one of the contractors pulling out at the last minute. We are currently consulting with the construction firm to hire another contractor, but we’ve been informed that this could take at least a week. All the equipment and supplies to be used for the work have already been placed in the lobby and must remain there for the time being. We’re sorry for the inconvenience but kindly bear with us for a while longer. In the interim, please use the back entrance. We will keep you posted on further developments.


