


To: Eileen Chen, Top Trends
From: Diane Reeves, Tindal Industries
Date: April 7
Subject: Lawn chairs

Dear Eileen,

Please accept our apology for what has happened. There is no excuse for disappointing a valued customer like Top Trends.

I will see to it that replacements for all of the chairs be sent to your store immediately. I will inform the driver of the delivery truck to remove the entire first shipment from your store at that time.

As compensation for this inconvenience, I would like to offer a 20% discount on the chairs, and 10% off all future purchases. The 20% discount for this order will be reflected in the new invoice.

Thank you for your patience and understanding. I assure you this will never happen again.






To: Diane Reeves, Tindal Industries
From: Eileen Chen, Top Trends
Date: April 7
Subject: Defective chairs

Dear Diane,

This is in regard to the order of 20 lawn chairs we received from you on April 6. Upon inspection, we found that the armrests of five of the chairs had some kind of chemical stain on them. In addition, all the chairs had scratch protectors missing from their legs, and some of the legs showed signs of rust.

This is the first time we’ve ever received defective products from your company and needless to say, we’re shocked. We really like the design of these chairs and want to start selling them in time for the warm weather. What are we to do? I’d appreciate hearing from you as soon as possible.







問題 2


HILL AND COMPANY opened its doors exactly one year ago, and we’re proud to announce our first 100-hour sale. We’re going all out to show you that we truly appreciate your patronage—stop by and take advantage of all the savings! Sale starts on April 8.

•Save 20% on all imported whites
•Half off Chilean reds
•Super savings on all domestic wines
•Free delivery for purchases of six bottles or more*
•Buy one HILL original wine opener and get one free

*Delivery limited to Westlake, Pinewood and Ramona




問題 1


Dear Shin,

It’s time to start organizing our summer sales campaign. Our goal for the campaign is to achieve sales at least 10% higher than the spring campaign, which was disappointing in terms of revenue and product publicity. In fact, according to customer feedback, it was the worst campaign ever. My idea is to offer discounts in addition to the giveaways we’ve been providing during past campaigns. We need to rethink the giveaways as well if we are to motivate customers to participate in the campaign. I’m going to go ahead and schedule a meeting next week. All my staff are free Wednesday morning, so that would be the best day for us. Let me know if that would work for you.



企業は、自社の商品やサービスを消費者に知ってもらい、最終的に購入してもらうために、販売促進(sales promotion)のためのキャンペーンを行います。キャンペーンの種類は、マスメディアを使った広告や、期間限定の値引き、サンプルの無料配布や実演販売の実施などさまざまです。企業の宣伝部や営業部が中心となってキャンペーンを企画・準備し、実際に販売を行う店員を宣伝担当者などがサポートします。テストでは宣伝やキャンペーンの内容に関するやりとりがよく出題されるので、関連する語句をまとめて覚えておきましょう。




問題 2

From: Lori James, Product Test Coordinator
To: R&D Department
Date: July 12
Re: New product test

We will conduct a product test for our new brand of toothpaste—tentatively named Glow White—for two weeks beginning Monday. I’ve provided a brief summary below of how the test will be conducted. E-mail me if you have any questions.

A focus group of fifty participants between the ages of 35 and 45 will be given a 14-day sample of Glow White. They will be interviewed at company headquarters on July 25, when they will be asked to rate the sample on a scale of 1-10 in categories such as effectiveness, flavor and naming.




問題 1

From: Michel Baker, Marketing Director
To: All Marketing staff
Date March 20
Subject: Cream-Lite free sample program

The subject program will begin a week ahead of schedule on April 1. Thirty-gram complimentary containers of Cream-Lite, along with discount coupons for the 200-gram carton, will be given to potential customers in five locations in the Bay Area for a period of 10 days. Feedback questionnaires will also be handed out at that time for customers to complete and return by April 30.

John Abrahams and Tina Lin are responsible for compiling the data from the questionnaires, a task that should be complete by May 5. I plan to schedule a meeting for the week of May 5 so we can discuss results, and will let you know once the details are set.



企業ではよく、新しい商品の開発段階や、地域限定でのテスト販売、また、全国的な販売を始めた直後などで、消費者満足度調査(Customer Satisfaction Survey)を行います。これらは、企業のねらいと消費者の嗜好のズレを修正し、よりたくさん売れる商品を育て上げるために欠かせない企業活動です。調査の対象になるのは形のある商品だけでなく、サービスも対象になります。本書の読者の中には、企業の新商品のモニターのアルバイトをしている人もいるでしょう。今回は、そのモニター活動を企業の視点からながめ、このジャンルの出題に強くなりましょう。



イギリス 。いわゆる英国の一般的な呼び名です。この「イギリス」という呼称は日本独自の呼びかたです。英語では通じません。言い方を変えて「エゲレス」と発音しても通じませんのであしからず。

英語では一般的には「UK」のように行ったり、ブリテン(Britain)と言ったりします。これら UK や Britain が何を指す呼び名なのか、きちんと把握してきましょう。


【英語】恋人の「I like you.」は十分な愛情表現、loveじゃなくても落ち込むな

恋人関係にある二人は互いに「好きだよ」なんて風に囁き合うものです。相手への好意や愛情を表現する英語フレーズとしては「I love you.」の一言がまず思い浮かぶでしょう。ただし、これは結構「重い」表現であるということも念頭に置いておくべきでしょう。

交際を始めてまだ間もない頃は I love you. よりも I like you. と伝え合うことの方が普通です。早々に「I love you. 」と言うと相手が引く可能性もあります。恋人が自分に I like you. と伝えてきたからといって、何だか軽い言い方だなと考えることもありません。



問題 2

invites you to the launch party of

Thank you for your continued patronage of BOSCO TECH products. We are proud to announce the launch of our newest line of shock absorbing gel sheets, MEGA GEL. BOSCO TECH continues to be dedicated to product quality and innovation, and that is what we deliver with MEGA GEL, a product that protects everything from smartphones to flat screen TVs. We would like you to celebrate with us and share in the wonder of the shock absorbing technology of the future.

September 12
6:00 P.M.
Lakeside Gold Lounge

R.S.V.P. to gjohnson@boscotech.com by September 1




問題 1

To: Deborah Miles
From: Bob Selander
Date: October 4
Subject: New product presentation

Regarding the decision reached last week at our department’s monthly meeting—we are scheduled to make a presentation to Marketing in mid-November for a new home disinfectant. Having assessed customer needs through the market research conducted this summer, it is clear that customers want an effective yet safe product with several choices of scent. The prototype we now have can be arranged in several ways to cater to customer demands, so not much work is needed there. However, the presentation itself must be attractive; otherwise it will be impossible to persuade Marketing to buy our idea. I suggest that we, and at least three others in Product Development, meet at the earliest possible date to brainstorm.



新しい製品を販売するにあたっては、まず、商品開発部(Product Development Department)のプロジェクトチームが情報を収集・検討して、商品のコンセプトを考えます。次に、コンセプトや商品仕様、採算性などをまとめた企画書(proposal)を上司や会社の経営幹部に提出し、社内会議でプレゼンテーション(presentation)を行うのが一般的です。この会議で商品化するかどうかが決まります。続いて、製造部門と協力して、商品仕様をもとに試作品の改良を重ねます。同時に、その製品を販売するための販売戦略も考えなければなりません。テストでは、これらの段階での社員の会話や社内文書が出題されるので、商品開発の流れを把握しておきましょう。




問題 2

Norfolk Pool Service
2355 Venice Avenue
Sebastopol, CA 95429

September 9

Mary Murdoch
9021 Elm Street
Sebastopol, CA 95477

Dear Ms. Murdoch,

This is to inform you that payment for Invoice #40293 dated August 10 is now overdue. If payment in full is not received by September 15, a late charge of 8% will be added to your bill. We would appreciate receiving your payment as soon as possible. Payment may be made by check or bank transfer. The information you need when writing the check or making the transfer can be found on the invoice. You may also make your payment at our offices on Venice Avenue.

Please disregard this notice if payment has already been made. Thank you for your cooperation.

Cindy Kato




問題 1

TO: Jack Loomis, Boyd Corporation
FROM: Rhonda Li, Dome Electronics
DATE: May 18
SUBJECT: Request for new deadline

I am sorry to have to report that we experienced difficulty implementing the changes you made last week to the specifications for the BX350 bike lamp. As a result, production of the first batch of lamps is running behind schedule. We can deliver 100 lamps by the initial deadline of May 25, but must ask for a new deadline for the remaining 400. At this point, June 5 would be a realistic date to aim for. I realize this gives you only five days to fit your new line of bikes with the lamps before the launch date of June 10. Needless to say, the lamps are far better with the specification changes, and we hope for your understanding concerning this matter.





